ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、888Starz Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hi, generally speaking, I believe that even though the provider can be restricted, it's always casino's responsibility to make sure that you can't play the games in their casino. When they allow this to you, it may be a part of their business strategy.
They can simply decide to take the risk and allow the games in countries where their competitors (other casinos) restrict them. In such cases, all winnings should be paid out and losses should be taken as fair losses.
Of course, you can't accept players losses, but refuse to pay winnings due to country restrictions. From our point of view, the most important part of the gambling is its fairness. Whenever a player deposits and loses money, they should always have a chance to win as well.
If you have a fair chance to win, then you should have a fair chance to lose. The provider might be officially banned, but just look at it from a different perspective. There are certainly players who like games from the provider. The players would be very sad if they suddenly couldn't play games from the provider. Then a casino decides to provide the games for those players as well. The players are happy, because they found a place where they can play games that are otherwise forbidden for them.
Would we punish the casino? Not really. It's their own risk. They risk to have issues with their licensing authority, they risk to have troubles with the government of the specific country, because they provide games that aren't licensed there and they also risk to create bad relations to the game provider since they offer their games in a restricted territory.
未解決として提出された苦情の完全な削除を要求するために、2通の電子メール(nikolas.b@casino.guruとprivacy@casino.guru)を送信しました。 888starzカジノは返金することを決定しましたが、請求を削除するように私に頼みました。したがって、苦情とこの議論を削除してください。ありがとう。
I have sent two emails (to nikolas.b@casino.guru and to privacy@casino.guru) to request the permanent removal of my complaint which has been filed as unresolved. 888starz casino decided to refund but asked me to have the claim removed. So please proceed to remove the complaint and this discussion. Thanks.
Ho inviato due mail (a nikolas.b@casino.guru e a privacy@casino.guru) per chiedere la rimozione definitiva del mio reclamo che è stato archiviato come non risolto. Il casinò 888starz ha deciso di rimborsare ma mi ha chiesto che venga eliminato il reclamo. Quindi per favore procedete alla rimozione del reclamo e di questa discussione. Grazie.
I forwarded your information to Nikolas as well.
I will check it up tomorrow.
I saw that you changed it from unresolved to resolved but I had asked for it to be permanently deleted. Why hasn't it been deleted?
Ho visto che lo avete passato da non risolto a risolto ma io ne avevo chiesto la cancellazione definitiva. Perché non è stato eliminato?
Hello carsix79,
it's because we do not delete complaints, we can make the complaint anonymized. Anyway, I consulted with Nikolas, he will get back to you by email.
I asked the live chat operator:
"Evolution gaming provider is not available on our website."
So they removed the Evolution gaming provider after I had sent the complaint that this provider could not be offered to Italian (and not only) players unless they have the local license of the country they offer Evolution games to (in my case the Italian license ADM). So I was right that they violated the provider's underlying license rules and did not specify any limitations in their terms and conditions. This also means that there are still dozens of Curacao casinos that are violating the territorial restrictions on Evolution.
The same thing happened to me with Power casino which has now also been closed ..
Quindi hanno rimosso il provider Evolution gaming dopo che avevo inviato il reclamo per il fatto che tale provider non poteva essere offerto ai giocatori italiani (e non solo) a meno che non abbiano la licenza locale del Paese a cui offrono i giochi Evolution (nel mio caso la licenza italiana ADM). Perciò avevo ragione io sul fatto che avessero violato le regole della licenza sottostante al provider e nei loro termini e condizioni non specificavano alcuna limitazione. Questo vuol dire anche che ci sono ancora decine di casinò di Curacao che stanno violando le restrizioni territoriali su Evolution.
La stessa cosa mi era successa con Power casinò che ora è stato pure chiuso..
Hello Carsix79,
I can understand your point of view, but I'd say that it's up to the casino whether they want to provide restricted games to players and risk troubles with the involved game provider or licensing authority. I can imagine that lot of Italian players will miss those games.
I believe that the key point is whether the casino pays out the winnings you can gain by playing "officially" restricted games. Allow me to be clear, this situation should never be used against the player.
まず私の下手な英語についてごめんなさい。私はこのカジノに新規登録しており、メッセージでオファーとしてフリースピンを受け取りました。プレイ後、フリースピンからの賞金として 29 ドルを獲得しました。この賞金を賭ける方法をサイトで調べましたが、何も見つかりません。どのように機能するかご存知の場合は、教えてください。ありがとうございます。
First sorry for my bad English. I am new registered in this casino and I received a free spins as offer in my message.after play them I have 29 $ as winnings from free spin. I surched in the site how to wager this winnings but can't find anything. If you have any idea how does it work please show me.thank you
Hi, I think you did pretty well with the English. Would it be possible to give us some information about the bonus you played with ?
Alternatively, regarding the bonus, did you try to check with support or live chat ? I think they will be able to provide the most reliable information on the situation. Will you try it ?
こんにちは、 888starzカジノでの出金に問題があります。
- 身分証明書 2 枚 (2 回送信)
- 個人データを含む預金の証拠
- 身分証明書を顔の横に置いた自撮り写真
- 顔に近いセルフィー写真と、その背景に888starzセキュリティ部門と交換された電子メールおよびすべてのデータが表示される必要があります (これはどのような要求ですか?)
- サービス請求書の証明。文書の検証に困難が生じています。
「非圧縮の画像を提供してください。ファイルサイズは 1 MB を超えるようにしてください。」
Hello gentlemen, I am having problems making withdrawals at 888starz casino.
They blocked my withdrawal, and account verification was requested and in the process, multiple documents have already been sent and they always ask for more in order to complicate the process and make the customer give up.
It has already been forwarded:
- 2x identity document (sent twice)
- Proof of deposits with personal data
- Selfie photo holding identity document next to face
- Selfie photo close to the face and in the background the emails exchanged with the 888starz security department and all data must be visible (What request is this?)
- Proof of service bills, where difficulties are being created to validate documents.
I sent a photo of the water bill, a photo of the electricity bill, and sent the water bill and electricity bill in PDF format. But they always respond.
"Please pay attention to the requirements of the Security Department."
"Provide uncompressed images, Make sure the file size exceeds 1 MB."
I'm not compressing anything, the way I took it was forwarded to the same people.
I don't know what to do anymore
Can anyone help me?
こんにちは。アカウントの確認、特にサービス請求に関して問題があるようですね。これが要件の 1 つである場合、ファイル サイズは 1MB を超えていますか?すべて正しく入力しているので問題ないはずだと思い、サポートに問題の内容を尋ねてみましたか?
Hi, I see that you have a problem with account verification and specifically with service bills. Is the file size larger than 1MB if this is one of the requirements ? Did you try to ask support what the issue is, since you think you're entering everything correctly and it should be fine ?
Anyway, I see that you have already managed to file a complaint, so our team will try to help you in this case. Would it be possible to reply to Tomas so that he can then move on ? That would certainly be appropriate.
I hope that your case will be resolved and that you will eventually be able to verify your account. If you have any new information, don't hesitate to let us know.
いくつかの書類を再度転送し、 888Starsサポートから次のような他のリクエストを転送した後、
- パスポートの写真
- サポートから提供された現在の写真と現在の日付のコード
今朝、 888Starsサポートから返事があり、私のアカウントでは新規ベットがブロックされており、出金は許可されているとの連絡がありました。
888Starsについての私の意見は置いておくとして、このカジノはお勧めしません。アカウントを確認して出金するために、ほぼ 3 週間サポートとメールでやり取りをしてきました。これまで利用したカジノの中で、これは最悪でした。
オンラインカジノの経験を共有するためのスペースを提供してくださった Casino Guro に感謝します。
Hi Jaro, thanks for your attention.
After I forwarded some documents again and other requests from 888Stars support such as:
- Passport photo
- Current photo with code provided by support with current date
a leaf.
This morning I heard back from 888Stars support informing me that my account is blocked from new bets and that withdrawals are allowed.
I was able to make the withdrawal and everything was resolved, after several KYC requests.
Leaving my opinion about 888Stars, I do not recommend this casino, I have been exchanging emails with support for almost three weeks to verify my account and make the withdrawal, of all the casinos I have used this was the worst.
This was the most tiring account verification process I have ever gone through.
Really exhausting
Thank you to Casino Guro for providing the space for us to share our experiences with online casinos.
また、少なくともあなたの経験は他のプレイヤーにとって役立つかもしれないと思いますし、将来そのような状況はあなたに起こらず、カジノでプレイするときはすべてがスムーズに進むと強く信じています。がんばって。 ☘️
I'm glad you got your money in the end, but I can see the price. I think it was pretty exhausting for you and I'm not surprised that you took that attitude towards the casino.
I also think that at least your experience could be useful for other players, and I firmly believe that such situations won't happen to you in the future and that when you play in a casino everything will go smoothly. I wish you good luck. ☘️
最初の私の経験は良かったです。私はアルゼンチン出身です。仮想通貨を買うよりも簡単なので、入金に使用した方法は現金でした。11 月以来、彼らは私に稼いだお金を引き出すことを許可してくれませんでした。 「銀行取引明細書」、支払いは現金であるため適用されないと説明しました。支払った請求書は持っています。求められたものを渡しましたが、セキュリティメールからの応答がありませんでした。彼らだけが私に何かを教えてくれるでしょう。
My experience at the beginning was good, I am from Argentina, the method I used to deposit money was in cash because it is easier than buying cryptos, since November they have not let me withdraw what I earn, they ask me to send them a "bank statement", I explained to them that it would not apply because the payment is in cash, I have the invoices that I paid, I gave them what they asked me for but they did not respond to me from the security email, if only they would tell me something.
Hi so it's a pity when there were problems after it was quite fine. However, how long does this situation of yours last ? I see that you have been asked for more documents and so you will have to go through additional verification. How long has the casino not responded to what you provided ?
Let me know.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com