本作がお気に入りですか?高額賞金を獲得したのですか?技術的な問題が発生したのですか?Doctor Winsteinに関するディスカッションであれば、こちらをご利用ください。
このゲームは、0.30 の賭け金で 5 日間で 3000 ユーロを消費しました!!!! 利益なし!!! この RTR は非常に偽物です!!!! 5% でもプレイヤーには戻りません!!!! このゲームは利益をもたらしません!!!!
This game ate 3000 euros in 5 days, at a bet of 0.30!!!! no profit!!! this RTR is VERY FAKE!!!! Even 5% has no return to the player!!! This game does not give any profits!!!!
こんにちは。ここでだけプレイしましたか、それともカジノでもプレイしましたか? この経験の後では、おそらくお気に入りではないと思いますが、単にネガティブなだけだったのであれば、驚きません。
Hi, did you play it only here or also in the casino? I can see that after this experience it probably won't be your favourite but if it was just negative then yes I'm not surprised.
最悪なのは、プレイを続けてさらに負けたのに何もなかったことです!!! 戻りはありません!!! ゲームごとに200、300ユーロも何もありませんでした!!! 正確にどれだけ負けたか考えたくもありません!!!! 私の意見では、これはすべてカジノによって設定されています!!! 私の意見では、すべてのアカウントはカジノ自体によって管理されています!!!
the worst thing is that I continued to play and lost a lot more and nothing!!! no return!!! 200, 300 euros per game nothing!!!! I don't even want to think about exactly how much more I lost!!!! my opinion is that all this is set up by the casino!!! in my opinion, every single account is controlled by the casino itself!!!
най лошото е , че продължих и след това да играя и загубих още много и нищо !!! никаква възвращаемост !!! по 200, 300 евро на игра нищо !!!! не искам даже да си помисля точно колко още ми изяде !!!! моето мнение е , че всичко това е нагласено от казиното !!! според мен всеки един акаунт е контролиран от самото казино !!!
It would require a very sophisticated system and I don't think it would be possible and especially effective to check every account.
I would say if you have a bad streak, take a break and don't play in the casino. Clear your head a bit and make sure you give yourself a limit that you're willing to lose without being uncomfortable. That's probably the most sensible advice from me.
It's certainly no fun to lose and I understand that players have bad feelings when that happens, so I would take that step if I were you.
こんにちは。アカウントを制御できないというのは真実ではありません。各アカウントの根底にあるのは、すべて数学です。アカウントを作成するときにすべて行われます。各アカウントの根底には、勝ち負けの計算式があります。1000%確信しています。すべてソフトウェアです。例を挙げましょう。トーナメントで1500ユーロを獲得し、その後、最低賭け金でスロットをプレイしたところ、もちろん獲得したすべての金額(この1500ユーロ)を失いました。そして、現時点でその金額はほぼ3倍になっています。実際、私はDoctor Winsteinというゲームについて話しているのです。私は長年の経験と観察からこれを言っています。問題があるのはゲームではなく、カジノだと思います。詐欺師だらけです。
Hello again It is not true that the accounts cannot be controlled! It is all mathematics at the heart of each account!! everything is done when creating the account!!! Each account has a formula for winnings and losses at its core!!!! I am 1000% sure. It is all software!!!! Here is an example: in a tournament I won 1500 euros and then I played on a slot with a minimum bet and of course I lost everything I won (this amount of 1500) and at the moment the amount is almost tripled!!!, in fact I am talking exactly about the game Doctor Winstein. I say this from experience and observation for so many years!!!! I think that it is not the game that is problematic, but the casino!!! full of crooks!!!
Здравейте отново Не е вярно, че сметките не могат да се контролират! Всичко е математика в основата на всеки акаунт!! всичко е направено при създаването на акаунта !!! Всеки акаунт има формула за печалби и загуби в основата си!!!! 1000% съм сигурна . Всичко е софтуер !!!!Ето един пример: в турнир спечелих 1500 евро и след това играх на един слот с минимален залог и разбира се загубих всичко, което спечелих (тази сума от 1500) и в момента сумата е почти утроена!!!, всъщност говоря точно за играта Doctor Winstein. Казвам го от опит и наблюдение от толкова години!!!! Аз мисля ,че не играта е проблемна ,а казиното !!!пълни мошенници !!!
一方、特に Palms Bet のような認可カジノでは、あなたの言う通りではないと思います。ギャンブルをやめてみることを考えたことはありますか? 長年このような思い込みを抱いてきたとおっしゃっていますが、なぜまたギャンブルに戻ってくるのですか?
負けて緊張しているようですね。 こちらの記事👈を読んでいただけませんか?
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure it is not as you say, especially in licensed casinos like Palms Bet. Have you considered taking a break from gambling? You say you have been having these assumptions for so many years, so why come back to play again?
You definitely appear to be in tense due to losing. Would you mind reading this article 👈, please?
Might give you another perspective.
こんにちは。私はオンライン カジノを訪れてから何年もの経験があります。言い方が悪かったかもしれませんが、こう言うべきだったかもしれません。いつもプレイしているわけではありません。スロットが好きですが、常に余裕がある限りプレイしています。ギャンブル中毒だとは思いません。いつでもやめられます。毎日ではなく、年に 2、3 回プレイするくらいです。
別の言い方をしてください。1500 の利益があったので、その金額を一度にロールオーバーしなければならなかったのですが、低額ベットのゲームにしては大きな金額なのに、ロールオーバーしている間、なぜ負けなかったのでしょうか。ボーナス額の金額をロールオーバーして、それが実際のお金になった後 (これはすべてのボーナス マネーを含む)、ゲームは突然ボーナスを出さなくなったのでしょうか。
もう一つあります。私はずっと前に Pragmatic Play のゲームでプレイしました。それからおそらく 5 ~ 6 か月後に同じゲームに参加しました。原則として、Pragmatic Play のゲームは最大の賞金を報告しますが、ご存知ですか? 賞金に関する情報が表示される場所には何もありませんでした!! なぜですか?? このゲームをプレイしたことがないようです??!!!
Hello, I have years of experience - maybe I didn't express myself correctly, maybe I should have said - in the time I've been visiting the online casino, but I don't play all the time, I like the slots, but I always play as much as I can afford. I don't think I'm addicted to gambling. I can always stop. Maybe I go in to play 2 or 3 times a year and not every day.
and I always play with the lowest stakes. I only play in 3 or 4 games. I played a little more in this game because it was a monthly tournament!!!
Explain to me another way - with a profit of 1500 I had to roll over the amount at once, how come while I was rolling it over, and this is a large amount for a game with a low bet - I didn't lose!!! Only after I rolled over the amount of the bonus amount and it became real money (and this is with all the bonus money) the games suddenly stopped giving???
there is another thing - I played a long time ago in a game on Pragmatic Play, then maybe after 5-6 months I entered the same game, in principle, games on Pragmatic Play report the biggest winnings, and do you know what? where the information about the winnings was displayed, there was nothing!! how come?? it's like I've never played this game??!!!
Здравейте, имам години опит - може би не се изразих правилно, може би трябваше да кажа - за времето, откакто посещавам онлайн казиното, но не играя постоянно, харесвам слотовете , но винаги играя толкова, колкото мога да си позволя. Не мисля, че съм пристрастена към хазарта. Винаги мога да спра. Може би влизам да играя 2 или 3 пъти в годината и не всеки ден .
и винаги играя с най-ниските залози.Играя само в 3 или 4 игри .в тази игра поиграх малко повече защото това беше месечен турнир !!!
обяснете ми друго - при печалба от 1500 трябваше да превъртя сумата наведнъж, как докато я превъртах , а това е голяма сума за игра с нисък залог - не загубих !!! Едва след като превъртях сумата от сумата на бонуса и тя стана реални пари (и това е с всички бонус пари) игрите изведнъж спряха да дават???
има и друго - играх преди много време в игра на прагматик плей ,след това може би след 5-6 месеца влязох в същата игра ,по принцип игрите на прагматик плей отчитат най големите печалби ,и знаете ли какво ? там където излизаше информацията за печалбите нямаше нищо !! как така ??все едно никога не съм играла на тази игра ??!!!
しかし、このトピックには言葉以上のものが必要だと私は思います。数学とリバース エンジニアリングだけが、プレイヤーが求める安心感を与えてくれます。しかし、別の視点もあります。
RTP 97% はすごいと思いますか? 実際には、10,000 スピンプレイすると、3% を失うことになります。プレイ時間が長くなるほど、全体的な損失は避けられません。
賞金が消えてしまうのは、数か月後に戻ってくるということに関係しているのかもしれません。これらの情報は一時的なものだと理解しています。生涯の統計はゲーム履歴にあります。ただし、正しく理解できたかどうかはわかりません。スコアが消えたのはトーナメントに関係しているのでしょうか? 特別ではあるものの一時的な機能である可能性もあります。
弊社の無料スロット トーナメントに参加したことがありますか? 他のプレイヤーのスコアを見て、どのように競い合うか試してみてください。スコアの差は大きくなります。結果はランダムで、運次第だからです。
11 人のプレイヤーが同じスピン回数、同じゲーム、同じ賭け、同じすべてをプレイしました。それでも、結果は 301K から 155K にまで広がりました。言うまでもなく、最後のサイトで表示された結果も同じです。
Hi. Thanks for the details. Much appreciated.
I'd say this topic needs far more than words, though. Only math and reverse engineering will give players the assurance they seek. The other perspective, however, is:
Licensed casinos, in my opinion, won't risk the license and fines by somehow changing games. Actually, they do not even have to, because players far too often bet against the volatility or, sadly, remember the losses, adding that into relation with bonuses, which already come with limitations.
More importantly, the slots are the worst kind of casino games to play. Here comes the math again:
Do you consider RTP 97% to be awesome? It actually means that if you play 10k spins, you will end up losing 3%. The overall loss is inevitable the longer you play.
Additionally, casinos do not have technical access to the games. Games are stored and transmitted from game provider servers or other "distant" sources.
The thing with missing winnings may be related to the fact that you come back after several months. I understand these informations are temporary. Lifetime stats are in the gaming history. Not sure whether I got it correctly though. Was the missing score related to the tournament, please? Could be still a special yet temporary feature.
Have you ever tried one of our free slot tournaments? See the other players score, and try how you will compete against them. The score differences are huge. Because the results are random, based on luck.
11 players played the same amount of spins, same game, same bets, same everything. Still, the results scaled from 301K to 155K. Not to mention the results shown on the last site.
What is your opinion on that?
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