Were the rejected ones significantly larger transactions I’m assuming?
Were the rejected ones significantly larger transactions I’m assuming?
つまり、50 ドル札が 2 つ返金され、他の 100 ドル札は 50 ドル札が拒否されたのです。本当に奇妙だと思います。
So some were 50s two of which were refunded others were 100 but some other 50s got rejected. I find it really bizarre.
Santander literally lied and said they raised mine as chargebacks and they didn't took 5 months for a decision I confronted them in chat and asked a cs advisor where they ever raised as as goods not recived and they said no hence why it's now with the FO they gave me the right run around it kept getting rejected and closed Santander are the worse
他のフォーラムで読んだのですが、プラグマティック プレイは英国賭博委員会によってライセンスが取り消されるところではないでしょうか。ここで名前を挙げてもいいかわかりません。
Isn't pragmatic play about to get their licence revoked by uk gambiling commission i read on the other forums don't know if I can mention the name on here ?
I just checked this casino and it's a Costa Rica casino so god knows i don't go near those cowboys as no protection .I have reported them anyways
申し訳ありませんが、ガレージは mystake/Santeda international にリンクされているとおっしゃったと思いました。もしそうなら、そのリンクをどのように確認できますか? ここでは誰も彼らについて何も知らず、彼らがどのようにして法律を完全に回避することを許可されたのか知りません!!
Sorry I thought you said that garage is linked to mystake/ Santeda international.. if so, how can you confirm the link? No one here knows anything about them and how they’ve been allowed to bypass the law completely!!
Payments made to Mystake went to a "WBMSC" who I strongly believe to be them yes
How do you know he is a British Cypriot? Where can I find this please
私はいつも、サンテダの CEO は IGA の Mario だと思っていましたが、わかりません。支払いはすべて銀行振込で、オンブズマン経由で手続きを進め、キュラソーで私のケースを担当する弁護士も雇っています。待ってみましょう。でも、先は長い道のりになりそうです。
I would just turn up there lol with a camera 😂
I always thought it was Mario from IGA who was the CEO of Santeda but no idea. My payments were all via bank transfer and im going via the ombudsman as well as hiring a lawyer to take on my case in Curacao. Let’s wait and see but it will be a long road ahead..
Is that Mario the guy who got caught for doing dodgy shit with curacao egaming?
Everyone should definitely read this…
finnart と artstrid はアイルランドに登録された企業であるため、この件に関与している「Aideen short」というアイルランド人が背後にいると私は考えています。
An Irish person involved in this known as "Aideen short" I believe is behind finnart and artstrid due to them being companies registered in Ireland.
Pixeleum.io についてもう少し調べてみると、nordmedia solutions ltd という別の会社があり、住所は同じで、代表取締役は Sanhueza 氏です。どちらの会社にも連絡先はなく、どちらの会社も会社登記所に登録されていません。
Finnart.io、Elegro (nikotpf*) マーチャント、betfoxx からも返信がありました。
Doing a bit more research on Pixeleum.io, there is another company called nordmedia solutions ltd it has same address and the executive director is Mr Sanhueza. There is no contact details for either company and neither company is on companies house.
Ive heard back from Finnart.io, Elegro (nikotpf*) merchants and also betfoxx.
I've spoken with my bank again and this time the lady I spoke to was extremely helpful and willing to help. Just a pity you can't get the same person at call centres, as I've to call back Monday at the latest with outcomes of all emails I've sent out.
Also need any help with contact for:
Zpaympf*gaming store
Zpaympf*tools haven
ゲームが適切に読み込まれず、常に不具合が発生するため、実際にプラグマティックにメッセージを送って、そのサイトが合法的にそれらを掲載しているかどうかを確認しました。返信すら得られなかったことに驚きました 😂
I actually messaged pragmatic to see if the sites had them on there legitimately because the games didn't seem to load up properly and always glitches. Surprised to know I didn't even get a reply 😂
Hi mate, what did elegro say to you? They have asked me for bank statements and masked card details which I sent over so I’m hoping they’re going to look at refunding the transactions?
Also did you get anywhere with pixeleum? I also have them as a merchant on my bank statement and I managed to find an email gdpr@nordmediasolutions.com linked to them. I have requested a refund using this email and explained that my data was given to them by a casino, so is a breach of the law etc
Elegro はあなたに対して言ったのと全く同じことを私に言いました。私は 9k を彼らからもらっているので、彼らから返事が来ることを祈っています。
Pixeleumからは連絡がありませんが、ここから別のメールが届きました。 . あなたのアドレスにメールを送ってみますが、これらの会社は怪しすぎて連絡先を見つけるのが非常に難しいです。
Elegro said the exact same thing to me as they have to you, fingers crossed we hear back from them as I have 9k with them.
I've not heard from pixeleum but I got a different email from on here, support@pixeleum.zendesk.com. will try sending an mail to the address you have, it's so sketchy that these companies are so difficult to find contact details.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com