魅力はわかりますが、本当に運が良くない限り、ボーナス機能があっても勝つのは難しい.いずれにせよ、先週の日曜日からギャンブルをやめました あまりにも多くのお金を失いました 何年にもわたってどれだけの現金を失ったかを考えると、私は本当にマグカップでした CASiNO ALWAYS WINS !!
I can see the appeal but still hard to win even with bonus features unless you get really lucky. Any way as from last Sunday I have quit gambling lost too much money I have been a mug really when I think of how much cash I lost over the years CASiNO ALWAYS WINS!!
私がそれを制御下に置く唯一の方法は、完全に停止することです.彼らは私がプレイしたスロットの RTP を下げました。これで終わりです。もう 1 セントも賭けることはありません 👍🏼😆
The only way for me to keep it under control is to stop completely I have an obsessive compulsive disorder and once I start I get locked in and can’t break away and I’m certain that because the casinos profits have been hit by the recession they have lowers the RTP on the slot I played. So that’s it now I will never gamble another penny 👍🏼😆
以前も同じ問題がありましたが、何らかの理由で、オーバープレイをコントロールできるようになりました。今回は本当にプレイをやめていただければ幸いです。 😊😊😊
I had the same issue before, but for some reason, I now can control when I am overplaying. I hope you managed to really stop playing this time. 😊😊😊
The Casino always wins because it has its risk management in place. The thing with gambling is that, in the long run, the house always has an edge. However, this doesn't mean you can't earn money from gambling.
The Casino always wins because it has its risk management in place. The thing with gambling is that, in the long run, the house always has an edge. However, this doesn't mean you can't earn money from gambling.
Well, from time to time you can win something, that's for sure, but I'm sure you can't develop a steady income simply by playing in the casino.
I believe that this is obvious, check out this video:
Yes, it is hard to rely on Casinos as the only source of income, but you can win something from time to time. Who knows, maybe your next big win is just around the corner! I will look into the video. Thanks!
あなたのチャンスを高めることができるいくつかの戦略があると言っても過言ではありませんが、勝利は決して確実ではありません 🙂.
どういたしまして。 😉
It's fair to say that there are some strategies that can enhance your chances but the win is never certain 🙂.
You're welcome. 😉
私たちのライブラリによると、現在トップ 5 のゲームに入っているもう 1 つの「ブック オブ」ゲームはBook of Shadowsです。
したがって、これも言及する価値があると思います。 😉
According to our library, another "book of" games that is currently among the top 5 games is Book of Shadows!
Hence I believe that this one is worth mentioning too. 😉
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