basically how many days have passed since you raised the chargeback? if it's in arbitration it means they haven't ascertained that the invoice is false
in pratica da quando hai sollevato il chargeback quanti giorni sono passati? se è in arbitrato vuol dire che non hanno accertato che la fattura sia falsa
85 days all in about 50 for the chargebacks then 35 days wait after objecting to the fake invoice
It's a big mess because if the bank doesn't recognize the fake invoice, it's your word against the merchant's and I'm not at all sure that the bank can resolve the issue in our favor
è un gran casino perchè se la banca non riconosce la fattura falsa, è la tua parola contro quella dell'esercente e non sono affatto sicuro che la banca possa risolvere la questione a nostro favore
本当ですか?iPhone 14 proでも入手できますか?いくらですか?Gambanよりずっといいですか?
Really? Can I get it on iPhone 14 pro? How much is it? Much better than Gamban?
13000 won in the casino or via chargeback? always with skingmagnate? because he sent me a false invoice for 500 euros
13000 vinti nel casino o tramite chargeback? sempre con skingmagnate? perche a me lui ha inviato fattura falsa per 500 euro
Ok i sent a letter objecting its not my ip address and i do not have a steam account requested SARS etc found lots wrong with it they have 30 days to reply its been 35 now
他の商人smpay magicincなどでは13000ポンドは戻ってきません。skinsmagnateだけが返信しました
No £13000 back with other merchants smpay magicinc etc only skinsmagnate replied
No sorry I never tried to contact any of them the bank just raised them after an objection to my complaint as per previous posts
Facebook をお持ちですか? もしそうなら、サポートに連絡してサポートを受けることができます。サポートは、Facebook 広告がアカウントに適用されているかどうかを確認できます。また、広告の支払いプロファイルがあるので、アカウントで確認することもできます。
はい、Facebook では、Facebook 広告マネージャを通じて過去および現在の広告を表示できます。検索方法は次のとおりです。
Facebook アカウントで、右上隅にある下向き矢印をクリックします (デスクトップ バージョン)。
広告マネージャにアクセスするには、ドロップダウン メニューから [広告の管理] を選択します。
日付、キャンペーン タイプなどでフィルタリングして、以前に作成した広告や現在実行中の広告の表示を絞り込むことができます。
あるいは、ビジネス ページの広告を管理している場合は、Facebook ビジネス スイートまたは Meta ビジネス マネージャーにアクセスし、「広告」セクションに移動して広告アクティビティを確認することもできます。
スクリーンショットを撮って銀行に送ってください。また、Facebook に広告がないことを確認してもらい、これらの人形にもコピーを送ってください。明らかに彼らはあなたの名前や Facebook の詳細さえ入力していないので、どうやってあなたの Facebook アカウントに広告を割り当てたのでしょうか?
Have you got Facebook? If so then you can reach out to support and they can help you and confirm that you have Facebook ads applied to your account you will also be able to check in your account as there is payment profile for ads
Log inYou said:
On Facebook is there a place where you can see if you have bought and placed Facebook ads
ChatGPT said:
Yes, on Facebook, you can view your past and current ads through Facebook Ads Manager. Here’s how to find it:
Go to Ads Manager:
On your Facebook account, click the downward arrow in the top right corner (desktop version).
Select "Manage Ads" from the drop-down menu to access Ads Manager.
View Your Ads:
In Ads Manager, you'll see all your ad campaigns, ad sets, and individual ads.
You can filter by dates, campaign type, and more to narrow down your view of previous ads you've created or are currently running.
Alternatively, if you're managing ads for a business page, you can also go to the Facebook Business Suite or Meta Business Manager and navigate to the "Ads" section to review your ad activity.
Let me know if you need help with anything specific!
Screenshot it and send to bank also i would get Facebook to confirm you have no ads and also send these puppets a copy as obviously they didn't even put your name or Facebook details so how did they allocate ads to your Facebook account ?
yes they sent an invoice like this to my bank too.. only they recognized it as fake. instead now I'm waiting for revolut to examine the COOLCS2 proof, I always expect a fake invoice
si hanno mandato una fattura come questa anche alla mia banca.. solamente che hanno riconosciuto il falso. invece ora attendo revolut che esamina la prova di COOLCS2 , mi aspetto sempre una fattura falsa
Yes im sort of thinking as it has been so long and no reply I have won them as usually if you lose you find out after two weeks
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com