本作がお気に入りですか?高額賞金を獲得したのですか?技術的な問題が発生したのですか?Big Bass Vegas Double Down Deluxeに関するディスカッションであれば、こちらをご利用ください。
What positivity is coming out of your post. I like it.👌
Thank you for your kind words, even though we are not a real casino.😉
Do you play the game at some online casino, perhaps?
Big Bass シリーズはあまり好きではありません。スロットが多すぎて、どれがどれかわかりにくいです。あまりに数が多いので、名前がどんどん長くなっています。おそらく、Big Bass Mega Bonanza Megaways Christmas - Keep it Reel のようなものがクリスマスに間に合うようにリリースされるでしょう。
Not really a fan of the Big Bass series - there's so many slots that its hard to tell which is which. There's so many the names are getting longer and longer. Probably see something like Big Bass Mega Bonanza Megaways Christmas - Keep it Reel launched in time for Christmas.
Respect to my Irish brethren101#mikeywalker.hey their are some good games I'm not a fan of all to tell you the truth I just play to have abit of fun.if I was well enough & rich I wouldn't do better things have my own business this is just passtime my biggest prayer And wish is for all mankind to get along together their is a way yes they all can. Respect to you mikey$$$$$$walker.....my gratitude 🙏
The best of men has care fairness justice prayer hope for all.i know what the Irish went through my own suffered worse to. But forgiveness mercy pardon to overlook others faults wrongs is the way forward it paves the way for a better together future lots of blessings peace and love to you mikey☆☆☆☆☆walker.ive never had a vision a dream of being mega rich with money but to be rich with the countless prayers blessings of people its strange I don't even know you but I speak my soul to you.the biggest of all gifts to me is knowing God the 1 creator of us all his creations.and many Irish make me proud👏 In every humble way.i wish Nicole sherzinger was my wife🤩something to make you laugh before you sleep if your nor already good night bigg fellah...
Big Bass シリーズはあまり好きではありません。スロットが多すぎて、どれがどれかわかりにくいです。あまりに数が多いので、名前がどんどん長くなっています。おそらく、Big Bass Mega Bonanza Megaways Christmas - Keep it Reel のようなものがクリスマスに間に合うようにリリースされるでしょう。
Not really a fan of the Big Bass series - there's so many slots that its hard to tell which is which. There's so many the names are getting longer and longer. Probably see something like Big Bass Mega Bonanza Megaways Christmas - Keep it Reel launched in time for Christmas.
実際のところ、付け加えるなら、私は十分なバージョンを見ていますが、誘惑されることもありません。特に、たとえばボーナス ラウンドで、ゲームで実際には使用されないアップグレードをいくつかキャッチできる場合などです。この状況では、私もおそらく同様の意見です。😀
Actually, if I may add, I see enough versions but I wouldn't be tempted either. Especially when I see that for example in bonus rounds you can catch some upgrades that are not really used in the game. I would probably be of a similar opinion in this situation. 😀
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