そこで、300 を少し超える金額を入金しました。この時点で電子認証は済んでおり、しきい値は 2000 と記載されていたため、KYC チェックは問題ないと考えました。
セクション 17 および自己排除法により、以前の時点で ID の提示を求められた場合、ID の提示を求めてはいけないことはわかっていますが、写真付き ID、銀行口座の詳細、自撮り写真、住所証明書を送信するまで賞金は受け取れないと言われました。
次に彼らは、それでは不十分だと言って、リンクで手続きをしなければならないと言い、銀行にログインして取引内容を示すビデオ証拠を要求しました。それを実行しました。チャット エージェントは、これは許容できると言いました。
I'm having major trouble with this casino paying out.
So I deposited just over 300. I was electronically verified at this point and threshold stated 2000 so thought I was ok for any kyc checks.
I hit a big win 2000 withdrew immediately and felt I wanted to gamble so I did self exclude.
The site has been so difficult in answering questions.
I know they're not supposed to ask for id when it could of been asked at an earlier point section 17 and the self exclusion laws however they stated I wouldn't recieve any of my winnings until I sent them photo ID, banking details, selfie and letter of residence.
I gave in and sent them all on the email as they told me to.
Next they came back that wasn't good enough I'd have to do it by link and they wanted video proof of me logging in my bank and showing the transactions. Did that. Chat agent said this would be acceptable.
Did the photo id which got accepted driving licence with my address on, did the video.
Did the proof of address.
Now they have emailed this morning the video is not good enough and a more indepth video showing all my account details.
My bank.advised me not to do this!
Everytime I comply they move the goal post so what am I to do??
If you are certain you have already provided the casino with all necessary documents, or let's say enough documents to verify you and your account fully, I'd say there isn't much to do in that regard.
I would like to know why the casino needs such video in the first place. These requests may indicate that the goal is not just verifying your account but also perhaps investigating some sort of suspicion associated with your account. But I prefer not to speculate without understanding the casino's approach.
So, maybe if we summarize what you have already provided and compare that with what the casino still needs to release the withdrawal, we will come to a realistic conclusion.
Can you try to summarize that, please? I really think it would be handy.
名前付き電子メール アドレスについては何も記載されていません。カード、銀行口座、住所を使用しました。
私は自撮り写真、銀行のビデオを提出し、銀行カード、手紙 2 通、運転免許証も提出しました。メールアドレスも見せました。
その後、mitek というサードパーティ経由ですべてをアップロードするように言われました。不安でしたが、実行しました。エラーが何度も発生しました。なんとかほとんど取得できましたが、彼らは別の自撮り写真を mitek に追加することを望んでおり、それが現在の状況です。そこにアップロードすることは許可されておらず、彼らはそこにアップロードする必要があるとだけ言います。メールとチャットで送信しようとしましたが、彼らは知りたがりません。
I think my email address might of flagged up something. It's my sisters old email. I had basically borrowed her phone until I could get a replacement. She had an email address she didn't use so for about a year I've been using that email for everything and automatically. They've obviously seen a different name on the email. I explained the situation right away. To one chat advisor mocking me asking me which name to call me.
I showed them photos of my inbox and showed them all my emails income and outgoing are addressed to me rather than on my email address.
I have not breached any terms in this.
Nothing states about a named email address. I've used my card, my bank account. My address.
I have supplied selfie, bank video, I've just done my bank card, two letters, my driving licence. Showed them re email address.
They wanted me to then upload everything through a 3rd party called mitek I wasn't comfortable but did it. Kept coming up at error. Managed to get most and they want another selfie added to mitek which is where we are at. It's not allowing me to upload to there and they just say the same thing it needs to be on there I've attempted sending it via email and chat but they don't want to know.
そうですね、ミテックの問題は奇妙です。カジノのサポート アプローチも同様ですが、今のところはこれを後回しにする必要があると思います。他人のメール アドレスを使用すると疑惑が生じる可能性があることは部分的に理解できますが、登録時や支払い時に第三者の詳細を使用しない限り、このような混乱は発生しないと思います...
Ok, the mitek matter is weird. And so the casino's support approach, but I guess you have to put this behind for now. I can partially understand that using someone else's email may raise suspicion, but unless you used a 3rd party's details while registering, or paying, I believe it should not cause such a mess...
I suppose we get at least some explanation and an opportunity to resolve the issue as soon as the casino joins the complaint discussion, which I think is inevitable.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com