試すことはできますが、support {at} mystake.email に転送されます。
You can try them but they will pass you on to support {at} mystake.email
試すことはできますが、support {at} mystake.email に転送されます。
You can try them but they will pass you on to support {at} mystake.email
Unfortunately mine were all banking transfers via the open banking mechanism (or SEPA transfers as it appears on MyStake/Velobet) and secondly my bank are Revolut who are notoriously awful at helping customers and staff talk to you like bots not addressing any of your points.
I complained to Revolut and in their response, which was very odd, they said in the same paragraph both that they would try to recover the funds then that upon further review they would not as the unregulated gambling violated their terms! When I queried this further their bot employees wouldn’t answer me and just kept repeating about the activity being against their terms etc.
So now a Claims Management Company who specialise in fraud are assisting me and we are awaiting an Ombudsman allocation.
Your situation might be more straightforward than mine if you used a card and can chargeback or have a bank with some ethics and empathy but otherwise it’s not easy taking on these charlatans.
はい、それはたった 1 週間のことでした。おそらく、過去 1 ~ 2 年間でその 2 倍は簡単に増えているでしょう。
Yes and that was just in one week, it’s probably easily double that in the last year or two.
Of course now I can’t believe it but when you’re in a gambling binge and chasing losses on sites with no Safer Gambling controls and a bank who never query the transactions you can lose everything quickly.
チャージバックを請求しようとしましたが、Starling から 120 日以上前のことなのでチャージバックできないというメールが届きました。私の最大の販売業者は昨年の 6 月から 10 月までで、すべて 120 日以上でした。それだけですか? Nikotpf からは連絡がなく、Pixeleum からは 3 週間前に明細書を要求して以来返信がありません。
What's my options??
Tried to raise chargebacks, but Starling just emailed saying as they were over 120 days ago they cant charge back. My biggest merchants were from June to October last year all over 120 days. Is that it? Ive not heard from Nikotpf and Pixeleum haven't replied since they asked for statements 3 weeks ago.
ああ、今あなたの言っている意味が分かりました。はい、S なしで転送したところ、転送されたことを知らせる返信を受け取りました。ありがとうございます。
Oh I see what you mean now. Yes I did forward without the S and recieved a response informing me it will get passed on. Thank you.
hi would you mind sharing how? i have tried with my bank but they are not having any of it.
Not to worry hun ,It can be overwhelming and daunting. It is alot to take in and can be a long frustrating trying to navigate this forum and find the information you need .If you need any help I am happy to help try and find the info you need
ランダムなメッセージを受け取った人はいますか? たとえば、「EQUTAS」から「私のアカウントに 429 の実際の現金が入金されました」というようなメッセージが届きました。
Hi just wondering. After anyone has played these casinos/contacted these casinos.
Has anyone received random messages? For example I have a message from 'EQUTAS' stating 'my account has been credited with 429 - actual cash' along those lines'.
Can only assume they pass on our data of some sort, sell it? Maybe farfetched.
Yes every day they are using your phone number to entice you in
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com