Things I have used up my allowable space to complain perhaps later I can come back be careful out there guys
Things I have used up my allowable space to complain perhaps later I can come back be careful out there guys
正直な場所もあると信じたいでしょうし、確かにいくつかはあると思いますが、ひどい詐欺もいくつかあります。Lucky Legends はその 1 つです。残念ながら、私がお金を獲得したのはここです。笑
You would kind of want to believe that there are honest places and I'm sure there are a few but there are some big bad rip off lucky Legends is one of them unfortunately that's where I won my money haha
私もかつては弱いプレイヤーでした。その後、このことが起きて、私は教育を受けました。インターネットで提示されたことすべてを信じてはいけないということを示しています。笑 もし私の災難が、彼らの嘘を信じる次の不幸な人に何らかの形で伝われば、彼らは私が経験したようなことを経験しないかもしれません。 しかし、この小さなフォームは隠されており、残念ながら私が言った警告の言葉を知るには、本当に掘り下げる必要があります。 生きて学ぶということだと思います。 返信ありがとうございます。 あなたはかなり賢明なようですね。それは良いことです。良い一日を。
I was a vulnerable player once. Then this happened and I got schooled. Just goes to show don't believe everything that it presented on the internet haha if my mishap could somehow be conveyed to the next unfortunate person believing their lies perhaps they wouldn't go through what I've gone through. But this little form is tucked away and you really have to dig in order to be exposed to the words of warning I have said unfortunately. Live and learn I guess. Thanks for replying. You sound pretty savvy that's good have a good one.
The delays you are experiencing are purposely crafted into the process of them ripping you off they put you through hoops until you're aggravated and then the time keeps dragging until you just give up it is the opposite of enjoying it to me and I imagine anybody else. That is what adds to the deviousness of this place they take your money then they slap you in the face now they take my money but slapping me in the face no way I'm going to complain to whoever will listen
Don't be sorry this is therapy to me not to being ripped off but the slot machines that I can zone out on and get this persistent negativity out of my mind for a few minutes at least. Playing them allows me to relax my hypervigilance somewhat but being ripped off brings all the aggravation back. So I complain here I am. By the way I only gambled what I can afford to lose but it still hurts to be lied to and catfished.
I gamble about the same amount of money it takes to go see a couple of movies in a month I don't watch movies so there you go anybody who loses a lot of money needs help if they Gamble a significant part of their income you no doubt. Being disabled the usual Pursuits of entertainment are mostly beyond my reach. So I play Slots in zone out for a bit every so often but like anything else I do I keep it completely under control which is more than I can say for some people.
I'm not on this form because I have a problem gambling I'm here because I have a problem being stolen from. There's a difference anybody replying to me that has the idea that I have a problem gambling has misread what I have said
Anybody replying to my post that besides to put yourself in a position of dominance by saying they're sorry I am gambling obviously has trouble reading and comprehending what I have said I'm sorry you had that trouble also. there we're even
That is the same exact process they used on the everything you said in the order you said it that was what they did to me they have it down as a system I guess luckily for me I guess they shut up it didn't say anything after a couple of months so I didn't have to go through some of the Hoops you had to go through I'm sorry you had to go through if you do get paid eventually please put that on this forum because I would like to know how that came about. I personally have given up on ever give me my winnings. Good luck
The whole process I went through this lucky Legend caused me much grief. They have my Bitcoin address they have my email address if they are willing to pay me there should be willing to notify me of said payment. I'm not going to think about how mad I've been at them because that only hurts me if they email me one day though and say they are ready to pay me or put my Bitcoin in my Bitcoin wallet then I would be relieved but the aggravation I have already gone through can never be repaired with money so I don't think about them which is Handy for them I guess
何回もIDを再送信しなければならなかったことを考えると、彼らのメールサーバーがうまく機能しているかどうかは疑わしい。たぶん彼らは私のGmailアカウントにアクセスできないんだと思う。笑 彼らは純粋で単純なドリフターで、実際、彼らにはそれを実行するプロセス全体がある。彼らと経験したことを考えると、そうでないとは決して信じない。設定とプロセス全体を分析すると、1つの目的しか示されず、それは彼らが支払わなくても済む金額を支払わないことだ。単純に彼らはぼったくりだ
Considering how many times I had to resubmit my ID I doubt if their email servers work very well I suppose. Maybe they can't get through to my Gmail account haha they are Drifters pure and simple in fact they have a whole process to do that with I will never believe otherwise not after the things I've been through with them. When you analyze the whole setup and process it only points to one end and that is to not pay as much as they cannot have to. Simple they're ripoff
If trying to warn people not to go through what I've been through is the only thing I can do then our legal system has failed us somewhere
彼らは実際に、この抜け穴をうまく利用して、うまくやりくりしています。これは彼らのビジネス モデルの一部だと私は信じています。残念ながら、すべてがそれを示しています。
They're actually using this loophole they're able to jump through to good effect it's part of their business model I believe. Everything points to that I'm afraid.
Why would they not belong to the gambling associations that are available to them that would cause them to have to honor their obligations and then put a person through Timeless hoops of aggravation in order to tire them out and psychologically prepare them for eventually not paying them if they were up and up and honest man they have gamed the system in order to steal from their patrons I will never believe otherwise their whole business model is set up that way that's how they make Bookoo bucks
They pay off the small amounts sure but if it's $1,000 or more a few people who actually win that much are just tiny voices they can ignore. Unfortunately I'm one of them now I'm going to get this off my mind again and I've made peace with the idea I'll never collect my winnings. But every so often I'm going to try to warn others not to go through what I've been through it's not a nice thing.
All of the comps are formulated to have to pay as little as possible in return for those few spins or dollars that they allow. To playthroughs are generally quite large against what you have won but if you happen to win all that amount of money that it takes to pay them off then you have the winnings cut off where they only pay so much I use them quite often and I don't expect to be paid if I win with them so I don't have this expectation built up within me that it will pay off and I'm not disappointed that way. But if on the rare chance I actually put my own money and expect to be paid if I win and then I win and don't be paid I am not only disappointed but angered that I was led on that way. I'm attracted to slot machines for their ability to take my mind off of things when it needs to be taken off of them for my psychological comfort. But the idea of actually winning real money is also a positive aspect I like to engage in every so often. I enjoyed the slot that I played but if I win and I try to collect and I am put through did the deception perpetuated in that process I become quite aggravated and rightly so because in those instances I have used my own money instead of using the comp money because of the idea I might collect some money playing this slot then they put you through a aggravation process and never pay you letting himself is against the whole idea of what I'm trying to achieve at this moment in time. It leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. And causes me not to trust any online slots. So I have quit using my own money and only use comps now as a result. Maybe that's what any warning should say to people never use your own money because you're not going to get paid. And be careful who you gamble with. Just play them comps until they run out and enjoy the play in the process. But still there is that lure. If I want to gamble to try to win money I live in a state where it's legal and we have casinos and I go to them cuz they pay their winnings right on time.
The resubmitting of identification is standard process in their deceptions if you're thinking you're going to get paid don't hold your breath it ain't going to happen brother.
Here is why they give you comps. They know that if you happen to get lucky on a certain machine and you play it until your comp runs out eventually then you think well I think if I put my own money down and I get lucky like I have so far I might actually win some money. That's the whole reason they do that so you can get that in your head and then you can put your money out there and lose it and if you actually win and they don't pay but they've made a pretty good profit off of you. They make a lot of money doing that I'm sure. Sure they had people who does the math and thinks of these deception because they want to get as much money from their customers as they can naturally.
They then pay the small winnings off to keep the BS down but the few people that actually make a large amount of winnings they don't pay off because they're a few people few people that win $1,000 or more they are tiny voices that are easily ignored so they get away with it
Why let an unregulated gambling establishment taking your real money even used the internet for their trade. It should not be legal . yet there they are taking everyone's money with no recourse for The Gambler to collect on winnings. Man is the perfect business take all the money with no losses imagine all the money they are stealing the credit card company should not even work with them but yet they do. Do not use lucky Legends to gamble at if you have any idea of collecting if you win. Cuz they're not going to pay they got it set up that way they shouldn't be allowed to be exposed in the United States because they're not going to pay off and they promise to at the beginning when you give me your money that's straight up stealing with a side of aggravation to boot.
Oh you wrote a lot, I would say that you always need to check the information about where the player is going to play. If the casino doesn't have a license, or if the chat was unprofessional or something like that, it would discourage me from playing there. Also, if I were trying a new casino, I would definitely go with just a small deposit, try to withdraw something and also see the process and how long it might take. Because I know a lot of players come to a new casino that is not at all proven by players or time, deposit thousands and then come back and say they have problems. That's what I tend to see, and I certainly wouldn't take it personally and go into it the same way. After all, you have to value money because you can't just find it on the ground. But I think you understand what I'm saying.
I would also say that I see you talk a lot about legality, but unfortunately we cannot deal with that because we are not lawyers.
However, I also understand where you're going with this and unfortunately nowadays when a lot of things are online, it's hard to reach somebody even if they're doing things they shouldn't be doing. That's why I would always be extra careful and try to avoid such stuff, at least on my part, if it was even a little bit possible.
But thank you for your insights.
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