迅速または簡単な手順ではない場合があるため、カジノがアカウントを確認するのに丸 14 日かかります。 🙁
The casino is not a scam, it pays out the money. But first, you must pass the verification, hence cooperation is the quickest way.
Can you paste a list of documents you already provided?
We allow casinos 14 full days to verify the account because sometimes it's not a quick or easy procedure. 🙁
Casinos do not have the luxury of meeting you in person.
a17536382 さん、こんにちは。
詳しくお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか?アプリケーションに入るということは、IceCasina アカウントに入るということですか?では、そこで口座への出金をリクエストすることはできませんか?詳細を書いてください。 🙂
Hello a17536382,
Can I ask you for more details, please? By entering to the application, do you mean to the IceCasina account? Then you can't request a withdrawal to your account there? Please write me more details. 🙂
はい、アプリが開かないためログインできません。デポジットを行ってプレイできますが、獲得したものを引き出すことさえできません。デポジットの HR でアプリが開き、AGR が開かないためです。開かない😡😡😡
Yes, I can't log in because the app doesn't open, I made a deposit and I can play and I can't even withdraw what I won, because in the HR of making the deposit, the app opened and AGR doesn't open 😡😡😡
Sim ,não consigo entrar pq o app não abre eu fiz depósito e posso jogar e nem fazer retirada do que ganhei ,pq na HR de fazer o depósito o app abriu e AGR não abre 😡😡😡
はい、アプリが開かないためログインできません。デポジットを行ってプレイできますが、獲得したものを引き出すことさえできません。デポジットの HR でアプリが開き、AGR が開かないためです。開かない😡😡😡
Yes, I can't log in because the app doesn't open, I made a deposit and I can play and I can't even withdraw what I won, because in the HR of making the deposit, the app opened and AGR doesn't open 😡😡😡
Sim ,não consigo entrar pq o app não abre eu fiz depósito e posso jogar e nem fazer retirada do que ganhei ,pq na HR de fazer o depósito o app abriu e AGR não abre 😡😡😡
今のところ、障害に焦点を当てましょう。代わりに Web サイトを使用してログインしてみてください。申込不要、WEBのみ。この HR と AGR が何を表しているのかを理解したいと思います。説明してもらえますか?
Hey there.
Let's focus on the obstacles for now. Can you try to log in using the website instead? No application, just the website. I would like to understand what this HR and AGR stands for. Can you explain to me, please?
Let me know soon.
Good afternoon, I am also having problems at ice casino, I made a withdrawal, the documents were successfully verified, now the money has left the account and the status is in progress but the money does not fall into my account.
Do I still have hope?
Boa tarde, também estou com problemas no ice cassino, fiz um saque já verificaram os documentos com sucesso ,agora já saiu o dinheiro da conta e o status está em andamento mas não cai o dinheiro na minha conta.
Será que devo ter esperança ainda?
時間の問題だと思います。KYC が成功したのは良いことです。あと数日待ってください。とにかく、送金済みの状態を「完了」ステータスと見なします。お金は確実に送金されましたか? 🤔
I believe it's just a matter of time - it's good the KYC was successful, give it a few more days. Anyway, I would consider the already sent money as "completed" status. Are you sure the money was sent? 🤔
KYC (顧客を知る) は、あなたの個人情報を確認します。暗号は匿名の支払いオプションのみですが.あなたは2つの別々のものを混ぜ合わせたように感じます。
The KYC (know your customer) verifies your personal info. While crypto is an anonymous payment option only. I feel you mixed two separate things together.
Simply put, not every casino offering you a crypto payment option is anonymous. On the other hand, all anonymous CASINOS offer crypto as a payment option due to its anonymity.
Is it better now?
Hello there.
The withdrawal process is kind of a complex matter. Could you be more specific, please?
Is it the first time you submitted a withdrawal request? If so, has your account been verified, and your game history checked?
In this case, the withdrawal is at the end of the road.
Share a further description, and I'll try to find a clue.
Good morning, I made the withdrawal at ice casino and the verification process was successful, now the withdrawal is in progress but it has not yet arrived in my account, it has been about 10 days, they are saying that it is late but that they will pay, I am waiting to see.
Do they even pay?
Bom dia, fiz o saque no ice casino e o processo de verificação foi com sucesso agora está em andamento o saque mas não caiu ainda na minha conta isso já tem uns 10 dias, estão falando que está com atraso mas que vão pagar,estou aguardando pra ver.
Será que pagam mesmo?
Hello there.
The withdrawal process is kind of a complex matter. Could you be more specific, please?
Is it the first time you submitted a withdrawal request? If so, has your account been verified, and your game history checked?
In this case, the withdrawal is at the end of the road.
Share a further description, and I'll try to find a clue.
Good morning, I made the withdrawal at ice casino and the verification process was successful, now the withdrawal is in progress but it has not yet arrived in my account, it has been about 10 days, they are saying that it is late but that they will pay, I am waiting to see.
Do they even pay?
Bom dia, fiz o saque no ice casino e o processo de verificação foi com sucesso agora está em andamento o saque mas não caiu ainda na minha conta isso já tem uns 10 dias, estão falando que está com atraso mas que vão pagar,estou aguardando pra ver.
Será que pagam mesmo?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com