Yes but it is easy to do as you get caught up in it and try any method to deposit even when it is costing you money to do it
Chase have been a pain as far as Santeda go, that being said i've tried the tactic of asking them questions rather than pointing out what they've done wrong, they've forwarded me to a specialist team and i've yet to hear a reply in two weeks, also awaiting the FOS still, fingers crossed.
それでは幸運を祈ります。3 週間ほどで安全になると思いますし、FOS の返答も良好であることを祈ります。
Good luck then mate if about 3 weeks Id say your getting safe and hopefully your FOS reply is good !
Yeah mate, im done with gambling and have been a few months now. My mrs is overseeing my banking and I’ve promised my family and friends never again. For now it’s made me sick to the stomach anyway, I just want justice now for unlicensed companies to be shut down as us compulsive gamblers do not know when to stop.
Nice so you have someone holding your case? What’s your story on it like if you don’t mind me asking? Loads of links I’ve read use the scam tactic and that they were mentally ill etc
通常、彼らは、私が促したことを含めて約 5 日以内に返信します。私も促しましたが、彼らは今、時間をかけています。うまくいけば、FOS なしで私のところに来るでしょうが、私は自信を持っています。自分の状況とそれを裏付ける証拠を説明する適切なメールの下書きがあり、以前の FOS の決定も私のものとそれほど違いはありません。
Usually they've replied within about 5 days including me prompting them, which i've done but they're taking their time now, hopefully comes my way without FOS but i'm confident, i've got a good email drafted explaining my situation and evidence to support, plus previous FOS decisions not so different from mine.
Awaiting an agent to be assigned but it's been a few months so i'd imagine i'm due an email from them soon, without posting too much info publicly, it's not too dissimilar from that, i've got all the evidence collected and organized to back up my points too.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com