Hi mate,
not overthinking it just if they disputed I would want to get a head of the game and get all the information I needed to counteract what they are saying buddy
Hi mate,
not overthinking it just if they disputed I would want to get a head of the game and get all the information I needed to counteract what they are saying buddy
Just panicking that’s all mate incase they make up lies about this
Nah the way the bank do them if done right they have no chance mate
How do the bank do it right mate do you have experience in this sort of thing I do know you have done a few chargebacks
Hot1.bet は正しい対応をして返金しました。彼らからの返答はありませんが、すべての入金は返金されました ✌️✌️
Shark77、Cake Tools Depot、Tradementumなど
Hot1.bet has done the right thing and paid back, no answer from them but all deposits have been refunded ✌️✌️
Shark77, Cake Tools Depot, Tradementum etc
Check if you have played on their pages within the group and email support.
Hot1.bet har gjort rätt för sig och betalat tillbaka, inget svar av dom men alla insättningar har blivit återbetalda ✌️✌️
Shark77, Cake Tools Depot, Tradementum etc
Kolla ifall ni spelat på deras sidor inom gruppen och maila support.
Well when they did mine none got any comeback I never actually raised them but I think ones getting comeback have not been done right
i can safely say i have been lucky today my bank as chargeback 260 transactions from there scammers today and now i can finally put this all behind me
the companies have no info on me as i never verified myself with the sites i played and can now look forward to xmas finally
still waiting on the other chargebacks from my company account which will take longer but the main thing is ive been lucky enough today and can move on now and forget this past year thank you to everyone who helped and i wish you all good luck in getting your money back
I have seen a few people on here who have had the merchants dispute with lies that’s all I am worried about
Well done mate ! do not make the mistake I made and go back to it but brilliant !
Theres no point going back ive read all 283 pages here the peoples pain and dispair including yours this was the wake up call i needed finding this thread was the best thing to happen to me this year and im moving on and spending the money on new golf clubs 🙂
Great enjoy it you really deserve it a very sad story has a happy ending ! Im glad I helped even if it was not great for me could have been worse at least I got some back mate im a survivor I will keep going
まあ、とにかく私は他の人を助けるのがいつも嬉しいです。私には数週間の空き時間があるので、他の人を助けるのがいつも嬉しいです。はい、ありがとうございます。解決してよかったです。一時的なクレジットしかないことはわかっていますが、私とは何の関係もないので、異議を申し立てられるとは思いません 🙂
well im always happy to assist others in anyway i have a few weeks of sparetime so always happy to help others and yes thank you glad its resolved i know there only temporary credits but i do not see them being disputed as they have nothing on me 🙂
You will be fine bud you might spill a few most will win ! kick back now
will do indeed
will keep looking at the forum for news of others and i may look in to fighting to get these companies closed forever so no more people get scammed anymore we are on gamstop for a reason not to be lynched by scammers cause of the issues we have had in the past
複数の取引でチャージバックを通じて銀行に訴えられた販売業者が 2 社あるのですが、販売業者が異議を申し立てられるようなことはありますか?
So I’ve got two merchants raised with my bank through chargeback on multiple transactions , is there anything the merchants can dispute them with ?
there filed under goods/services not received . in my eyes they don’t have a leg to stand on really .
Sounds great could not have summed it up any better myself just wished the banks and card providers were thinking the same !
異議を申し立てた加盟店が数社あります。銀行は回答を公開していません (少なくとも私の銀行はそうではありません) ので、彼らが何を言ったのかはわかりません。今年の春の 1 件では、私が「勝訴」したというメッセージが届きました。また、銀行が「加盟店の回答に疑問を呈することを選択した」現在進行中のチャージバックが 4 件あり、最終的な結果は約 1 か月後に出る予定です。
I have several merchants that has disputed. The bank do not share their response (not my banks anyway) so I dont know what they have said. One from this spring I just got a message that I had "won", and I have 4 active chargebacks where the bank have "chosen to question the merchants response" and I expect the final outcome in about one month.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com