こんにちは。Juraj に追加できるかどうか聞いてみます。よくプレイしますか? かなりの金額を獲得できましたか? 😉
Greetings, I will try to ask Juraj if he will be able to add it. Do you play it often? Did you manage to win some nice amounts? 😉
こんにちは。Juraj に追加できるかどうか聞いてみます。よくプレイしますか? かなりの金額を獲得できましたか? 😉
Greetings, I will try to ask Juraj if he will be able to add it. Do you play it often? Did you manage to win some nice amounts? 😉
こんにちは、Juraj さんにメールします。このゲームを提供しているゲーム プロバイダーはどこでしょうか? よくプレイしますか? 😀
Hi, I'll write to Juraj. Which game provider has this game? Do you play it often? 😀
こんにちは、リクエストされたゲームはかなり古いですね 😀 残念ながら、このゲームは物理的なスロット マシンでのみ利用可能で、オンラインでは利用できませんでした。申し訳ありません。
Hello, this is pretty old game you requested 😀 Unfortunately this game was only available on physical slot machines, not online. Sorry.
Could you be more specific, please? Which provider is it from, for example?
Hello, is this really a game? Or do you mean something else? Could you tell me more about it if it is a game? Which game provider has it?
それで、それがタイトルだと思いました。Juraj に手紙を書いたので、可能であれば彼が追加してくれる予定です。
So that's the title, I figured. I wrote to Juraj and when possible he will add it.
Do you play it often?
こんにちは。このゲームはないので、Juraj に追加できるかどうか問い合わせてみます。カジノのどこかでこのゲームをプレイできますか?
プロバイダー自体については、彼のゲームがいくつかあるのですが、見つけられましたか? 😀
Hello, we don't have this game and I'll write to Juraj if he can add it. Do you play this game somewhere in the casino?
As for the provider itself, we have a couple of games from him, did you manage to find them? 😀
Sorry, but you would have to be more specific, please. Are these some games you would like? Which provider has them, please?
こんにちは。Juraj にメールを送ったので、可能かどうか確認してみます。どのゲーム プロバイダーがこのゲームを提供していますか? お気に入りですか?😀
Hi, I wrote to Juraj and we will see if it will be possible. Which game provider has this game? Is it your favourite?😀
こんばんは。私はマザードラゴンのようなPGゲームをいくつかプレイしました。そして今はもうプレイできません。PGゲームがどこにあるか教えていただけますか? ありがとうございます。
Good evening. I've played a few PG games like Mother Dragon. And now I can't play them anymore here can you help me where the PG games are ???? Thank you.
Boa noite. Eu joguei alguns jogos da PG como a mamãe dragão. E agora não estou conseguindo jogar eles mais aqui pode me ajudar onde fica os jogos da PG ???? Obrigado.
弊社でプレイしたゲームを正確に教えていただけますか? 弊社には少し違う名前の「Mother of Dragons」というゲームがあるようです。PG ゲームはゲーム プロバイダーのはずですよね? ここでは見つからないのでプレイできないのですか、それとも理由は何ですか?
Can you please tell me exactly what game you played with us? I see that we have a game called Mother of Dragons which is a slightly different name. PG games is supposed to be a game provider? You can't play them because you can't find them here or what's the reason?
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