I don’t believe you can contact them directly and they like to distance themselves from the casinos which now all claim to be separate entities and not sister sites.
Send me your email address, then you can delete it again.
Schicken Sie mir ihre Email adresse, im Anschluss können Sie die wieder löschen.
Yes, unfortunately no response received.
Ja, leider keine Rückmeldung erhalten.
Was your account restricted first or just got closed?? So say a investigator is
looking at mine
Ok I am really worried that I am going to have my account closed. Don’t understand why an investigator is looking at it!!
私のスコットランド銀行の口座は、子供たちの口座も含めて、2 か月以内に閉鎖されます。今のところ、私のスターリング口座は問題ありませんが、大口の預金のほとんどはスターリングにあるので、その口座を閉鎖したくないので、これ以上の未受領商品は処理しません。
My bank of Scotland accounts including my children's ones are being closed in 2 months time. So far my starling account is okay but most of my big deposits are with starling so not doing any more goods not received as I don't want that account being closed.
You won't by sending this information they have your information to fabricate fake invoices you should not have sent any ID over to them.,so now if you go down chargeback route they can produce invoices with your details and photo ID they don't need to do a kyc check they are not a financial institution. You should have asked in here for advice on these merchants there is also plenty of information regarding them they will most probably now respond telling you because you authorized the payments using 3dsecure the bank will side with them in any chargeback claims they now have all your personal data 🙄
Pixeleum、finnart、nikotpf の商人で運が良かった人はいますか?
Elegro は、nikotpf のものに関して一切の知識を否定しています。
Pixeleum と Finnart からは連絡がありません。
Has anyone had any luck at all with pixeleum, finnart and nikotpf merchants?
Elegro are refusing any knowledge with regards to the nikotpf ones.
I've not heard from pixeleum and finnart.
Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏻
Do not send any iD to these merchants they will fabricate fake invoices be warned you will not get any refunds from them all they need is card details with numbers obscured and proof of transactions
とにかく、興味深いのは、2 人の詐欺師が Destream と Webmosaic だったことです。
これは Mastercard が対応しているのか、それとも銀行が対応しているのか知りたいです。うーん...
Don't shout at me, I stupidly got very, very drunk last night and tried to deposit to a casino. All of the transactions were blocked though by my card provider. Thank the universe.
Anyway, the interesting part of this is that the 2 scammers were Destream and Webmosaic.
I'd like to know if this is Mastercard taking action, or my bank. Hmmm.....
Hi, here is my email, thanks..
Hi anbei meine Mail, Danke..
Were you given a refund of the dispute?? I haven’t been given any so don’t know if my account will be closed or not
こんにちは。helpersm ですべての手順を完了しましたが、最終的に彼らの返答は「すべての取引が 3D で承認され、確認メッセージでカバーされているので、問題ありません」というものでした。返金はありませんでした。
Hello, I completed all the steps with helpersm, and in the end their response was, "considering that all transactions were approved 3d and with a confirmation message we are covered," they did not reimburse me anything.
Buna,eu am completat toti pasii cu helpersm ,iar la final raspunsul lor a fost ,,avand in vedere ca toate tranzactiile au fost aprobate 3d si cu mesaj de confirmare noi suntem acoperiti,,Mie una nu mi au rambursat nimic.
I've been given temporary refunds but the bank is now asking for further details regarding the merchants.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com