世界的な大流行が私たちの生活のすべての分野に歓迎されない変化をもたらしているため、 EURO 2020は間違いなく2021年で最も長く待望のイベントの1つです。一般的なお祭りでスポーティな雰囲気に浸るために、今週のゲームを調整しましたサッカーをテーマにしたゲームを特集するプロモーション。

Score free spins at Slots during the main football event of the year!
With the worldwide pandemics introducing unwelcome changes into all spheres of our lives, the EURO 2020 is quite definitely one of the longest and most awaited events of 2021. To chip in to the general festive and sporty atmosphere, we have adjusted our game of the week promotion to feature football-themed games.
If you love football and want to extend the thrill of the European Championship beyond the football field, then this is something for you.
This little is to do: activate the offer under your reward section in your account and play your favourite games on Slots.
This much you get: daily free spins with our Game of the Week and its special football-themed edition on Slots!
Read more directly on the promotion page. See you there!