ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、BetNow Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
誰か、BetNow のキュラソー島ライセンスを確認していただけませんか。CG 上ではライセンス済みと表示されていますが、実際はライセンスされていないと思います。
Would someone check the Curacao License for BetNow please, they are shown as Licensed on CG but I don't believe they are,
I have recently challenged them and managed to get back my deposits because again I have found them to be unscrupulous!
Hi, I found this again on the casino's website, so everything should be fine.
However, I see that you had a problem there, but you managed to get your money back in the end. I suppose it won't be a casino for you to come back to.
There is something very strange going on because I still did not see a valid license:
もし私がイギリス出身なら、将来の問題を避けるためにここでプレーするリスクは冒さないと思う。どう思いますか ?
I was looking at this casino on our site and I got to what you found.
However, did you see on our site the information about the casino not being licensed in the UK ?
I don't think I would risk playing here if I were from the UK to avoid any problems in the future. What do you think ?
I am not interested in playing in the casino, I am looking at the lack of a valid license, that is worrying for others, I would say!
Sure I understand, so you found a good one and also on our website it is stated that it is not licensed in the UK. I think this information can help a lot of people, so thank you.
他ではライセンスされていません。これを Curacao eGaming に報告します。
ライセンス情報が有効ではないので、GC はライセンス情報を削除することを検討すべきではないでしょうか?キュラソー島のライセンスの多くは1月に更新予定であることを覚えておく価値はありますが、規制の強化によりどれだけの事業者が更新しないのか興味深いでしょう。 CGはこれにどう対処するのでしょうか?
It is not Licensed anywhere else, I will be reporting this to Curacao eGaming.
Should GC not consider taking down the License info now that it is not VALID? It is worth remembering that many of the Curacao Licenses are due for renewal in January, it will be interesting to see how many operators will NOT renew, due to the tighter regulations. How will CG address this?
This casino is licensed but not in the UK. You can see it from the screenshot I posted before.
As for the renewal of the license from Curacao, we will monitor it and if a casino is not licensed, we will edit the information on our website for the casino.
I will stick my neck out and say this casino is not licensed. if they are perhaps you could post a valid license here, thanks Jaro.
データ チームのサポートを受けた私自身の経験によると、多くのカジノは特定の国のプレーヤーに対して非 GB ライセンスを隠しており、そのことが状況全体をさらに混乱させています。 🤷♀️
It's licensed; check it out:
According to my own experiences, supported by guys from the Data Team, many casinos hide their non-GB licenses from players from certain countries, which makes the whole situation even more confusing. 🤷♀️
しかし、それはキュラソー島のライセンスの仕組みではありません。ライセンスが正しくないことを他の場所で見たことがあります。実際の証明書 Radka にアクセスできますか?
That isn't how Curacao Licenses work though, I have seen elsewhere their License is not right, can you get to the actual certificate Radka?
はい、動作します。これがまさに ANT バリデーターの動作方法です。
Yes - it works, and this is precisely how the ANT validator works:
It's all there.
彼らはANTを持っていないのですか?彼らはおそらくキュラソーゲーミングに所属していると思われますか? BETNOW.eu の有効なライセンスを表示できないのはなぜですか
they don't have ANT? they are supposedly with curacao gaming? Why can't you show the valid License for BETNOW.eu
なんと!あなたは正しいです。間違ったリンクを送信してしまいました。私の悪い正直な謝罪 🙏
これは GC にも当てはまります: https://casino.guru/licensing-authorities/curacao-license-4
「2013 年以降、Gaming Curacao からライセンスを取得したすべてのカジノは、Web サイトにライセンスのシールを表示する必要があり、通常はページの下部のフッターに表示されます。クリックすると、検証ページに移動します。ライセンスのステータスを確認できます」
Oh my! You're correct; I sent you the wrong link. My bad and honest apology 🙏
This goes for GC: https://casino.guru/licensing-authorities/curacao-license-4
In this case, its validator works just like this:
"Since 2013, every casino licensed by Gaming Curacao must display the seal of their license on their website, and it can usually be found in the footer at the bottom of the page. Once clicked, you will be taken to the validator page, where you can check the status of the license"
I was talking to a colleague about this and he said that sometimes this is how it appears to players from certain countries. It's strange, but since our team summed it up as the casino is licensed and they verified it, that's the way it is. So for now everything is fine with this casino and the license is valid.
in which case Jaro, please post a valid license on here, I have gone through the Curacao License checking too and also found a problem, others have also reported issues with their license, I don't buy the fact that it is about location, how can that be?
私はすでに有効なライセンスをここに投稿しました - シールは「バリデーター」と呼ばれ、緑色のチェックマークがその有効性を示します。
この場合、Jaro が説明したとおりです。 VPN ごとに他の国を選択するまでは、私たちと同じ結果は表示されません。 🤷♀️:
I already posted here the valid license - the seal is called the "validator", the green tick indicates its validity.
There is also the word "verified.". This verification process is initiated every time you click or tap the validator - it's a real-time check.
In this case, it is as Jaro explained. Until you pick up some other country per VPN, you won't see the same result as we do. 🤷♀️:
Casinos do that for countries with specific legal regulations; the UK is usually on the list.
This is another common practice, but the casino is licensed. Not much else to add, I'm sorry.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com