そこで勝つことができましたか?非常に興味深いゲームであり、プレイヤーの間で非常に人気があります。順調に進んでいますか? 😀
Did you manage to win there ? It's quite an interesting game and quite popular with the players. Are you doing well on it ? 😀
そこで勝つことができましたか?非常に興味深いゲームであり、プレイヤーの間で非常に人気があります。順調に進んでいますか? 😀
Did you manage to win there ? It's quite an interesting game and quite popular with the players. Are you doing well on it ? 😀
こんにちは、うまくできませんでしたか?そうでなければ、もっと大きな勝利は得られなかったのですか?複雑な感情をよく聞きますが、このスロットではプレイヤーがちょうど半分になると思います。一部のプレイヤーはこのスロットに満足できず、他のプレイヤーは反対の意見を持っていました。 🤔
Hi, didn't you do well on it ? Otherwise you didn't have any bigger wins ? I think this slot splits the players exactly in half, as I have often heard mixed feelings. Some players couldn't get enough of this slot while others were of the opposite opinion. 🤔
私はこのゲームで $23,500 の大勝をしました、それはただ運が良かったからです。1.25 ドルを賭けていたと思っていましたが、$125.00 を賭けていて、最初のヒットでボーン スピンを獲得したので、$23,500 を獲得したと表示されたとき、楽しみでプレイしているのだと思いました。でも、このカジノにはそんなものがないことに気づいたので、カスタマーサービスに行って確認しなければなりませんでした。冗談だと思っていましたが、賭けていたものを考えると本当だったので、すぐに現金を払いました。 5000 ドルを 5 回キャッシュアウトし、4 回、その後 3500 ドルをキャッシュアウトします。だから、私はそれが私の側に幸運だったと言います(笑)私が2か月ほど持っていなかった何か。
I did win big on this game $23,500 only because it was luck,I thought I was betting 1.25 but I was betting $125.00 and I got the bones spins on the first hit so when it said I won $23,500 I then thought I was playing for fun but then I realized this casino doesn't have that so then I had to go check it out at customer service I just thought it was a joke, but it was true because of what I was betting so then I cash out right away I had to cash out 5 times $5000 four times then $3500. So ya I say it was luck on my side lol something I haven't had in two months or so.
おめでとうございます!🚀✨👍 素晴らしいお話ですね。
Awesome indeed!
I'd like to express my congratulations!🚀✨👍 What an amazing story to tell.
Hopefully all associated withdrawals - if you aim to withdraw that sum - will be done quickly and smoothly.
私はあなたの物語に夢中になり、しばらくあなたと一緒に生きました。残念ながら今ではありませんでしたが、それでも、1 年、1 か月、またはどの期間であっても、これは非常に素晴らしい勝利です。
ごきげんよう。 😊😉🤗
I got caught up in your story and lived it for a while with you. Too bad it wasn't now, but still, whether it's a year, a month, or any period of time, it's a very nice win.
When Radka gets to you I hope she will give you a quick update on how she is doing. In the meantime, can you tell me how you are ?
I hope everything is fine.
Greetings. 😊😉🤗
私は勝利にとても満足していて、それに値するものだと自分に言い聞かせました、そろそろその時が来ました、そしてそこから、ここのカジノでさらに 3 つまたは 4 つ良い勝利を収めました。$13,500、$5000、さらに $5000 とさらにいくつか勝利しました。まあ、お金はお金に従うと言われているのはご存知でしょう。本当のことを言うと、私はとても落ち込んでいます こんな時期なのか、自分が線維筋痛症で苦しんでいるのが本当に嫌で、それが何なのか知らない人のために説明しますが、これは疲労睡眠を伴う広範囲の筋骨格系の痛みを特徴とする病気です。記憶力と気分の問題、ごめんなさい(笑)あなたは尋ねます。さて、ジャロとの関係はどうですか?忙しいままですか?
I was very happy with the win and thought I deserved it well I said to myself Its about time and then from there on I got three or four more good wins at our casino here I won $13,500 $5000 and another $5000 and a few more wins, well you know what they say money follows money right. To tell you the truth on how im doing im so depressed Is that time of year, I just hate how I feel I suffer with fibromyalgia and if you don't know what that is its a disorder characterized widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue sleep,memory and mood issues, sorry lol you ask. Now my I ask how is things with you Jaro? Are you staying busy?
なぜなら、この精神はおそらく今後数か月以内に消えてしまうからです。 🤣🐱🏍
そうですね、あなたの言う障害が良くなればいいのですが、本当に厄介ですね 😲
Hey there!
Nice to see you again!
A new year brings with it new interests, plans, and aspirations. Really, though, I always feel like I have to think of as many exciting plans and ideas as I can during
this time of year because this spirit will probably disappear within the following few months. 🤣🐱🏍
Aside from the very nice win though, I'd like to know a bit more about you. How do you fare when spring is about to pump fresh energy into the dried-out world?
Well, hopefully, the disorder you mention gets better, sounds really nasty 😲
私は勝利にとても満足していて、それに値するものだと自分に言い聞かせました、そろそろその時が来ました、そしてそこから、ここのカジノでさらに 3 つまたは 4 つ良い勝利を収めました。$13,500、$5000、さらに $5000 とさらにいくつか勝利しました。まあ、お金はお金に従うと言われているのはご存知でしょう。本当のことを言うと、私はとても落ち込んでいます こんな時期なのか、自分が線維筋痛症で苦しんでいるのが本当に嫌で、それが何なのか知らない人のために説明しますが、これは疲労睡眠を伴う広範囲の筋骨格系の痛みを特徴とする病気です。記憶力と気分の問題、ごめんなさい(笑)あなたは尋ねます。さて、ジャロとの関係はどうですか?忙しいままですか?
I was very happy with the win and thought I deserved it well I said to myself Its about time and then from there on I got three or four more good wins at our casino here I won $13,500 $5000 and another $5000 and a few more wins, well you know what they say money follows money right. To tell you the truth on how im doing im so depressed Is that time of year, I just hate how I feel I suffer with fibromyalgia and if you don't know what that is its a disorder characterized widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue sleep,memory and mood issues, sorry lol you ask. Now my I ask how is things with you Jaro? Are you staying busy?
ご質問いただきありがとうございます。素晴らしい週末をお過ごしください。 🤗
Oh, I'm so sorry. I can see that this has quite unpleasant consequences. I would like to say that in situations like this you have to think of something positive, but I know that sometimes it doesn't help at all. Anyway, I hope you will get better as soon as possible.
As for me, I'm fine, and when I'm not, I always say to myself, it could be worse, and that's how I'm going to calm down somehow. I try to do enough to keep myself busy and it's good for me, so yes I am active.
Thank you for asking and have a great weekend. 🤗
やあ、ジャロ、大丈夫、この病気にはたくさんの薬があるのは知ってる、ほとんどの薬を試しているけど、一番の薬はじっとしていないで動き続けること、そして一日の終わりには温かいお風呂に入る、何も飲まないことだ痛みがあるから、止まらないで動き続けてください 😉😊😜
Hey Jaro its ok you know there is alot of medicine for this disorder i try most of them but the best medicine is not to stay still keep moving and at the end of the day take a nice hot bath, I don't even take anything for the pain just keep moving don't stop 😉😊😜
あなたが人生でこのようなことがあると残念ですが、それを制御する方法を知っていて、あなたがうまくいくために何をすべきかを知っている限り、私はとても幸せです。 😊👍
I'm sorry that you have something like this in your life, but as long as you know how to regulate it and know what to do so that you are good, then I'm very happy. 😊👍
What do you do to keep moving ?
こんにちは。ゲームプレイについて知っておくべきことはすべてここで説明されています。通常、この情報は、現在参加しているゲームの下にスクロールすると見つかります。 🙂
Hello, everything you need to know about the gameplay is explained here. You can usually find this information by scrolling down below the game you are in. 🙂
I use to be a chef so in the restaurant business as one alway say there is always something to do in a restaurant,well the same saying goes for at home there is alway something to do whether it be house cleaning and in my case its always house cleaning that is something I enjoy doing and along with that comes organizing there is always a spot for everything not everywhere all over your house lol 😉.
The positive thing i alway think of is there is someone out there worst then me so stop your complaining and move on with it, thats the way I see it. I hope you had a great weekend. We had a holiday on Monday nobody goes to work and are government pays you to stay home its called Family Day you go and enjoy the day with your family thats the only thing are government done good for us haha.
良くなることはなく、最悪の事態になるし、本当に最悪なのは歳を重ねることだとわかっているのですが、それが私を落ち込ませるのです、頭ではまだ30歳だと言っているのに(笑)、でも体では60歳だと言っています笑、どうしたらいいですか😅 。私の義父は4月に100歳になります、ああ、その年がこんなふうに傷つくのは見たくないです(笑)彼の秘密が何であるか知っていますか、寝る前にブランデーを一杯飲み、朝起きたらアスペンを飲みます、ずっと続けてくださいそこに微笑むと🌞太陽の光、
It does never get better if anything it get worst and you know what really sucks is getting old thats what bring me down my mind tells me I'm only 30 lol but my body tells me I'm 60 lmao what do I do there 😅 . My father inlaw turns 100 in April, oh man I don't want to see that age hurting like this lol you know what his secrets is take a shot of brandy before bed and when he gets up he takes a aspens in the morning, keep on smiling there 🌞 sunshine,
The positive thing i alway think of is there is someone out there worst then me so stop your complaining and move on with it, thats the way I see it. I hope you had a great weekend. We had a holiday on Monday nobody goes to work and are government pays you to stay home its called Family Day you go and enjoy the day with your family thats the only thing are government done good for us haha.
週末については、はい、とても楽しかったです。これからは 2 日間の休暇を楽しむつもりです。
Yes, that's kind of what I thought too, as many people have a situation worse than we can imagine.
As for my weekend, yes, it was great and now I will enjoy two days of vacation.
It is also nice that you have something like family day and if we were talking about what the government in the countries is doing for its citizens, we would probably just be watching. It's a misery here, too, so I think I understand you pretty well.
良くなることはなく、最悪の事態になるし、本当に最悪なのは歳を重ねることだとわかっているのですが、それが私を落ち込ませるのです、頭ではまだ30歳だと言っているのに(笑)、でも体では60歳だと言っています笑、どうしたらいいですか😅 。私の義父は4月に100歳になります、ああ、その年がこんなふうに傷つくのは見たくないです(笑)彼の秘密が何であるか知っていますか、寝る前にブランデーを一杯飲み、朝起きたらアスペンを飲みます、ずっと続けてくださいそこに微笑むと🌞太陽の光、
It does never get better if anything it get worst and you know what really sucks is getting old thats what bring me down my mind tells me I'm only 30 lol but my body tells me I'm 60 lmao what do I do there 😅 . My father inlaw turns 100 in April, oh man I don't want to see that age hurting like this lol you know what his secrets is take a shot of brandy before bed and when he gets up he takes a aspens in the morning, keep on smiling there 🌞 sunshine,
それでも、私はあなたが信じられないほど楽観的な人であると今でも思っています。それは賞賛に値するだけでなく、インスピレーションでもあります。秘密には秘密: 私も新しい「罪深い楽しみ」としてブランディと友達になろうとしましたが、いいえ、うまくいきませんでした。極度の二日酔いを何度か経験した後、私はショットよりもチョコレート派であることに気づきました
Well, I did not realize that was a really final and irreversible state.
Even so, I continue to find you to be an incredibly optimistic person, which is not only admirable but also inspiring! Secret for a secret: I also tried to befriend Brandy as my new "guilty pleasure," and no, it didn't go well. I realized after a few extremely bad hangovers that I am more of a chocolate person than a shot
In any case, I am amazed by both you and your father. I hope all is well with that man!
My best regards.
Even though life is not Sweet Bonanza every single day, I imagine your smile makes other's days far better. That counts!!!
I really liked the game, it's very fun
Me gusto mucho el juego es muy divertido
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