しかし、私は躊躇してしまいます。 1週間以上あなたを無視しているようなカジノに入金するのは危険に思えます。言いませんか?
Hello there. I must say that showing screenshots is a perfectly smart solution. Now that I'm thinking of it I have seen that before here on the forum, and I'm quite sure it was the same issue you're facing now.
I'll conduct a little research to help you out. Meanwhile, do you use any plugins in your browser? I have a feeling that some kind of active translator plugin might cause such silly behavior while writing a post here.
Regarding your issue, I'm glad to hear we talk solely about winnings from the no deposit bonus, because at least you may consider whether it is a worthwhile deposit in the casino.
Yes, most likely, you need to deposit in order to verify your payment option so it can be later used for the withdrawal.
However, I would be hesitant. It sounds risky to deposit at a casino that seems to ignore you for longer than a week. Wouldn't you say?