直接連絡を取りたい場合は、falcora finance のウェブサイト falcorafinance.io にアクセスしてください。チャージバックを希望する場合は、ギャンブルについて何も言及しないでください。そうしないと受け付けられません。商品/サービスを受け取っていないとだけ伝え、暗号通貨または NFT を購入したと伝えてください。ただし、falcora finance は銀行振込の APP 支払いを通じて行われるため、同じ方法でチャージバックすることはできないと思います。
Hello mate ,
falcora finance website is falcorafinance.io if you want to contact them directly . If you’re looking to do chargebacks do not mention anything about gambling or they won’t accept , just say goods/services not received and then state you bought cryptocurrency or NFTs . But am sure falcora finance are done through APP payments which is a bank transfer so I don’t think you can chargeback those the same way .
hope this helps
What did the NDA say mate, obviously be careful there's no small print that will mess you up bro
銀行から電話があり、チャージバック額 14,900 ポンドが徴収されたとのことですが、Kinghills からは 4,700 ポンドしか受け取っていません。これからどうなるのでしょうか?
I got a call from the bank they have raised all the chargebacks £14900 worth but I have just received £4700 from Kinghills what happens now ?
It said to remove any feedback against them stop all claims or formal or informal things against them do not initiate any further actions against them keep info private on it remove all reviews and pay compensation for the amount for any breaches its governed under the laws of Costa Rica the thing is if they are raised as before will they even dispute them ? should I tell the bank about it now or let it roll ? the bank has not even bothered about the payouts they made about £10000
Tell the bank bro, don't spend that money and in the process that can get sent back to them
Ok mate thanks for the advice the thing is I thought they had rejected it then the refund came after it but now I would be expecting it all back to be honest what I lost not sure if I should tell the bank now or wait on the chargeback response am I right in saying that if they have breached payment provider terms on gambling they cannot reply
テレグラムで私を追加してください: @winnerdude
(casino.guru の場合、支援に対して報酬は受け取りません。ここですべてを共有したくないだけです)。
Add me on telegram: @winnerdude
(just for casino.guru, i so not take any payments for helping, just dont want to share everything here).
Did you sign an agreement other than the NDA?
Did you tell your bank about this before you signed the NDA and can you prove this
Just the NDA bud I never told the bank as it all happened after they had declined my complaint twice and for some reason today they reopened it and raised all the chargebacks 25 of them I had took the refund as I thought I might end up with nothing but its odd as I got the refund today £330 short then the bank raised them all on the same day I suppose they could try and object proving the refund was issued but its only a percentage of it and would they admit to using payment methods for gambling if not meant to be doing this ?
異議を申し立てるには、販売業者がマスターカードに取引を返金したことを証明する必要があると書かれていますが、返金は私に送金されたばかりです。返金を受け取らずに待つべきでしたが、こんなことになるとは思いもしませんでした。チャージバックで 10,000 ポンドを失う可能性があります。チャージバックの引き上げは、キングヒルズから全額返金を受けるための良い手段になるのでしょうか?
It says the merchant has to prove they refunded the transactions to mastercard to fight it but they just wired me the refund I should have just waited and not took the refund but I never knew this was going to happen ! now I could lose £10000 in chargebacks potentially ! maybe the raised chargebacks are a good tool to get a full refund from Kinghills now ?
I would 1) raise with your bank and explain the situation that you accepted the settlement in the basis of chargebacks not being processed 2) ask their advice and 3) seek legal advice of the consequences if you want to break the agreement you signed
Ok thanks for the advice that is good.
I am thinking of telling the bank just worried incase they cancel the chargebacks but they said they were raising them today they will probs send a letter soon and email.
I am sure the letter is nonsense as they are operating illegally so not got a leg to stand on.
I am happy to give them back the £4700 and take the £14900 !
Yeah I read through all of the terms and I seen that , maybe get in touch with them and explain the transactions were to an unlicensed casino , maybe they might refund you .
それは為替レートによるものですか? 銀行が全額を貸してくれるならいつでも返済できますので、そうします。
Is that due to exchange rate? I would as you can always pay it back if the bank give you full amount.
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