そうですね、私のお気に入りのギリシャのオンライン カジノ、Stoiximan によると、毎日とても賢いオファーがあり、プレイし続けさせてくれるそうです。賭け方については、「特定の試合から 3 つの選択肢でベット ビルダーをプレイし、合計 3.50 で最低 30 ユーロの賭けをする」と書かれています。負けた場合は、15 ユーロの無料ベットを差し上げます。個人的には気に入っていますし、簡単にお金を稼ぐことができます。また、ほぼ毎日カジノ オファーがあります。たとえば、Pragmatic Play スロットで 50 ユーロプレイすると、50 回の無料スピンを差し上げます。
Well, i can say based on my favourite greek on-line casino, Stoiximan, that everyday the make a Very smart offer and they maje you keep playing. For beting they say , "play a bet builder with a 3 choices from a specific match, with a combined total of 3.50 and a minimum 30€ bet". If you lose it we will give you a 15€ freebet to play. Personally i like it and you can make easy money. Also almost every day they have casino offers. Play 50€ on a eg. Pragmatic play slot and we Will giv you then 50 free spins.
かなりいいボーナスですね。私も Betbuilder を時々使っていました。特にフットボールの試合で。どんなスポーツで使っていますか? 😀
These are quite nice bonuses. I used to use Betbuilder sometimes too. Especially for football games. What sports do you use them for? 😀
I play basketball so I'm quite interested in it. Do you choose any European leagues or NBA?
Oh nice, so when you put a betbuilder, what is the most frequent? Some team points, players points, win, or something from halftime? 🤔
Well, in football games, before the game start, you can select from many options. You can see below from the upcoming Premier League game, Southampton FC vs Liverpool FC
More or less, the same options for basketball games. When a game is live, there is less available options, but still plenty to choose.
As for betbuilder, where I bet, I can only do it before the match. When it's live, the betbuilder can't be set up. As for football, there are many options there, as you show, I have fewer in basketball because there's not that much that could happen, but then again, there's not a little. That's why I was wondering if you have something you prefer or do you just choose it based on your feelings, or based on statistics and so on.
My favorite is corners, yellow/red cards, over/under goals, shots on Target, total attempts. Sometimes offsides too . For basketball I prefer assist, specific player total points, successful 3p and 2p
So we have quite similar things I would say. Basically when I bet something and use this option I also go for similar things. Sometimes I add total fouls or fouls of a specific player. Corners could often betray me but it's gambling.
Anyway, I hope you are doing well in your selections.😀
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