is this what has been said to you or are you telling somebody
is this what has been said to you or are you telling somebody
To be honest
these sound dodgy
i haven’t found anything on google relating to them
chargeback with your bank
これは銀行の標準的な対応であり、自己承認であり、自己責任です。銀行が 3DS 取引をチャージバックする場合、責任は銀行にあります。
しかし、銀行は注意義務を果たし、Mastercard に取引を報告して、加盟店をブロックする必要があります。これはマネーロンダリングのほぼ完璧な方法です。領収書が紛失したなどの理由でチャージバックされる可能性はありません。
The banks usually know nothing about the payment service providers' schemes.
It's just a standard response from the bank, self-authorised, own fault. The bank is liable if they charge back the 3DS transactions.
However, the bank would have to fulfil its duty of care and report the transactions to Mastercard accordingly so that the merchants are blocked. It's almost the perfect way to launder money. No possibility of chargebacks because receipts are missing etc.
What did you report to the bank when you successfully made chargebacks? How long did it take for you to charge back? I'm stuck with Revolut. thank you
Mitä ilmoitit pankille kun teit onnistuneesti takaisinveloitukset? Kauanko sinulla kesti takaisinveloituksissa? Olen jumissa Revolutin kanssa. Kiitos
I said to them that I’m raising a merchant dispute due to the company closing my account down and not returning my funds. I also told them that in my country(United Kingdom) it’s illegal for them to let you use their platform
I appealed Swedbank's decision (above) to their customer ombudsman.
Jag överklagade Swedbanks beslut (ovan) till deras kundombudsman.
I have around £4700 of transactions with Santeda through open banking I contacted my bank today and tried to raise a dispute but they were having none of it as I had received a transaction back from Santeda at some point I tried to say that they have just done this to keep me engaged and depositing funds but this fell on deaf ear’s, any advice or does it sound like a lost cause ? I’ve also been in touch with the financial ombudsman today explained the situation to see if they can do anything about this
Tbh I’ve tried getting money bank from open banking and there’s literally no way as you can’t raise a chargeback. I tried contacting the payment provider who was WINTERMDSE for around 1800 and they just ignore me now so they’re never going to return the money either. The only way you can get it back is if Santeda refunds you, I’m not sure about financial ombudsman as I haven’t gone down that route. I feel like now you have your rejection from the bank, you can defiantly contact them to see if they can help. You can try say to them you have a gambling block on your card, you’re a vulnerable person and the company used a wrong merchant code to bypass the gambling block on your card, id write a fully prepared statement
Tbh I doubt any of these shady companies will refund. They’re out to rob players, so they’ll take anything they will get. Their classic victim is UK players that are on Gamstop, as they know people with addictions will spend a shit load of money
Yes all of their casinos deny refunds - way too excited about making a killing by scamming vulnerable people via illegal payment methods
CEG の見解では、オペレーターは、オペレーターが参照したウェブサイト上の公開情報に従って行動し、また裏付けとなる声明も提供しました。
プレーヤーは、(違法行為とされる)規範違反を根拠に請求を行っています。たとえこれが事実であったとしても、CEG はそれを立証できませんでしたが、違法性の相対的側面は、加害者が侵害した規範は、損害を受けた利益を保護するために成文化されている必要があることを意味します。しかし、この特定のケースでは、プレーヤーが請求の根拠とした規範は、相対性テストに合格していません。規範違反の主張が何であれ、相対性テストに合格しなかった結果、オペレーターはプレーヤーに関連する問題に関する規則および規制に従って行動したと判断されます。
lol so I complained to ceg and they sided with the casino. What a joke, they literally stole my money. This is what they wrote, it doesn’t even make sense to me just sounds like a load of jibberish.
The Operator, in the view of CEG, has acted in accordance with the public information on its website, to which the Operator has referred to, as well as provided supporting statements.
The Player has based his/her claim on an (alleged) violation of a norm (unlawful action). Even if this would be the case, which CEG was not able to establish, the relative aspect of the unlawfulness means that the norm infringed by the perpetrator must have been codified in order to protect the interest that has been harmed. The norm on which the player has based his claim does in this particular case, however, not pass the relativity test. Whatever may be of the alleged breach of a norm, as a consequence of not passing the relativity test, it is ruled that the Operator has acted in accordance with rules and regulations pertaining to the issues relating to the player.
I got a reply from the bank now after almost 60 days. They don't start a complaint. According to them, I have approved the payments myself. So there is nothing we can do. The banks have their backs on these pigs. So I closed your account at that bank now. They can pull
Jag fick svar av banken nu efter nästan 60 dagar. Dom startar ingen reklamation. Jag har enligt dom själv godkänt betalningarna. Så där finns inget vi kan göra. Bankerna håller ryggen på dessa svinen. Så jag stängde nitt konto på den banken nu. Dom kan dra
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