こんにちは。あなたの状況が苦情に関係しているかどうかお聞きしてもいいですか?これが Slot Plus Casino に関するものなのか知りたいです。
Hi, can I ask if your situation relates to your complaint ? I would like to know if this is about Slot Plus Casino.
However, according to your complaint, your situation has been going on for quite a long time, so I think it was a good move to file it. Of course, it would be advisable to update the complaint so that we can pursue the case further and try to obtain the necessary information.
Can I ask you whether the casino also gave any reason why you still haven't received your money ? Let us know so that we have a little more insight into your situation.
I want to thank the people who made it possible for my complaint to be heard, thanks to all the people who make up casino guru.
Quiero agradecer a las personas que hicieron posible que mi queja se escuchará , gracias a toda la gente que conforma casino guru.
Help, the idiots at slots plus tell me that in order to continue I have to have a bicoin or litcoin wallet, but how the hell do I make one of those, I don't know what the hell they are, can I file a complaint now about bicoin and litcoin?
Auxilioooo, me dicen los imbéciles de slots plus que para poder continuar tengo que tener una billetera de bicoin o litcoin, pero como rayos hago una de esas, no se qué carajos son, puedo poner una queja ahora sobre bicoin y litcoin?
こんにちは。次回は情報を 1 つの整った投稿にまとめてください。ここに 10 件書くよりもわかりやすくなります。
カジノがあなたに選択するよう推奨した 2 つの方法について、これはあなたには不可能だと言いましたか、それとも他の方法があるのでしょうか?
Hi, please next time summarize the information into one tidy post, which is clearer than writing 10 of them here.
Regarding the 2 methods that the casino recommended for you to choose, did you say that this is not possible for you or do they have some other alternative ?
As for the complaint, of course it would be advisable to update it so that we can look into the case further and try to get the necessary information. You don't have to start a new one for bitcoin and litecoin, it is enough to add this information to the one you have already created.
Hopefully, everything will be sorted out and the casino will help you find a suitable alternative.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com