おそらく、あなた自身の言葉で懸念を説明していただけると思います。確かに、私たちのフォーラムは、書かれたテキストをほとんどの言語に自動的に翻訳できますが、画像を翻訳することはできません。したがって、あなたのコメントは高く評価されると思います。また、このメールまたは手紙は、実際に書かれているように、JustCasino だけに言及しているわけではないことに気付きました。その点についても遠慮なくお話しください。
たとえば、「2023 年 9 月 8 日付」は、私にとって最も重要な部分です。
Maybe you could explain your concern in your own words. It is true that our forum can automatically translate written text into most languages, but it cannot translate images. I am therefore certain that your comment would be valued. Additionally, I noticed that this email or letter, as it is actually written, refers to more than just JustCasino; feel free to bring that up as well.
For example, "dated this 8 September 2023" is the most significant part in my opinion.
What has transpired since this warning, I wonder? Do you have a clue, please?
Dear user.
How about my question, please? Do you perhaps have something more recent?
Speaking of which, have you ever played in this casino and witnessed something unusual, or are you simply generally concerned?
I fear there is little to add if we can't discuss specifics.
Of course, I played in this casino and won twice, a large amount for me, 300,000 euros, but I lost the first time because I was greedy, but the second time when I won, disputes began with the casino under the pretext of violating rules that were not clear to the players. They also canceled my bet one time in a game. Blackjack when I was about to win straight flush and almost twice in roulette, but I was betting on large bets, and they also partially closed my account, as I could log in and request a withdrawal, but I could not play In any game on the casino website www.justcasino.com, without prior warning, they closed my account and asked for KYC requests, and I fulfilled all their requests over the course of about a week.. Then they withdrew all the amount of my profits and closed my account permanently!! Weren't they able to summarize this matter from the beginning, or did they change their mind and refuse to pay me?
---------- 転送されたメッセージ ---------
日付: 2024年11月20日水曜日 13:05
件名: Re: 可能であればアラビア語で電話をお願いします
彼らから: こんにちはファハドさん、
最大ベット額を超えた勝利金は、ウィークリー ミルキー ウェイ ボーナスによるものです。
この場合も利益は没収されますが、経営陣はあなたが引き出せるように 5,000 ユーロを保管することに同意しています。
彼らから: こんにちは、ファハドさん。
最大ベット額を超えた勝利金は、ウィークリー ミルキー ウェイ ボーナスによるものです。
この場合も利益は没収されますが、経営陣はあなたが引き出せるように 5,000 ユーロを保管することに同意しています。
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: VIP from Player Relations <vip@justcasino.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 at 13:05
Subject: Re: i request a phone call please in arabic if possible
To: <falenizi36@gmail.com>
from them: Hello Fahad,
Your winnings where you exceeded the maximum bet were from the Weekly Milky Way bonus.
Since it is a bonus, bonus terms and conditions apply.
Again, the profits will be confiscated in such a case, but the management has agreed to keep 5,000 euros for you to withdraw.
Game sessions have been checked and the maximum bet has been violated, the decision of the administration is final.
VIP Account Manager
from me : Welcome, dear.
This is not my first time or the first site I play on, even if there is a bonus that has conditions. If I violate the conditions, the amount won by the bonus will be automatically confiscated, not manually. This is what happened to me when my account was closed. It was deducted from my balance. It was approximately 137,000 euros and became approximately 132,000. It is clear that the deduction is manual, not automatic. If it is just a cash amount, a real balance, you can enter and confiscate it. I know the method. I want to check with License Curacao. There must be transparency and I see with my own eyes that there is a bonus or balance.
my regards
from them: hello Fahad,
Your winnings where you exceeded the maximum bet were from the Weekly Milky Way bonus.
Since it is a bonus, bonus terms and conditions apply.
Again, the profits will be confiscated in such a case, but the management has agreed to keep 5,000 euros for you to withdraw.
Game sessions have been checked and the maximum bet has been violated, the decision of the administration is final.
VIP Account Manager
Why were the terms and conditions not applied the first time when he won the same disputed amount in the same way, deposit + bonus?
This is because I lost all my profits, and a week later they decided to deprive me of the huge profit the second time. Also, the Curacao organization gives a condition for clarification to the players, along with complete transparency with them, but where is that transparency when I asked them for proof of their claims?
and today this chat happens with them she claim its a weakly mikey way name
Is the placement ofscreenshot images clear and transparent to casino players like this?
Also, as I sent to her via email, look at the response. Is there clarity and transparency as required by the List of Curaçao organizations??
「同じ方法で、入金+ボーナスで同じ争議額を獲得したのに、なぜ初回は利用規約が適用されなかったのでしょうか?これは、私がすべての利益を失い、1週間後に彼らが2度目に私から巨額の利益を奪うことを決定したためです。 」
お金を失ったので、カジノ側は賭け金を処理する必要はなく、引き出しを承認するためにあなたのゲーム履歴を調べる必要もなかったと思います。2 回目に勝ったときに、引き出しを申請できましたが、それは本当ですか?
ボーナスの利用規約で条件が説明されるのはよくあることですが、理想的には、関連する利用規約がボーナスと同じページに記載されるべきだと考えます。たとえば、そのような重要な情報は 2 回のクリックで確認できるべきだと考えています。
You see? Now we can all understand your concern pretty clearly. Good job!
Since it is a pretty complex set of information, I think it would not be a bad idea to mention your complaint as well.
If you allow me a bit of simplification, the problem is that you placed higher bets than allowed due to an active bonus. You also admitted you know bonuses come with restrictions, but you expected higher-than-allowable bets to be cancelled "automatically." Please feel free to correct me.
The key point, in my opinion, is how the terms outline the consequences of placing such bets as well as the actions taken by the casino in your specific case.
Additionally, you mentioned an interesting question:
"Why were the terms and conditions not applied the first time when he won the same disputed amount in the same way, deposit + bonus?This is because I lost all my profits, and a week later they decided to deprive me of the huge profit the second time."
Since you lost the money, I suppose the casino did not have to deal with the bets and did not need to look into your gaming history in order to authorize the withdrawal. When you won for the second time, you managed to submit a withdrawal—is that so, please?
This is regrettably an entirely different scenario; after the withdrawal is made, the casino employees verify that the winnings have been made in accordance with all applicable conditions.
However, I would like to clarify that while I can see why you believe they should have known you had placed such bets, I would honestly anticipate the exact scenario I just described.
Furthermore, you claim that the announcement is unclear, but how does that contradict your own admission that you are fully aware that every bonus has terms? I mean, how did you determine twice that this bonus is beneficial to you if these requirements are not stated in the screenshots? How did you anticipate the cancellation of the excessively high bets, I wonder? I believe it is extremely dangerous to accept a bonus without fully understanding the terms; additionally, it appears that you were aware of the restrictions.
Although it is very common for the terms to be explained in the bonus terms and conditions, I would say that in an ideal world, the related terms and conditions would be mentioned on the same page as the bonus. For instance, we think that such crucial information should only be two clicks away.
Since I know it must be a frustrating situation for you, I hope my questions show that I value any feedback you may have.
In any event, I hope your complaint is fairly resolved soon, and if you would like to update us on the situation, please do so.
私は彼らの主張について話していると同時に、私の話題をあなたに伝えようとしています。そして、報酬は無料ではなく、弱い天の川には最大 400 米ドルの制限があることを示す証拠をすでに送信しました。それで、報酬が 2000 ユーロに達したのはなぜですか? 私の言っている意味がわかりますか?
ここでボーナスの限度額を見てください。たった 400 ドルなのに、どうしてメールで 2000 ユーロだと言えるのでしょうか?
ここで、透明性と信頼性が存在しないことが明らかになります。また、彼らの言葉の信頼性を示すものは何も見つかりませんでした。これは、キュラソー組織のライセンス取得条件の 1 つではないでしょうか。
Hello Radka
I am talking about their claims, and at the same time I am trying to convey my topic to you, and I have already sent proofs showing that the reward is not free and that the weakly milky way has a maximum limit of 400 USD. So how was the reward amounting to 2000 euros? Do you understand what I mean?
Now look at the conversation with them via email and you will know how the responses were unclear and not transparent with me because I won through my effort but they deprived me of the profit.
In my conversations with them via email, they claim that it is 2000 euros from winning a tournament, and it is not free, but its rather free cash, not restricted by conditions,. which I can withdraw or play with. It is very normal that I simply did not violate anything, but they are looking for any excuse just to not transfer the profit to me.
and The Milky Way is not essentially a tournament. It is just one of their site’s special promotions and is bound by terms and conditions
Look at the limit for the bonus here, which is only 400 USD, so how can they claim that it was 2000 euros via email?!
Here it becomes clear that transparency and credibility do not exist, and I did not see anything indicating the credibility of their words. Isn’t this one of the conditions for licensing the Curaçao organization?
and Do I need more clarification than this?
このトーナメント ボーナスにスクリーンショット以外に記載されている条件が付いている場合は、それをコピーしてここに貼り付けるのが最善だと思います。
Thank you for explaining what is behind this whole situation. Though I'm a bit confused now. But I'll do my best to understand your points!
Could you kindly help me with these?
What does it mean "the reward is not free," please?
If this tournament bonus comes with conditions mentioned outside of the screenshots, I think it would be best to copy and paste them here.
I bet the casino needs to explain the winnings were higher than you expected. I had a humorous thought: could it be that the casino representative was describing a different bonus because they used the wrong bonus or tournament name?
I honestly do not know what to think about it.
別のメールでは、彼女はミルキーウェイと提携しており、ミルキーウェイの最高額は 400 ドルであると指摘しています。
Some providers organize a tournament on casino sites and it is free cash that is not restricted by the bonus conditions at any casino site. After the tournament ends, they distribute these rewards to the players with the highest positions, and these rewards are free cash that is not restricted by certain conditions and policies.. In my previous email, I explained some of the contradictions in the responses they received via email
How can you claim that it is a championship bonus worth 2000 euros
In another email, she says that she is affiliated with Milky Way, noting that Milky Way has a maximum of $400??
Do you still need more clarification than that they just don't want to pay my big profit?
この問題を理解することにとても興味があります。残念ながら、私はこのカジノとこの興味深いトーナメント機能についてよく知りません。ですから、あなたにとっては明らかなことでも、私には明らかではありません。スクリーンショットからは、たとえば、カジノのサポートとメールをやり取りしていたのか、それとも何らかの関連会社やゲーム プロバイダーとメールをやり取りしていたのか、まったくわかりません。単に「Player Relations の VIP」とだけ書かれていて、とても奇妙です。
しかし、もし私があなただったら、同じアプローチを使います。カジノ、ゲームプロバイダー、または 400 ユーロではなく 2000 ユーロを言った人に尋ねて、そのこととルールなどを説明するよう要求します。
I'm really interested in understanding the issue. Sadly, I'm not familiar with this casino and this intriguing tournament feature. So, what seems pretty obvious to you is not that obvious to me. From the screenshot, I have no clue to find out whether you were exchanging email with casino support or some sort of affiliate or game provider, for instance. It is just " VIP from Player Relations," which is quite odd.
"How can you claim that it is a championship bonus worth 2000 euros"
Hence, I do not know the answer.
But, If I were you, I would use the same approach - ask the casino, the game provider, or whoever mentioned €2000 instead of €400 and demand explaining that + the rules, for instance.
I agree that the communication between the other person and you is not very helpful. The goal, however, is to resolve the matter, not somehow prove to me that the casino does not want to pay you. So, everything you can do to get something useful from the casino or affiliate is a good move.
If I have to guess, I would say both the affiliate and the casino rep are confused. Did you attempt to contact them by displaying what the other person had said thus far?
hi radka
vip relations is the casino i never speak with a game provider on emails .. I show you the contradiction in me, the lack of clarity in my questions, and the arbitrariness in my communication
This shows that I deserve to win, but the amount is large for them. and its my bad that i choose there online casino to play this is my bad
「VIP リレーションズは、ゲーム プロバイダーと電子メールで話したことがないカジノです」
Well, this is certainly a matter of uncertainty. I, for instance, do not fully understand your post and begin to be lost in the matter. Hopefully your mediator will be capable of much better understanding.
Just a thing, when you stated, "In another email, she says that she is affiliated with Milky Way"
to that I responded,
"So, everything you can do to get something useful from the casino or affiliate is a good move"
and just recently you added,
"vip relations is the casino i never speak with a game provider on emails"
I truly do not know what I should get out of it. Just for a demonstration.
In any case, I'll try to keep an eye on the complaint; feel free to update us about the progress, please!
ウィークリー ミルキー ウェイに参加すると、前週 (月曜日から日曜日) に 1 回以上入金すると、最大 400 ドルの無料ボーナスが付与されます。
毎週月曜日にウィークリーリワードを獲得しましょう!(最低 5 ドルのボーナスが保証されます)
私が受け取った最初のメールでは、アカウントを閉鎖した理由は私が 2000 ユーロのボーナスを受け取ったためだと主張しています (これを主張しているのは私ではなく彼らであり、そもそも起こらなかったことかもしれませんが、彼らは私に多額の利益を送らないようにするためにこれを主張しているだけです)。そして 2 番目のメールでは、報酬の上限が 400 USD であると記載されている Weekly Milky Way の利用規約に私が違反したと主張しています (Weekly Milky Way はトーナメントではありません)。
hi radka
No problem, I will try to simplify the matter for you more
Weekly Milky Way
Your Loyalty Matters
Take a walk on the Milky Way this week to claim your bonus next week!
Win or lose, your deposits and wages are going to pay off every week!
Opt into the Weekly Milky Way, and we will reward you with an up to $400 Free Bonus when you make one or more deposits during the previous week (Monday through Sunday).
Here’s How:
Deposit a total of $50 or more between Monday and Sunday
Play any of your favorite casino games
Get your Weekly Reward every Monday! ($5 minimum bonus guaranteed)
Pluto:Deposit $50 - $99, for $5
Neptune:Deposit $100 - $299, for $10
Uranus:Deposit $300 - $499, for $25
Saturn:Deposit $500 - $799, for $35
Jupiter:Deposit $800 - $999, for $50
Ceres:Deposit $1,000 - $1,499, for $75
Mars:Deposit $1,500 - $1,999, for $100
Earth:Deposit $2,000 - $2,999, for $150
Venus:Deposit $3,000 - $3,999, for $200
Mercury:Deposit $4,000 - $4,999, for $300
The Sun:Deposit $5,000+, for $400
In the first email, as I received, they claim that the reason for closing my account is that I received a bonus of 2000 euros (it is not me who claims this, but rather they, and it may be something that did not happen in the first place, but they are only claiming this in order not to send me the large profits), and in the second email theyclaim I violated the terms and conditions of Weekly Milky Way, which stated that the reward limit is 400 USD (Weekly Milky Way is not a tournament)
I hope my answer is clear
Greetings to you
アカウントにアクセスできますか? おそらくもうアクセスできないと思います。
Now, I believe I can comprehend this much better thus far. Thank you for helping me.
Can you access your account, please? I believe you no longer can.
The way I still see it, though, your bonus/gaming history would be a very helpful hint. Because I still think some other bonus must be involved, or the casino employee was somehow acting based on different rules or information. Because of that, the casinos "explanation" did not help with anything at all.
In my opinion, without understanding the casino's motivation, we won't get much further.
no i don't have access to my account any more , and believe that maybe i don’t use any bonus or anything ,but they just see my winning is large for them and they just make a random excuse's to avoid pay me
and i do send to there license a complaint but still no answers sadly ..
調子はどうですか? 質問にあまり悩まないことをお勧めします。かなり疲れるはずです! 苦情が最も重要な部分に到達したら、カジノの担当者がすべての懸念に対処してくれることを願っています。少し時間がかかるだけです。たとえば、あなたや Casino Guru などの各サイトには、常に 1 週間の返答期間があることをご存知ですか? どうか辛抱強く待ってください。とにかく、私はあなたのためにここにいます。
How are you holding up? I suggest not to bother with the questions too much; it must be quite exhausting! Once the complaint reaches the most important part of all, I hope all the concerns will be addressed by the casino representative. It just needs some time. Did you know each site, like you or Casino Guru, for instance, always has a week to repond? Try to be patient, please. I'll be here for you anyway.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com