Please try to be more specific and tell us what you'd like to do and which bonus you would like to play with. Only then we'll be able to help.
totowin24 に登録してデータを入力しましたが、確認メールが届きません。チャットに連絡したところ、翌日まで待つように言われ、問題ないと言われました。今日初めて連絡したところ、待つように言われ、10分待っても返事がなかったので、午後にもう一度試すことにしました。もう一度連絡して、メールが届かないこと、待つように言われていることを説明し、メールを再送信しても届かず、待つように言われました。10分後、問題が解決したかどうか書きましたが、返事は「教えてください!」でした。返事を待っていると伝え、さらに10分待っても返事がありません。これは本格的なプラットフォームです.....おめでとうございます
I register on totowin24 I enter my data and the confirmation email does not arrive, I contact the chat and it says to wait the next day and it is ok. Today I contact them for the first time and it says to wait, then after 10 minutes of waiting without a response I decide to try again in the afternoon. I contact them again and I explain that the email does not arrive and it says to wait that it resends the email and it does not arrive and he says to wait. After 10 minutes I write if the problem was solved but the response was: tell me! I.. tell me I am waiting for a response, I wait another 10 minutes without them responding to me. this is a serious platform..... congratulations
mi registro a totowin24 inserisco i miei dati è la mail di conferma nn arriva,contatto la chat è dice di aspettere il gg dopo è ok.oggi li contatto la prima volta è dice di aspettare,poi dopo 10 minuti di attesa senza risposta decido di riprovare nel pomeriggio.li ricontatto è rispiego che la mail nn arriva è dice di attendere che mi rimanda la mail è nn arriva è lui dice di attendere.passati 10 minuti scrivo se era risolto il problema ma la risposta è stata:dimmi!io..dimmi sto aspettando risposta,attendo altri 10 minuti senza che mi rispondessero.questa si che è una piattaforma seria.....complimenti
Hey, did all this happen during registration and you should have received a verification email or were you in some other process? I would say that they should be able to help you with that and if they can't even do it a few times, I would say that it's not worth playing in a casino like that.
Anyway, you can tell me if I'm wrong or if you're in a different situation.
I was supposed to receive emails but nothing, they were unable or did not want to work
they are incompetent
dovevo ricevere e-mail ma niente nn sono stati capaci o nn avevano voglia di lavorare
sono dei incapaci
スパムなどの他のフォルダも確認してみましたか? メールがそこにも残っている場合があります。
So does that mean you won't end up playing there if you can't confirm your registration?
Have you tried looking in other folders like spam? Sometimes emails can get stuck there too.
Anyway, I wouldn't see it as a big problem on the casino's part that they would look into it and help you solve it, but if they're not very interested then that probably says it all.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com