こんにちは。これまで私はいくつかの会社で成功してきましたが、ほとんどの場合、CEO の詳細を見つけて彼らに連絡を取るようにしています。あなたは誰を探していますか?
Hi so far I've been successful with a few companies, most of the time I try find the CEO details and direct it to them. Who are you looking for?
こんにちは。これまで私はいくつかの会社で成功してきましたが、ほとんどの場合、CEO の詳細を見つけて彼らに連絡を取るようにしています。あなたは誰を探していますか?
Hi so far I've been successful with a few companies, most of the time I try find the CEO details and direct it to them. Who are you looking for?
こんにちは。今日、FAO が Eduntage のディレクターを務める英国の法律映画会社の秘書に連絡しました。
Hi I've just contacted the secretary of their company today which is a UK Law Film, with the FAO as the Directors of Eduntage.
ウェブページの Gmail ロゴから情報メールを使用したのではないでしょうか?
Great, it looks like a legitimate law practice so perhaps they will make something happen.
I am guessing you used the info mail from the gmail logo on their webpage?
Could you mail what you wrote to them and i will send something similar and hopefully put some more pressure on them?
私はこのフォーラムに出会いました。起こっていることのすべては、本当にクレイジーで、説明することすらできません。私は 250 ページまでしか読んでいないので、私の質問がすでに回答されていたり、少し遅れていたりしたら申し訳ありません。
私の状況はこうです -
4 回のカード取引で 300 ポンド以上をチャージバックしてもらうために、今何をするのが最善か、どなたかアドバイスをいただけませんか。カジノにもう一度メールすべきでしょうか? 販売者に連絡すべきでしょうか? また、Revolut では検出されなかったギャンブル ブロックがあり、明らかに偽の販売者コードが表示されています。
Hi guys,
I came across this forum, it is genuinely crazy all of this stuff that is happening I can’t even begin to explain. I have only read up to like page 250, so I am sorry I my question has been answered or if I’m a bit behind.
here is my situation -
I am 22 years old and have about 13k debt in my name. It’s a lot to pay back a month but so far so good and these loans are only max 24 months. I am very optimistic that I will get out of this dire situation I put myself into due to gambling. I have been steady away with paying my repayments every month and living just about fine as I often make money online too for additional income. The issue is that every time I made additional money online, instead of keeping it or putting it back into my debts to pay off more I would just waste it on gambling ultimately making my monthly budgeting harder. With being paid so early in December I found myself in a situation where I wasted my entire wage on gambling but somehow SOMEHOW after praying the night before, managed to win over £2000 aka my entire wage and more back enabling me to pay my monthly debt repayments and everything else I needed to pay. I sworn never to gamble again, however like most of us do, I relapsed and spent £250 overdraft on one bank (bank transfer) and then another £300 overdraft on another bank (CARD PAYMENT). Although I have paid off everything I needed to pay this month is is very discomforting seeing my overdraft on these accounts be bad. I can make enough online this month to pay off my £250 overdraft but the one where I spent £300 using a debit card I believe after reading this I can get back. I haven’t tried a chargeback yet so it is still fresh, I have emailed the template to the casino and had no reply yet. The merchant from my card transactions is Fundof. I promise to never gamble again and I mean that, I have so much going for me in my life and I really do want to put this horrible part of my life behind me before I mess it up entirely.
please can anyone advise on what is best to do now in order to get a chargeback for my over £300 in 4 card transactions. Should I email the casino again? Contact the merchant? I also have a gambling block which was not detected by Revolut which clearly shows false merchant codes.
I want these idiots to pay me back with. Swine!
Jag vill att dessa idioter ska återbetala mig med. Svin!
Can you mail what you wrote aswell? aeonkain@tutanota.com and I send them the same email.
親愛なる友人よ、PNMM という会社について何か情報をご存知でしたら、教えていただけると大変助かります。
I would really appreciate it, my good friend, if you know any information about the company PNMM?
Θα εκτιμούσα πολύ καλή μου φίλη αν γνωρίζεις στοιχεία για την εταιρεία PNMM?
ギャンブルをやめるには専門家の助けが必要だと思います。一度依存すると、自分だけでやめるのは困難です。あなたも依存しているようです。カジノ、特にオンラインカジノは常に勝ちます。それが事実です!! オンラインギャンブル依存症に対処する専門家を見つけることは、ギャンブルをやめるのに役立つかもしれません。ギャンブルがあなたの精神状態に悪影響を及ぼしたくないからです。GameStop や Gamcare に登録されていないカジノはたくさんあるので、ギャンブルを続ける方法を見つけるでしょう。あなたは制御不能に陥る可能性のある莫大な経済的困難を抱えているようです。依存症を受け入れて助けを求めるという第一歩を踏み出すことが、あなたにとって最善かもしれません。幸運を祈ります
I think you need professional help to help you quit gambling as it's difficult to do on your own once addicted, which you appear to be. The casinos especially online ones will always win it's fact!! Finding an expert in dealing with online gambling addiction could help you quit as you don't want it affecting your mental health detrimentally. There are so many casinos that aren't GameStop and Gamcare registered you will find a way to keep gambling and it seems you are having immense financial difficulties which could spiral out of control. Taking the first step accepting the addiction and seeking help might be for the best for you. Good luck
I can't help you on the other matter except try charge back against the false merchant codes explaining what happened on live chat, I got mine back and found them professional and helpful
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com