本作がお気に入りですか?高額賞金を獲得したのですか?技術的な問題が発生したのですか?Chronicles of Olympus X-UPに関するディスカッションであれば、こちらをご利用ください。
あなたのレビューでは、RTP と賭け金のサイズがオペレーターごとに異なる可能性があることについてまったく触れられていないことに気づきました。
また、ボラティリティ、さらにはヒット率についても触れてみませんか? これらの側面は、どのプレイヤーも合理的にプレイできる以上のスピン (数十万回のスピン) に基づく RTP よりも、ゲームプレイに大きな影響を与えます。
ちなみに、このゲームでは、RTP は 92.1% ~ 96.44% の範囲で変動性が高く、ヒット率は 24.14% であることがわかりました。
I notice that in your reviews you never mention that the RTP and bet sizes can differ from one operator to another.
Also, why don't you mention the volatility, or even better, the hit rate? These aspects have a much larger effect on the gameplay than the RTP which is based on more spins than any player can reasonably play (hundreds of thousands of spins).
Btw, for this game I found that the RTP can range from 92.1%-96.44%, the volatility is High and the hit-rate is 24.14%.
RTP に関しては、カジノによって変わる可能性があるため、プレイヤーは RTP にも注意する必要があります。すべてのプロバイダーがカジノに変更オプションを提供できるわけではないため、特定のプロバイダーのみに適用される必要があり、時間の経過とともに変更される可能性もあります。そのため、ゲームの RTP が何であるかを知りたい場合は、常にサポートまたはライブチャットに連絡することをお勧めします。
Because as far as volatility is concerned, many players don't know this concept and don't really appreciate it.
As far as RTP is concerned, players should also keep an eye on it, because it can change in casinos. Not every provider has such a possibility to give casinos the option to change it, so it would have to be only for certain ones and such a thing can also change over time. So if someone wants to know what the RTP of the game is, I always recommend contacting support or live chat.
興味深い視点ですね。これはプレイヤーに何か新しいことを教えるのに最適な変更だと思います。なぜなら、ゲームがどのように感じられるかをよりよく準備できるからです。特に、ボラティリティの代わりにヒット ラットを使用する場合はそうですが、私の意見では、どちらも RTP よりもはるかに価値のある (そして重要な) 情報です 😉
Interesting point of view, I'd say it's a perfect change to teach players something new because they would be better prepared for how a game will feel. Especially if you use hit-rat instead of volatility, although both are much more valuable (and important) info to have than the RTP in my opinion 😉
これは非常に重要な情報であることに私は確かに同意します。そのため、プレイヤーの視野を広げるために、 ガイドを作成しました。しかし、参加する人の多くは、そのようなことにあまり関心がなく、誰かが関心を持っている場合は、かなり良い議論になる可能性があります。🙂
I certainly agree that this is quite important information and that's why we have a guide written for it, which can broaden the players' horizons. But a lot of them who come don't care much about such things and if someone does, it can be a pretty good debate.🙂
「聞いたことのないこの指標とは何ですか? 彼らがそれを言及した場合、それは重要なのかもしれません (重要なに違いありません)」。彼らはいつでもそれを無視することを選択できますが、少なくともあなたは彼らに機会を提供します。
フォーラムの別の場所で中毒について議論したことと似ています。これはインターネットであり、リンクに基づいています。したがって、いつでもどこでもリンクを使用することを恐れないでください (関連性がある限り)。
一方で、このアドバイスは自分とクライアントだけに留めておくべきかもしれません。あなた方はすでに十分に大きな競争相手なのですから 😉
... and as with your other content a very good guide at that. Maybe the best one available on the internet. (because I haven't written one myself yet, hahaha)
But as a responsible gambling advocate I beg to differ, I think it's important, or our responsibility even, to 'make them' aware as much as possible.
My approach would be based on the idea that if you don't make it visible, you will withhold players from the opportunity to become curious or point out there is a horizon to broaden.
"What's this metric I never heard of? If they mention it, it might (must) be important". They can always chose to ignore it, but at least you provide them with the opportunity.
Similar to another discussion I had elsewhere on the forum about addiction. This is the internet, it's based on links, so don't be afraid to use them wherever and whenever you can (as long as it's relevant).
On the other hand, maybe I should keep this advice to myself and my clients, you're a big enough competitor as it is 😉
PS, I hope you don't mind such discussions in public under a game page.
It doesn't matter at all because you have also expressed yourself about the game and your opinion and attitude. We have no problem at all with some constructive criticism and it might not be a bad idea to at least incorporate such things in the future. So maybe we'll talk about it in the future with the team and see if something comes up. Maybe they will have reasons why it shouldn't be that way again, but everything should always be clearly explained.
Of course, it would be great if the players were aware and knew such gambling-related words that are relevant. But sometimes it is good to educate them. That's why I'm glad when someone asks questions and we also come across topics that are often not discussed by players.🙂
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