あなたの気持ちはよくわかります。私も今、同じような状況にあります。私のケースはかなり複雑になっているので、弁護士と面談する予定です。現在、サードパーティの支払い処理業者に対する訴訟手続きに携わっています。彼らが責任を負い、正当な企業と取引していることを確認することが重要だからです。銀行に関してオンブズマンにも相談しましたが、この 3 か月間、そのことに多くのエネルギーを費やしてきました。
I truly understand what you’re going through; I'm in a similar situation myself right now. I have an appointment with a solicitor because my case has become quite complex. I’m currently involved in court proceedings against a third-party payment processor, as it's crucial that they are held accountable and ensure they're dealing with legitimate businesses. I've even involved the Ombudsman regarding my bank, which has taken up so much of my energy over the past three months.
It sounds like you've tried everything possible, and seeking legal advice could feel like a big risk after everything you’ve already lost. I really hope you find the peace of mind you deserve and can eventually move on from this experience. It’s important to remember that your well-being matters most. You’ve got this, and I believe you’ll see your money returned in due time—those who wrong us often face their consequences.
Stay strong, and if you ever feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. We all need a helping hand now and then. I’m wishing you all the best—take care of yourself. ☺️
Santeda/Goldenbet に関するオンブズマンを待っています。Goldenbet サポートにキュラソーのライセンス関連情報を送りましたが、基本的にはサードパーティの問題だと言われました。可能であれば、英国賭博委員会に報告してください。これまでにここで数人に尋ねましたが、1 件の苦情で警告される可能性があり、短期間に複数の苦情があると、適切な調査が行われる可能性があります。
Waiting for the ombudsman in regards to Santeda/Goldenbet, even sent goldenbet support the Curacao licensing stuff but they've basically said that's an issue with the third party, if you could, please report them to the UK gambling commission, i've asked a few people on here to now, one complaint might alert them, multiple in a short space of time might make them investigate properly.
どういたしまして!あなたにとってこの状況がどれだけ厳しいものか、よくわかります。いつ一歩引くべきかを知ることは重要ですし、あなたは本当にできることはすべて試したようですね。弁護士を雇うのも選択肢の 1 つかもしれませんが、その金額を考えると価値がないかもしれません。覚えておいてください。あなたは最終的にお金を取り戻し、他人を利用する人は報いを受けるでしょう。リラックスして、これを人生の教訓の 1 つとして考えてください。結局のところ、私たちはみんな人間です。自分の健康に気を付けて、今はギャンブルから遠ざかるのがいいかもしれません。強くいてください。そして、たくさんの良い波動を送ります! 🙏
You're welcome! I completely understand how tough this situation must be for you. It's important to know when to step back, and it sounds like you've really tried everything you could. Maybe getting a solicitor would be an option, but that might not be worth it for the amount involved. Just remember, you’ll get your money back eventually, and those who take advantage of others will get their comeuppance. Try to relax and think of this as one of life’s lessons—we're all human, after all. Take care of yourself, and it might be a good idea to steer clear of gambling for now. Stay strong, and sending you lots of good vibes! 🙏
They know exactly what they're doing but trying to play stupid, worst of the worst. I've got a reply, takes 20/30 days, they ask for some information then forward it to their "sector specialists", i did try withdrawing from them myself but only option for me was via SEPA, which didn't work with two banks.
Ye they gave me the temporary refund and then on the 28th day took it back - then I spoke to them today and they said they would take it to pre arbitration - said that they would raise it today and then I needed to wait another 30 days to see the outcome ! They had originally raised it as goods and services not received - but I also mentioned today about incorrect mcc codes ! It’s so crazy because from the information I see online the merchant rarely wins pre arbitration so I’m sorry to hear to you didn’t - honestly I don’t really hold out much hope on my side either - but we’ll see - I think the next step after that is the ombudsman
キュラソー イーゲーミングはまだ運営されているのか、それともキュラソーの変更によって影響が出ているのか教えていただけますか?
Can you tell me if curacao egaming is still operational or if the changes to curacao have taken their toll?
Sabem me dizer se a curacao egaming ainda esta operacional ou se fom as alteracoes em curacao deixaram de assumir o seu papel?
はい、うまくいけば、開いているものから何かが返ってくるでしょう。どうなったかは必ずお知らせします! X
Yes well hopefully you will get something back from the ones you have open - I’ll defo let you know how I get on ! X
同じような立場で、自分のお金がなくなったことを受け入れ、FOSから取り戻せればそれでいいのですが、主な焦点は、同じことが他の人に起こらないようにすることです。本当に精神的健康に影響します。ストレスはひどいです。ギャンブルの広告についても、より厳しい法律が必要です。私のメールはうんざりするほどですし、テキストメッセージも届きます... 自分を責めないようにしてください。これは私たち全員がここで苦労していることであり、うまくいけば、これが私たち全員がギャンブルの問題を経験するのは最後です。私は正直、お金がなくなったという考え方に陥りますが、FOSにしっかりとしたケースを準備して、最善を祈ります。私が読んだところによると、ほとんどの場合、担当エージェントの裁量次第だと思います。うまくいけば、これが私たちの最後のギャンブルです。
In a similar position, accepted my money is gone, if i get it back from FOS then great, but main focus is stopping it happening to someone else. Really does affect your mental health, the stress is horrendous. There needs to be stricter laws on advertising gambling too, my emails are sickening, get texts too... Try not to beat yourself up over it, it's a thing we've all struggled with here and hopefully this is the last time we all go through any gambling problems. I'd honestly get into the mindset it's gone but try and prep a solid case for the FOS and hope for the best, think it's just down to the discretion of the assigned agent for the most part from what i've read. Hopefully this is the last time any of us gamble.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com