間違った MCC でクレジットカードに払い戻しがありましたが、同じように「まだ調査中」で 6 週間かかると言われたため、加盟店が対応したかどうかはわかりませんが、ギャンブルはクレジットカードではブロックされているため、これは Barclays からの一般的な回答だと思いました。加盟店がこれに異議を申し立てる方法がわかりません。
I had success with Barclays, is it debit or credit card?
I had a refund on the credit card under incorrect MCC, no idea if merchants have responded as I had the same sort of "still under investigation" and give 6 weeks but assumed this was a generic response from Barclays as gambling is blocked on credit cards and I can’t see how the merchants could challenge this.
Let me know what I could potentially assist with, also there are enough of us on this forum to help out.
私の銀行の最新情報。オーストラリアにいて、Mastercard を使用している場合、MCC が間違っていても銀行はあなたの味方にはなりません。3 か月で 20,000 AUD を失い、苦情を申し立てた後、銀行は最終的に 1,000 AUD を銀行から直接返金することを提案しました。
Update on my bank. If you are in Australia and with Mastercard the bank won’t side with you no matter if it’s incorrect MCC. After losing 20k AUD in 3 months and raising up the complaint they have offered me a final direct refund from the bank themselves for 1k.
I hope and wish everyone the best on your journey in getting your chargebacks from these scam casinos. Please stay strong and never ever gamble again.
依存症に関しては、すでに Gamstop に登録されているのは良いことですが、Gamban のインストールも試しましたか? これは、トーク、バン、ストップを通じて利用できる、英国居住者向けの無料アプリだと思います。
Others may be able to assist with merchants responding as I know a few have challenged it back, maybe need to share what they have said as if they have made up your details then go back to bank and notify them you didn’t sign up/receive the goods etc.
Regarding the bank refunding, if no response then they will refund they won’t deny you a refund, I suggest contacting them for an update and if they need more time request they update you in regards to any challenges. If no challenges then request a refund, the issue I had with Barclaycard is unless you actually speak to disputes then the handlers are not the best, again call them and ask to speak to disputes they will give you the correct answer. Assuming no response then you should get the refund pretty quickly.
Regarding the addiction well done on already being signed up to Gamstop have you also tried to install Gamban it’s free UK residents I think available through talk, ban, stop?
I have a question: do I’ve taken out multiple loans and cleared my credit card debts, I emailed the credit card companies multiple times saying I’ve got an addiction and I want my account closed and card blocked. They didn’t do this and I’ve maxed out the credit cards again. I’ve put another complaint in to clear my debt, if they do not uphold this do you think that the financial obundsman will side with me or the credit card companies?
Artsrid と Finnart から全額返金されたことをお知らせします。2 週間返事がなかったのですが、今日、全額が私の銀行口座に振り込まれました。
Just wanted to let you all know I’ve got all money refunded from Artsrid and Finnart, they hadn’t responded in 2 weeks but all money come into my bank today.
What was the final email you sent them mate? And their final response?
フィナートから 1 つ受け取ったばかりで、あと 6 つ残っています。アートトリッドから 4 つ受け取ったので、クリスマス前にまた届くことを期待しています。
I’ve just had one from finnart another 6 to go and 4 on artstrid hoping they come back in now before Xmas.
Mine too i got refund i sent them a scathing email basically saying that I could see that I am not the only person they are fobbing off with the fake email saying refund had been issued .And all the people whom have had these emails are now joining forces to bring legal action against company received funds yesterday
Could u forward all emails u have with them? To kieranclutterbuck1@gmail.com
what do these show up
as on your statement? Do they just show up as finnart and artstrid
I thought this was. they ignored my emails and i wrote a TP review and they sent back a lengthy email how it wasnt them and asked for my bank details and statement and then didnt reply again. They got my TP review removed
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com