Again thank you so much for the response i will go down the complaint route and see where i get with that.
Again thank you so much for the response i will go down the complaint route and see where i get with that.
ちょうどバークレイズの苦情担当から電話があり、すべて解決したことを確認しました。これは注目すべきことかもしれませんが、彼らが処理するほとんどのチャージバックは、商品の未受領や商品の品質などに関するものであるため、VISA の 12.7 無効データはめったに使用されないと言われています。彼らはそれに基づいて喜んで処理しますが、彼らの話によると、これはまれな処理コードであり、頻繁に使用されないコードのようです。おそらく、銀行が知識不足のために拒否しているのはそのためでしょう。私は、全員に、彼らに連絡を取り続けて、苦情が拒否された場合は FOS に行くように勧めます。
Just had a call from Barclays complaints confirming all sorted, maybe worth noting this but allegedly 12.7 invalid data of VISA is rarely used as most chargebacks they process are goods not received or quality of goods etc. They are happy to process it under that but from what they were saying is this seems to be a rare processing code and one that is isn’t used frequently that maybe why banks are rejecting it due to lack of knowledge. I urge everyone to just keep on at them and then go FOS if complaint is rejected.
あなたの疑いは正しいかもしれません。ギャンブル サイトの中には、別のカテゴリで取引を処理して、別のものを購入しているように見せかけることで規制を回避しようとするサイトがあります。キュラソーのライセンスでは、キュラソーの規制は他の管轄区域に比べて一般的に緩いと考えられているため、これはややグレーゾーンです。ただし、誤解を招くような財務情報は、特に透明性に関して、多くの国で規制違反と見なされる可能性があります。
Your suspicion might be correct—some gambling sites may try to bypass restrictions by processing transactions under a different category, making it look like you're purchasing something else. Under a Curaçao license, this is a bit of a grey area, as Curaçao’s regulations are generally considered less strict compared to other jurisdictions. However, misleading financial information could still be seen as a violation of regulations in many countries, especially regarding transparency.
It’s worth raising a complaint, either with the casino itself or with the relevant regulatory body, but be prepared for the possibility that they might not take action if they operate in a more relaxed regulatory environment like Curaçao. You could also contact your bank to clarify whether these types of transactions should be flagged.
Hi, I’ve scanned this whole thread & still not got an answer. Santeda, anyone been able to contact them? I raised a dispute with my bank with the many merchants you all seem to have too, canapay, famoline etc etc, I’ve contacted them all no response. My case is a cross channel dispute cause some are debit payments and some are transfers I think (if I understand them right) the bank have said they have reached out to every merchant to issue refund but they won’t give me a timeline for this, it’s been 2 weeks now since I filed the dispute, no communication from bank except me calling them and waiting in very lengthy queues to speak to someone who knows nothing cause you can’t actually speak to the investigation team 😩 I’m with TSB if anyone has any experience on this? I’ve got all emails of proof but really struggling to contact Santeda
Chase からは、10 営業日以内に苦情を申し立て、すぐに解決したと言われました。
また、特にギャンブル ブロックが設定されている場合は、無効なデータに関するビザ規則の 12.7 にも注意してください。これにより、そのブロックが回避されます。
I was told by Chase 10 working days pushed them to complaints and then resolved quickly.
Barclaycard after the first was rejected I complained and then all others processed, to speed it up it may be worth complaining and reiterating no goods received.
Also worth noting 12.7 of visa rules around invalid data especially if you have a gambling block set up as this bypasses that block.
Hi, I’ve scanned this whole thread & still not got an answer. Santeda, anyone been able to contact them? I raised a dispute with my bank with the many merchants you all seem to have too, canapay, famoline etc etc, I’ve contacted them all no response. My case is a cross channel dispute cause some are debit payments and some are transfers I think (if I understand them right) the bank have said they have reached out to every merchant to issue refund but they won’t give me a timeline for this, it’s been 2 weeks now since I filed the dispute, no communication from bank except me calling them and waiting in very lengthy queues to speak to someone who knows nothing cause you can’t actually speak to the investigation team 😩 I’m with TSB if anyone has any experience on this? I’ve got all emails of proof but really struggling to contact Santeda
Santeda は MyStake、Velobet、その他いくつかのサイトを所有しています。どのサイトを使用しましたか? 彼らから返ってくる返答は「私たちの問題ではありません。決済処理業者が取引に対して何を適用するかは、私たちが管理しているわけではありません」となることは間違いありません。
Santeda own MyStake, Velobet and another couple. What site did you use? I can guarantee you what the response you will get from them will be - "not our problem, we don't control what our payment processors put against transactions".
Probably most of them, I’ve emailed all directly & your guess was correct lol.
dunno if I can go for the no goods recieved as I’ve told them honestly what’s happened
I know how to contact banks and provide them with a lot of evidence and definitely the way to make the chargeback successful.
I even turned this into a profession and have been doing it for over 10 years.
Can you tell me where you made it from and which site it is?
I can find most of them, but what are the names of the casino sites that use them?
Can you help me with chargebacks at Revolut? Mine are always rejected with a standard response. No matter what evidence I upload
Kannst du mir helfen bei Chargebacks bei Revolut. Meine werden immer mit einer standard Antwort abgewiesen. Egal was für Beweise ich hochlade
be careful with this person, do not give any personal information, if they can help, they can do it without private information, but i'm suspecting it's a scam to get personal information
具体的にどのように支援し、その見返りとして何が得られるのか、詳しく説明していただけますか? 皆様がご提供しているサービスの質について、ご自身の意見を述べていただければ幸いです。
As many people have been banned for doing so, you know, I am always a little reluctant to allow "professionals" hunting clients on our forum because we live in a pretty dangerous time.
However, I believe that this whole issue raises important questions, and I do not want to rule out potential assistance.
Would you kindly fully explain how exactly you assist, and what do you get in return? I prefer for everyone to form their own opinions about the caliber of services you provide.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com