I reckon its down to what bank it is on both fronts raising and recovery
I reckon its down to what bank it is on both fronts raising and recovery
What dispute code is that under Mastercard though - they don’t have incorrect MCC
Hi there I do not know the bank has raised them all for me
銀行振込について銀行に伝えてください。10 月 7 日以降、詐欺にあった場合は返金するという新しい規則が施行されますhttps://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/blog/scams-and-fraud/how-to-get-a-refund-for-bank-transfer-scams
Tell your bank about the bank transfer, new rules are now in place after October 7th that they should refund you if you were scammed https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en/blog/scams-and-fraud/how-to-get-a-refund-for-bank-transfer-scams
Again take a read of that but say you were promised/tricked into goods and you have not received them.
まず第一に、ご懸念を当社に報告していただき、誠にありがとうございます。これにより、お客様の懸念に対処し、明確にすることができます。お客様の苦情では、18 歳未満の人物がカジノでお客様のカードを使用したため、Revolut アカウントに 990.00 GBP のカード支払いが請求されたことに対する不満を表明されています。お客様は、当社にさらなる調査を依頼し、損失額を返金してもらいたいと考えています。
お客様は、2024 年 12 月 4 日にアプリ内チャットを通じて当社のカスタマー サポートに連絡し、上記の問題に関する懸念を表明しました。お客様をサポートしたエージェントは、ギャンブル業者への支払いはチャージバックの紛争の対象ではないと説明しました。しかし、お客様は受けたサポートに満足せず、正式な苦情を申し立てることにしました。
問題の取引はマスターカードで実行され、*1570 で終了しました。
日時 説明 金額 状態 2024/10/28 21:49:29 Spaympf*skinsonly 990.00 GBP 完了
このようなリクエストを処理する際の Revolut の主な目的は、お客様を保護することです。お客様のカード取引で何が起こったとしても、お客様に利益をもたらす方法で解決することが当社の最大の利益ですが、同時に、このプロセス中に前述のカードスキームのガイドラインが遵守されるようにする必要があります。
チャージバックのプロセスの詳細については、ヘルプセンターの記事をご覧ください: [異議申し立てのプロセスとタイムライン | Revolut 英国 |https://help.revolut.com/help/card-payments-withdrawals/refunds/how-does-the-chargeback-process-work/]。
このプロセスには、次の 2 種類の請求が含まれます。
不正チャージバック: 取引がお客様の承認なしに実行され、詳細が問題の販売業者と共有されていなかった場合に適用されます。したがって、当社のチャージバック チームは不正チャージバック請求の条件が満たされているかどうかを確認する必要があります。
チャージバック紛争: 商品やサービスが提供されなかった、同じ購入に対して重複または複数の請求があった、顧客がキャンセルした後にサブスクリプション料金が請求されたなどの状況に適用されます。このような場合、当社のチャージバック チームがお客様のケースを証明する情報を収集し、それを販売業者とカード スキームに提示します。そこで、ケースの進展に応じて決定が下されます。
2024 年 11 月 4 日に、当社のチャージバック チームが、実行された取引に対するお客様の異議申し立てを審査し、同日中にケースが却下されました。これに関連して、お客様は、ケースのチャージバックに関する否定的な結果を電子メールで受け取りました。
当社が上記の取引を調査したところ、特定のサービスを提供する正規の加盟店との間で取引が行われていたことが確認できました。したがって、加盟店が Revolut を通じて提供していたサービスは、それ自体は有効なものでした。これは、消費者がサービスを受けた後に何が起こったかは不明ですが、巧妙な詐欺は購入プロセス中ではなく、取引後に起こったことを示しています。上記を考慮すると、Revolut は、カード スキームの規則では有効とは見なされないため、お客様のチャージバック要求を拒否せざるを得ません。
いずれにせよ、あなたの苦情を受け入れないことで、あなたのネガティブな体験を無視しているわけではないことを、明確にさせてください。それは単に、客観的な観点から、そして私の知る限りでは、Revolut は今回不当な行動をとったわけではない、ということを意味します。
This was the nonsense I got from Revolut:
ummary of events and explanation
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention, so I can address and clarify them for you.In your complaint, you expressed dissatisfaction regarding a card payment of 990.00 GBP being charged to your Revolut account, as you indicated a person under 18 used your card at the casino. You wish us to further investigate, and refund you the amount lost.
You contacted our Customer Support via the in-app chat on the 4th of December 2024, expressing your concerns regarding the aforementioned issue. The agent assisting you explained that payments to gambling merchants are not eligible for chargeback disputes. However, you were not satisfied with the support you received and decided to raise a formal complaint.
Having looked into your case, I would like to provide you with a comprehensive explanation on the issue you raised in your formal complaint. Please find below the details of the transaction in question for which you have raised a chargeback with us:
The transaction in question was performed with the Master Card, ending in *1570:
Date and Time Description Amount State 28/10/2024 21:49:29 Spaympf*skinsonly 990.00 GBP Completed
One thing to keep in mind regarding the chargeback process in general, is that it is framed by a very detailed and consistent set of rules which encompass every possible scenario relating to card transactions. These rules are dictated by the card schemes, and both merchants and financial institutions like Revolut are obliged to adhere to them.
Revolut’s primary goal when handling such requests is to protect our customers. Whatever may have happened with your card transactions, it is in our best interest to have it resolved in a way that will benefit you, but at the same time we must ensure that the aforementioned card scheme guidelines are followed during this process.
You can find more information about the chargeback process in our Help Centre article:[ Dispute process and timelines | Revolut United Kingdom |https://help.revolut.com/help/card-payments-withdrawals/refunds/how-does-the-chargeback-process-work/].
The process includes two kinds of claim, which are:
Fraud Chargeback: applicable in cases where a transaction was not performed with your authorization, and the details had not been shared with the merchant in question. Therefore, our Chargeback Team needs to verify if the conditions for Fraud Chargeback claims are met.
Dispute Chargeback: applicable for situations where, for example, goods or services were not provided, duplicate or multiple charges for the same purchase, subscription fee was charged after the customer has cancelled it. In such cases, our Chargeback Team gathers the information proving your case and presents it to the merchant and the card scheme, where, upon developments of the case, the decision is made.
Your case in specific was a dispute Chargeback, and the case was handled accordingly.
On the 4th November 2024, our chargeback team reviewed your dispute claim for the transaction performed, and the case was rejected on the same day and in relation to that, you received the chargeback negative outcome of the case via email.
When we examined the aforementioned transaction, we were able to confirm that it had been carried out with a genuine merchant who offers specific services. Therefore, the service that the merchant had to offer and provided through Revolut was in itself effective. This indicates that, despite the possibility of what may have occurred after the consumer received the services, the elaborate scam occurred after the transaction and not during the purchase process. Taking the above into consideration, Revolut is therefore compelled to reject your chargeback request because it is not considered as valid under the card scheme rules.
Our view
In light of my findings above, I can confirm that the chargeback claim was rejected in accordance with the aforementioned Master card scheme, therefore I have decided not to uphold your complaint.
Be that as it may, please allow me to clarify that, by not upholding your complaint, I am not dismissing your negative experience. It simply means that, from an objective point of view and to the best of my knowledge, Revolut has not acted unfairly on this occasion.
Off to FOS then? Revolut appear to be terrible at these chargebacks
Yes mate I have already sent the 1st one to FOS but Revolut keep coming back with the same one transaction and completely different info story ? no reply still to the 2nd complaint its a joke im sure to get something for the botched complaints anyway ! the FOS suits me 😏 I think I will give up chasing Revolut
It would be easier if they just chargeback and then see if there are any challenges which there won’t be certainly not on incorrect MCC
I got the exact same answer before when I tried, they don't seem to care at all unfortunately.
Have reported them to all the places that go, hope you do the same.
Feels like all the answers you get from them are copy/paste, and then they feel they are done with the case.
I sent a letter to their bank in Lithuania that they refer to in all these emails they sent us, and guess what?
The letter was returned to me after several weeks marked "not claimed"
So they have completely ignored my case.
Jag fick exakt likadant svar förr när jag försökte, dom verkar inte bry sig överhuvudtaget tyvärr.
Har anmält dom till alla ställen som går, hoppas att ni gör desamma.
Känns som alla svar man får från dom är copy/paste, och sen känner dom sig klara med ärendet.
Jag skickade ett brev till deras bank i Litauen som dom hänvisar till i alla dessa mail dom skickat till oss, och gissa vad?
Brevet blev returnerat till mig efter flera veckor med markeringen "not claimed"
Så dom har helt ignorerat mitt ärende.
分かってるよ、でも今他の人たちがどれだけ大変か分かってるし悲しいよ!Revolut は明らかにこれらのサイトと共存してるよ、だって彼らはクソ食らってるんだから!このサイトは支払いオプションとして Revolut を持ってたんだ!
I know mate but I see how hard it is for others now and its sad ! Revolut obv work alongside these sites as they are taking the p**s ! The site had Revolut as a payment option !
Ok yes it is terrible I never even said that is what happened ! I have replied back copying in the FOS I sent 3 emails and have now backed off as not wanting to swamp the FOS
それでも提起する価値はある - 10 月 7 日以前は、銀行と決済プロバイダー向けの自主的な規定があった。つまり、銀行が APP 詐欺の被害者に返金する義務はなかったのだ。
彼らがノーと言うのが最悪ですか? 彼らが何を売っているのか見て、あなたが購入したいと言うのですが、彼らは銀行振込だと言ったのに何も届きませんでした。
Still worth raising it - Before 7 October there was a voluntary code for banks and payment providers. This meant that there was no mandatory requirement for banks to refund victims of APP fraud.
What’s the worse they say no? I would see what it is allegedly they sell and say you wanted to purchase they said bank transfer and nothing arrived.
@Paul PAYOP について何か経験はありますか? また、ギャンブルには使用できないという規約はありますか?
@Paul any experience with PAYOP and their terms saying cannot be used for gambling?
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