本作がお気に入りですか?高額賞金を獲得したのですか?技術的な問題が発生したのですか?Fortune Gemsに関するディスカッションであれば、こちらをご利用ください。
Hi, as we are not a casino, you cannot deposit or withdraw money here, so the answer to your question is no.
Hello, as we are not a casino, you cannot deposit or withdraw money here, so the answer to you is you can't do that on our website.
この特定のゲームについてですか、それとも当サイト全般についてですか? 知りたいことをもう少し具体的に教えていただけますか? できるだけ簡単に説明すると、主にプレイヤーにカジノについて知らせ、どこかに入金する前にできるだけ多くの情報を提供することになります。しかし、それは表面的なことなので、もっと詳しく知りたい場合は、遠慮なく質問してください。
Do you mean this particular game or our site in general ? Can you be a little more specific about what you want to know ? If I had to make it as simple as possible, it would be mainly to inform players about the casinos and give them as much information as possible before they deposit somewhere. But that's just the surface and if you want to know something more in depth, feel free to ask.
クランの皆さん、この TADA ゲームを見たことがありますか? 30 日間毎日アプリにログインして、コインを集め、トーナメントに参加するなど、特定のミッションを実行します。
私が気に入った点は、この場合、必ずしも新しい入金をする必要がないことです。最初のミッションは 500 レアルを賭けることですが、その後は金額が増加するミッションが続きます。
Hey clan, have you seen this TADA game? you do certain missions, like logging into the app every day for 30 days, collecting coins and taking part in tournaments.
Then you get the "WinCard", which is something like a bonus, and once it's in your backpack you can use it in various slot games, including free spins.
The point I liked is that in this case, you don't necessarily have to make new deposits. The first mission is to bet 500 Reals, then there are missions with increasing values.
When you get the WinCard, your profit is guaranteed, because many WinCards you get just by completing the missions, without making recurring deposits
I told you a little about this strategy this week, if you want I can help you here.
Fala clã, vocês viram essa modalidade da TADA? que vc vai cumprindo algumas missões, tipo entrar no app todos os dias por 30 dias, juntar umas coins e participar de torneios
Ai tu consegue o tal do "WinCard", que é algo parecido com o bônus, que depois de entrar na mochila você pode usar em vários jogos de slot, sendo rodadas grátis
O ponto que eu gostei é que nesse caso, não necessariamente precisa ficar fazendo novos depósitos. A primeira missão é apostar 500 reais, depois terão missões com valores crescentes.
Quando conseguir o WinCard o lucro é garantido, porque muitos WinCards vc consegue só cumprindo as missões, sem fazer depósitos recorrentes
Eu contei um pouco essa semana nessa estratégia, se quiserem ajudo vocês aqui.
That sounds really interesting. Thank you for sharing.
Did you have any nice wins already, and where did you play it?
警告をありがとうございます。Juraj に確認してもらうようメールしました。修正できる場合はお知らせします。
Thanks for the warning. I have written to Juraj to take a look at it and if it can be fixed I will let you know.
Do you play the game in any casinos?🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com