I think we all have approached casino first with our grievance Miscoding unlicensed ect ect requested full refund .It would do you well to read all their terms and conditions ,check their licences governing bodies Costa rica licences are basically null and void New licencing laws took effect last year so any site displaying jazz licences are trading illegally with expired licences .I would also read the new gambiling licence laws for Malta, Caracaco as there are rules now casinos must adhere to . But even then Caracaco is still dodgy all back handing and corruption. But things may chance now new laws come in you can also check on the CGC what gambiling sites and companies have licences and when they expire.
You may get same ole speel as we all get .I managed to get a full refund from 1 company but it took a while and had to sign a NDA so can't disclose anything about what site it was .If you get nowhere from sites then approach bank .I have also warned and told sites that I will proceed with chargebacks and will take legal action if no resolution. Due to breach of sensitive data as our cards are supposed to be stored securely and encrypted end to end and they are not they are given to unregulated 3rd party merchants who are unregistered with the FCA .
Hope this helps be persistent ,if no luck then chargeback
Keep us posted! This sounds promising!
I have a few with bytenews
こんにちは、昨日 50 件のリクエストを処理したのですが、そのうちの 20 件ほどについて、こちらがあなたの参照番号です、調査員が 10 日以内に連絡しますというメールが届きました。これはチャージバックが処理されたということでしょうか? これは一体どういう意味ですか?
Hey, I put through 50 requests yesterday and have had emails saying heres your ref for about 20 of them and the investigator will be in touch within 10 days. Does this mean they have processed the charge back? Liek what does it all mean?
You wait for them to look in to it if you only done them yesterday its too early
Ok np I do not know who you bank with I just know the only options you can use is services not as described it takes time especially if you raised 50 for them to check it all
Chase are awful, i asked a question in regards to my case, they made me wait nearly a month only to say they cant answer my question as the case is too technical, so i followed up and asked why they could reject it in 50 minutes despite that not being long enough to go through the evidence, they just said its an FOS issue now
Can you remember what casino used the Nikotpf merchant? I've seen a few different versions of that now
ギャンブル関連だと伝えましたか? ギャンブル関連の訴訟は扱いが難しいです。ギャンブルに関する非常に小さな訴訟を 2 件拒否し、その後 40 ポンド程度の詐欺で拒否したことを覚えています。少額の訴訟で訴えを起こさないようにしたのだと思います。
前回この銀行で買い物をしたときは、商品を受け取っていないと処理して、結果がどうなるか見てみようと思っていました。今私が購入するものはすべて VISA と Barclays で行っています。Chase は通常の問題ではこのような感じだろうと想像しているからです。ひどい銀行です。
Did you tell them it was gambling related? They are difficult to deal with, I remember two very small ones they rejected on gambling then later did them on fraud around £40 so imagine did it to save the complaint for a small amount.
The last ones I had with them I thought I will just do no goods received and they have processed them but will see what comes back, any purchases I make now are with VISA and Barclays because I imagine Chase to be like this on normal issues. Terrible bank.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com