ゲームを気に入っていただけて本当に嬉しいです。カジノでプレイしましたか、それとも当サイトの無料ゲームとしてのみプレイしましたか? 😀
We're really glad you like the game. Do you play it in the casino or did you play it only here on our site as a free game ? 😀
ゲームを気に入っていただけて本当に嬉しいです。カジノでプレイしましたか、それとも当サイトの無料ゲームとしてのみプレイしましたか? 😀
We're really glad you like the game. Do you play it in the casino or did you play it only here on our site as a free game ? 😀
ところで、このゲームで一番好きなところは何ですか? 🙂
I understand, players don't always want to spend their money and this way you can have fun for free with the demo version. If you ever manage to play for real money, let me know how it went.
Anyway, what do you like most about this game ? 🙂
We are pleased that you have this opinion. Have you tried it for real money or not yet and played it only as a free game here ?
なんて素敵な言語でしょう。理解できなかったのが残念です。これは盲目的なショットですが、それでも、 Joker's Jewels というゲームに関係があるのでしょうか?🤔
What a lovely language; it's such a shame I could not understand. It is a blind shot, but still, is it related to the game Joker's Jewels ? 🤔
実際にこのデモモードを自分で試すことができます。 このリンクをクリックまたはタップするだけです👈
それはあなたにとってどうですか? 🙂
Hello, good question!
just to make it more obvious, the screenshot comes from a free game mode, so the currency is not actually that important.
You can actually try out this demo mode on your own. Just click or tap this link 👈
How does that work for you? 🙂
リンクをクリックすると、Casino Guru の Web サイトの無料ゲーム セクションに移動します。ただし、実際のカジノでこのゲームを実際のお金でプレイしたい場合は、[カジノでプレイ] ボタンをクリックします。Casino Guru は名前にもかかわらず、オンライン カジノではありません。
Oh, I see - allow me to explain, please.
The link takes you to our free game section on the Casino Guru website. If you, however, want to play this game for real money in a real casino, click the "play in casino" button because, despite its name, Casino Guru is not an online casino.
You would notice that the game is available somewhere. 😉
Paying for the demo is where you can most likely win.
Que paguen el demo es donde mas seguro se gana
「デモ料金を支払う」とはどういう意味ですか? デモだと言っても、料金はかかりません。ただ、理解できなかったので、説明していただけますか。
What do you mean "paying for demo" ? By saying it's a demo, you don't pay anything. But you can explain it to me because I just didn't understand it.
It's ironic that you have more luck in demo than in real casino
Es q es ironico q se tenga mas suerte en demo q en casino real
Of course, that's how I understand it. Well, that's probably true, sometimes I feel that everything is goo in the demo version, and then for real money it's a little different.
Anyway, it's gambling and it's only about luck. ☘️
Anyway, did you play this game also for real money ?
If on other platforms and the cashiers recharge me here I cannot charge by myself, they do not accept my payment methods because my cards are not compatible, the bank account numbers are very long, they do not all fit, but if a cashier recharges me I can because I pay her by transfer.
Si en otras plataformas y me recargan las cajeras aca no puedo cargar yo sola no me aceptan mis medios de pago xq mis tarjetas no son compatibles los numeros de cuantas vancarias son muy largos no entran todos pero si me recarga una cajera si puedo xq yo a ella le pago x transferencia
I'm sorry for a possibly stupid question. Do you say you have been advised to send money to a clerk just to be able to get or deposit money?
I probably understood you quite incorrectly, I guess.
One way or another, would you say your issues might be resolved by finding a good e-wallet?
You can only try this game here for free. In case you'd like to play for real money, please choose the option to play at some casino.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com