何が起こったのですか?できるだけ詳しく教えてください。 - それは謎の電気ボックスであると主張するリンクで、それを受け取った人々の写真がありました。それを受け取るためにカードの詳細を提供しました
ベンダー/販売業者はどうやって見つけましたか?スクリーンショットやウェブサイトがあると便利です。Google で見つかっただけです
ベンダー/商人と最後に話したのはいつですか? ページから連絡が取れず、詳細がすべて消えてしまいました
この商品またはサービスはいつ受け取る予定でしたか? 2 週間以内にお金が GBP ではなく USD で引き落とされたようです。

I know wise replied saying they are still investigating after I threatened a complaint asking lots of questions which I replied to
What happened? Let us know in as much detail as possible. - it was a link claiming to be a mystery electrical box with pictures of people who received them I gave my card details to receive it
What was the payment for? What was promised? as above
How did you find the vendor/merchant? Screenshots or a website would be useful. It just came up on google
When did you last speak to the vendor/merchant? I cannot get in touch the page all details are gone
When were you meant to get this product or service? It said within 2 weeks the money seems to have been taken in usd not gbp.
I mean it should be straight forward for them to open an item not received chargebacks or have I did something wrong !