- 身分証明書の写真
- 身分証明書を持った自分の自撮り写真
- このカードの最初の 6 桁と最後の 4 桁、およびカード所有者の名前が開いた状態でのカード表面の写真。
送るべきだと思いますか? 彼らが主に求めているのは、サイトでアカウントを設定するための情報だと思います。 払い戻しを受けるために KYC を行う必要はありません。 大した金額ではありません。
We took a closer look at your issue and found some transactions in our system connected with the card you had mentioned.
In order to provide you further information we need to identify you as a cardholder.
Please provide:
- photo of your id;
- selfie with you holding your id;
- photo of the front side of this card with first 6 and last 4 digits and cardgolder name open.
All data on photos must be readable.
This is Grottobook
Do you think I should send it in? I think they mostly want info so they can set up an account on their site. You don't have to do a kyc to get a refund. It's not a big amount.