It's Monday, so I was wondering whether there has been some positive turnover, perhaps?
Wish you luck, of course!
It's Monday, so I was wondering whether there has been some positive turnover, perhaps?
Wish you luck, of course!
はい奥様。彼らが戻ってきたとき、私はカップルでプレーし、勝ちました。昨日2件支払いました。 1 人はまだ私に借りがあり、1 人は私を断ったところです。すべて同じパートナー/姉妹ネットワーク。
Yes Ma'am. When they came back up I played a couple and won. 2 paid yesterday. 1 still owes me and 1 just declined me. ALL same partner/sister networks.
カジノからの 2 回の支払いが問題なく完了したことを嬉しく思います。
I am glad that the two payments from the casino went through without problems.
As for the one that is still owed to you, how long has it been going on ?
Additionally, rejected withdrawal was why ? Did the casino have a reason ?
他の人も同じです 姉妹/パートナーのカジノは、長い間私に数倍以上の支払いをしてきました。
月曜日に苦情を申し立てるかもしれない。そこまで長い期間を与えると…私が撤退リクエストを出してから正式には 3 週間になります。
Yup. Other Casino is a major hassle. We are going on 3 weeks now. Every single day there is a Live chat discussion. Which we ALL know how pleasant those are. Today, AGAIN, I was told my wallet address wasnt correct and NOW thats why I STILL sit and wait.
OTHERS, SAME Sister/partner Casinos have long paid me several times over.
May be opening a complaint on Monday. Giving them that long...that will be officially 3 weeks since I put the withdraw request in.
今すぐ告訴状を提出します、と言わざるを得ません。私は最終的な判断にはほど遠いですが、あなたの発言からすると、それはカジノ側の愚かな言い訳のように思えます 🙁
I would submit the complaint now, I must say. I'm far from making final judgments, but from what you said, it seems like a stupid excuse made by the casino 🙁
今 1 つ開いています。もううんざりだ。確か今日支払われるはずだった!
Opening one now. Sick of this. Should have for sure been paid today!
I have a case waiting "your" reply...not sure if its from me or the Casino
The right move because waiting so long is certainly not pleasant. So now we wait to see if you get your money or if you hear something new from the casino. Anyway, could you let us know if you have anything new ?
If you mean waiting for a response by the Casino(s). Good Luck Big guy. Lemee know how that turns out. Lol
私たちはお互いをよく理解していなかったように思います。私たちはまだ調査と回答を待っている状態です。つまり、苦情を開くと、右上の青いボックスに「Casino Guru の回答を待っています」と表示されます。カジノからの応答を待っている場合は、青いボックスに再度表示されます。 🙂
I guess we didn't quite understand each other. We are still waiting for our investigation and our reply, so it means that when you open your complaint, it says "Waiting for Casino Guru to reply" in the blue box on the top right. If we were waiting for a response from the casino, you would see it again in the blue box. 🙂
ただし、カジノを区別するのも良いことなので、特定のカジノで問題がある場合は、主にカジノの公式スレッドで会話を続けてください: https://casino.guru/forum/casinos/slots-garden-casino - -一般的なディスカッション
As for the casino you're talking about, Petronela is trying to find out as much as she can about the situation and we'll see where it goes. When she has everything she needs, I believe she will try to contact the casino. In the meantime, we have to be patient.
However, it would also be good to differentiate between casinos and therefore if you have a problem with a particular one, keep the conversation mainly in the official casino thread: https://casino.guru/forum/casinos/slots-garden-casino---general-discussion
Would that be possible ?
こんにちは、皆さんからの意見が聞きたいです - 私はカジノでプレイしていますが、時々アルゴリズムが拒否されているような気がします - プレイするほぼすべてのゲームで通常の量のフリースピンを獲得できる日があるのは非常に奇妙です- 50回以上のスピンの後、場合によってはそれ以上かかることもあります - しかし、少なくとも定期的にそれらを取得します - 別の日 - 同じスピン量、同じゲーム - 何日も何日も何もありません - それは正常ですか、それとも本当にアルゴリズムが拒否されているのでしょうか?プレイヤーの数、それとも賞金が多すぎるのか?それは 1 つのゲームだけではなく、私が定期的に繰り返しプレイしているすべてのゲームでも同様です。おそらく、それはその特定のカジノ ID だけかもしれません。
Hi, I would like an opinion from you guys - I am playing in a casino and I have the feeling that they turn down the algorithm occasionally - it is very odd that some days you get normal amounts of free spins in almost every game you play - sometimes after 50+ spins sometimes it takes more - but at least you get them regularly - at other days - same spinning amount same games - nothing for days and days - is that normal or is it really that they turn down algorithm maybe regarding of the number of players or if there are too many winnings? It is not only at one game it is at all the games I am regularly playing over and over. Maybe it is only that specific casino idk.
Hi, I think it would always be good to have some proof for such considerations, because without it it is always just some guesswork. Anyway, which casino is it in which you have such a feeling ?
I also don't think it's something that would be totally unusual and I don't think that would turn down an algorithm. If a casino did that, I don't think you would get free spins or very little since they could adjust it.
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