Read the comment after. I will give it people on Monday if it don’t get a response but carrying on like that you can go and find it yourself. Wow
Read the comment after. I will give it people on Monday if it don’t get a response but carrying on like that you can go and find it yourself. Wow
Why did you lose?
And how will guys you don't know help you???🙄
Zašto si izgubio ?
I kako će ti momci koje ne poznaješ da ti pomognu???🙄
支払いがSANTEDA INTLに直接行われた場合、希望はありますか?私はこれに何千ドルも持っていますが、そのうちのいくつかは昨年の1月と年末のものです。カードではなく、彼らが持っていた直接銀行支払いオプションを使用しているのではないかと心配しています。
If the payment went directly to SANTEDA INTL is there any hope I have thousands for this lots of them but some are January and end of last year I fear it is using the direct bank payment option they had though and not on card
I also tried to chargeback crypto payments to Revolut as the crypto was used to pay a site called trustdice when I won the max daily win £4000 they kept the money and closed the account ive tried it anyway sent screenshots of withdrawal etc, I also had £2000 on Wise bank with false coding issue going to furniture stores and wisefare fragrancies i raised these saying ive never received or ordered furniture or any goods
直接銀行支払いはチャージバックなどの保護の対象ではないため、Santeda が返金する可能性は低く、返金を受けるのは難しいと思います。Santeda の送金で詐欺ルートを試しましたか? 支払いを行ったとしても、Santeda の虚偽表示に該当するため、詐欺として分類される可能性があります。
これらのチャージバックに関して、私たち全員が指摘しなければならないのは、確かに私たちはギャンブルをしようとしたが、これらの業者は法律やギャンブルの規制を回避するために間違ったコードを使用したということです。次に述べる問題は、私が XYZ 社の商品やサービスを受け取っていないということです。私は Jokabet から直接返金してもらうことができて幸運だったし、他の人もそうだったことは知っていますが、そうしないと詐欺師が逃げようとする可能性が高いので、チャージバックを行う方がよいと理解し始めています。
The direct bank payment isn’t covered by any protections such as chargeback, so I think it would be difficult to obtain that back as Santeda are unlikely to return it, have you tried the fraud route on them transfers? It can still be classed as fraud even if you made the payments, as it falls under misrepresentation from them.
Regarding actual crypto payments I am unsure what the chances are on that, if you used your card to pay for crypto/crypto goods then they should assist, if you used crypto to pay for something then the likelihood of seeing that back is very low.
The point we all need to make on these chargebacks is yes we tried to gamble, then these merchants used incorrect codes to bypass laws/gambling blocks. The issue then to state is I have not received the goods/services of XYZ company. I know I had some luck getting Jokabet to refund directly and others have but I am starting to understand it is better to just do chargeback as these scammers will likely try to get away with it otherwise.
私にはチャンスがない暗号通貨を、Revolut から購入して第三者に送ったかどうか尋ねられたばかりだと思います。
サンテダへの直接送金は、私が詐欺ルートを試したことは一度もありませんが、銀行はすでに、私が全く知らなかった送金として行われたために 2 回のチャージバックが失敗したと伝えてきました。
Hi there.
I think the crypto I have no chance just got asked already from Revolut did I buy then send to a third party.
The direct transfers to Santeda I never tried the fraud route interesting the bank already told me though that two chargebacks failed due to being done as money transfers which I had no idea about !
The ones with purchases for furniture and perfume its 3 of them amounts to £2000 so yes I just said I never bought furniture or perfume or got any no doubt I will be grilled about it but I was called about another one the other day from a credit card company and I stuck to the story that I clicked on a link saying they would send a mystery electrical goods box which I never got and they refunded me next day I do this with the credit card companies that I know are hard to get them raised so they do not start their nonsense
Revolut では問題ないと言われましたが、それでも賢明な支払いは戻ってくるはずです。どうなるか見てみましょう
Got told no case with Revolut but I should still be getting the wise payments back will see how it goes
I never got one for ages but they had raised them and kept the money in an internal account then they paid them out a lot of money £16000 and I had already got back £5000 from credit cards elsewhere but the bank missed a lot I sent a list and they said they will raise these on Tuesday but not heard anything yet its about £16000 so its still playing on my mind plus the other £2000 now I found on a wise account last night i opened this to gamble move money so still got £18000 outstanding
はい、そうです。私が帳消しにした他の銀行口座にはもっと多くの金額がかかっていると思います。私はサンタンデール、モンゾ、ネイションワイドをすべて閉鎖しました。モンゾは実際に私にメールを送ってきて、閉鎖後に返金があると伝えてきました。私は詐欺だと思いましたが、チャージバックは発生せず、約 500 ポンドを受け取りました。それが、私が現在利用している銀行が行動を起こした理由だと思います。銀行が負けた場合にカバーするには多額の金額になるし、私の問題の大きさを見て、助けなければならないとわかっていたからです。ネイションワイドは、私が勝てたはずのチャージバックを断固として拒否し、モンゾは数回チャージバックを行い、再び発生したときに口座を閉鎖しましたが、それでもチャージバックを行い、私はネイションワイドを閉鎖しました。彼らからはまったくサポートを受けられなかったので
Yes it is its probably a lot more on other bank accounts that I wrote off ive had Santander, Monzo and Nationwide all closed Monzo actually emailed me saying you have a refund after it was closed and I thought it was a scam but I got about £500 no chargebacks raised I think that is why the current bank I have took action as it is a serious amount of money for them to cover if they lost and also they seen the size of my problem and knew they had to help !! Nationwide flat refused to raise chargebacks that I would have won and Monzo did a few then closed the account when it happened again but still did those and I closed Nationwide as got no support at all from them on it
Thanks for the tip, I have managed to win my every dispute when I referenced this. Used Revolut and the process took about a month. In some cases, I got provisional refund
Good luck, I really hope you and all of us get the majority of it back. Hopefully after a success on a few then you can push on and get the remainder back.
ヒントは何ですか? また、Revolut でチャージバックしたいものもあります!
What tip? Also have some on revolut that I want to chargeback on!
Vilket tips? Har också några på revolut som jag vill göra chargeback på!
Thanks I cannot see any probs with the bank ones maybe the £2000 at wise will be hard but it was very easy to raise the issue on the app
サンタンデールのチャージバックに成功した人はいますか? 私は Gamstop に登録しています。唯一の問題は、すべての取引をアプリを通じて承認したことです。明細書に記載されているランダムなものではなく、技術的にはカジノのクレジットに対して支払っていたため、「商品未受領」として申告しました。
Has anyone here had any success with Santander chargeback? I am signed up to Gamstop. Only problem is I approved all the transactions through the app? I filed it as ‘goods not received’ since I was technically paying for casino credit, not the random stuff that shows on the statement?
Separate to that, does anyone have any dealings with the following?
auri digital
byte news
オンラインの暗号通貨投資は100%保証されていません。私はInstagramのブローカーを信用してとても愚かでした。彼らは私を騙して投資させ、大きな利益を得ようとしましたが、それはすべて嘘でした。私は現在、資金を取り戻すためにTIK TOKの「Payback_Recovery」と協力しています。オンラインのこうしたものには近づかないでください。
Online crypto investment is not a hundred percent guarantee. I was so foolish to trust some brokers on Instagram they deceived me to invest with them to earn good profits but it was all lies. I am presently working with '' '' Payback_Recovery '' on TIK TOK to help me recover my funds. Please stay away from this online stuff.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com