Ja sam ih bas pigala vezano za to zu da se transakcija izvrsavala vise puta od 150$ pa su trazili jos 300$ za sigurnost vaseg racuna..
Ja sam ih bas pitala vezano za to kazu da se transakcija izvrsavala vise puta od 150$ pa su trazili jos 300$ za sigurnost vaseg racuna..
Postivani nisam izvršio nikakvu uplatu dok ne budem Potpuno sigran da nije prevara u piganju を投稿してください
Postivani nisam izvršio nikakvu uplatu dok ne budem potpuno sigran da nije prevara u pitanju
プレイヤーが誤ってPlay Fortune Casinoの一般スレッドに書き込み、後で実際に https://playfortune.cc/ でプレイしていたことが判明したすべての投稿をここに移動しました。これは非常に怪しいです。
I have moved here all the posts where players mistakenly wrote to the general thread of Play Fortune Casino and later we found out that they actually played at https://playfortune.cc/ which really looks fishy.
Please be careful.
スクリーンショットを投稿していただきありがとうございます。これで、このカジノが本物のオンラインカジノではなく、詐欺カジノの 1 つであることがはっきりとわかりました。
Thank you for posting the screenshots. Now we can really see that this casino is not the real online casino but another one of the scamming casinos.
Please read our article regarding these casinos and don't deposit anything there.
I hope you didn't deposit until now. Right? 🙏
要求されたお金を入金しないでください。このカジノは、最近発見された多くの詐欺カジノの 1 つであるようです。
Please don't deposit any money they ask from you. This casino looks like it is another one of the many scam casinos we found out about lately.
Here is the article we prepared for our users to help them better understand how these casinos work.
Our data team will check out this casino soon to find out everything about it.
Play Fortune カジノ アカウントに入金した後、資金を引き出すのが安全かどうか知りたいです。詐欺などに遭わないことを祈ります。カジノのセキュリティについて知りたいです。皆さん、ありがとうございます。
Respect to all users..
I'm curious if the withdrawal of funds from the Play Fortune casino account is safe after making a deposit. I hope they're not prone to scams, etc. I'm curious about the security of the casino, thanks everyone.
Postovanje svim korisnicima..
Zanima me poslije uplate depozita dali je isplata sredstava sa racuna play fortune kasina sigurna..Nadam se da nisu skloni nekim prevarama i sl..Zanima me sigurnost kazina hvala svima..
残念ながら、上記の他の投稿は https://playfortune.cc/ に関するものであり、当初考えていたPlay Fortune Casinoに関するものではありませんでした。
Unfortunately, the other posts above were about the https://playfortune.cc/ and not the Play Fortune Casino that we first thought it was.
Have you played at any of these casinos yourself?
It's a real scam with the 50$ I won 500$ to withdraw I had to verify the account I paid 150 after verification they tell me I have to pay another 300$, of course I didn't pay and they won't let me withdraw the 150 pure scammer don't deposit
É uma fraude autêntica com os 50$ ganhei 500$ para levantar tinha de verificar conta paguei 150 depois de verificada dizem me que tenho de pagar mais 300$, claro que não paguei e não deixam levantar os 150 puros scammer não depositem
ただし、苦情を申し立てることはできますし、私たちも努力します。 このリンクにアクセスし、申し立ての際にカジノが当社のリストに載っていないというオプションを選択してください。
I am really sorry that you experienced this. I hope that our complaint would be able to do anything regarding this, but I'm afraid there won't be any chance to contact the casino.
You can try to file a complaint though, and we will try anyway. Follow this link, please, and choose the option that the casino is not on our list when submitting it.
I didn't deposit anything. When I asked to delete the account they said they couldn't because I have funds on it. Is there any option for us all to report this site to have it shut down?
Ja nisam deponovala nista. Kad sam trazila da obrisem racun rekli su da ne mogu zato sto imam sredstava na njemu. Postoji li neka opcija da svi prijavimo ovu starnicu da je ugase?
I reported the page to the authorities, I think if enough people report it, it will be shut down. So whoever wants to report it, let them.
Ja sam prijavila stranicu da je obana u pitanju, mislim ako je prijavi vec broj ljudi da ce biti ugasena. Pa ko zeli neka prijavi.
I didn't deposit anything. When I asked to delete the account they said they couldn't because I have funds on it. Is there any option for us all to report this site to have it shut down?
Ja nisam deponovala nista. Kad sam trazila da obrisem racun rekli su da ne mogu zato sto imam sredstava na njemu. Postoji li neka opcija da svi prijavimo ovu starnicu da je ugase?
I guess it's probably not very possible but casinos like this don't last long. Anyway, it's always good for players to know about such cases.
Anyway, where did you report the casino?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com