ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Betunlim Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hi, the best thing to do in your case would be to contact support and ask them how you can redeem it. I think they will be able to handle your request in the most efficient way.
Let us know if you contact support and whether you have solved the problem.
ロイヤルティボーナスはありません。何も。彼らは不完全なゲーム履歴を提供しています (プラグマティック プレイ プロバイダー)。この吐瀉物をキュラソー ギャンブル管理局に報告します。この金儲け屋からは遠ざかってください。
The most epic scammers I ever seen in my life. Look how many deposits I made after a epic brutal lost. (5000 euro). Every bonus buy for more than 60 euro -> no profit. Doesn't matter which provider. Pathetic s**it.
No loyality bouses. Nothing. They offer a incomplete game history (pragmatic play provider). I will report this puke to curacao gambling control. Stay away from this moneymakers.
カジノの達人がカジノの安全性を評価できるかどうか、私は強く疑問に思い始めています。これは多くの点で詐欺です。彼らは偽のスロットを持っています。(彼らの「フリースピン」で大勝ちすると、フリースピンの利益と同じ金額を入金した後の売上高は 20 倍になります。私の場合は 200 ユーロでした... 詐欺ですか? はい
I am beginning to strongly question the ability of casino gurus to assess how safe casinos are. This is scam in many ways. They have fake slots. (You win hugely on their "FREE SPINS" then it's 20 times the turnover AFTER you deposited the same amount as the freespinnn's profit is. In my case 200 euros... Scam? Yes
It smells like smoke when they get such a high rating from you
Jag börjar starkt ifrågasätta casino gurus förmåga att bedöma hur säkert casinon är . Detta är scam på många sätt. De har falska slots. (Du vinner enormt på deRAS "FREE SPINS" sen är det 20 gånger omsättning EFTER att du satt in samma summa som freespinnns vinsten är . I mitt fall 200 euro... Scam ? Ja
Det luktar rök när de får så högt omdöme av er
ここでは、 スロットの仕組みについての興味深いガイドを用意していますので、よりよく理解するのに役立つかもしれません。
私たちがオンラインカジノをどのように評価しているかをよりよく理解するために、 ここにある私たちの記事をお読みください。
I am sorry, but I could barely understand the meaning of "fake slots", to tell you the truth.
Could perhaps explain it better to me, because I don't get it.
Here we have an interesting guide for you about how slots work, so maybe it will help you to see it better.
And to help you better understand how we review online casinos, please read our article about it, which you can find here.
Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you have, of course.
このカジノには、馬鹿げたやり方でボーナスが支給されます。私は 30 ユーロを入金して 15 ユーロのボーナスを受け取りましたが、自分のお金 15 ユーロを失った後、なんとか換金して 90 ユーロほどになりました。
This casino has a bonus that is done in an idiotic way! I have deposited 30 euros and received a bonus of 15 euros, after I lost my own money 15 euros I managed to convert and came up to about 90 euros!
Now it's "funny", the same moment when I have transferred 15 euros, the entire amount is deleted and I have 15 euros as MY OWN MONEY"
Today there are many casinos that run "fraud" bonuses and you see it when it's too late!
Never again this casino!
Detta casino har en bonus som är gjort på ett idiotiskt sett! Jag har satt in 30 euro och fick bonus 15 euro, efter att jag förlorade egna pengar 15 euro lyckades jag omsätta och kom upp till ca 90 euro!
Nu är det "roliga", samma stund när jag omsatt 15 euro raderas hela summan och jag har 15 euro som EGNA PENGAR"
Idag finns massa casino som kör " bedrägeri" bonus och man ser det när det är försent!
Aldrig mer detta casino!
こんにちは。あなたが説明したボーナスの賭けは完了しましたか? 90 ユーロを失い、15 ユーロを送金したとのことですが、15 ユーロを送金したというのはどういう意味ですか? そのお金を引き出したら、他のお金はすべて消えてしまったということですか? このボーナスの利用規約を見て、特別な条件が適用されないか確認しましたか?
Hi, did you manage to complete the wagering on the bonus you describe? You've lost €90 and you're talking about transfered 15. What do you mean you've transferred 15, you mean you've withdrawn that money and all the other money has disappeared? Have you looked at the terms and conditions of this bonus to see if any special conditions apply?
私は 30 ユーロを入金し、30 ユーロをプレイしました。ボーナス側では、入金したお金に対して 50% のボーナスが待っていたので、15 ユーロで、50 倍の取引要件がありました。ボーナス マネーでプレイを開始し、約 100 ユーロまで貯まり、50 回取引できましたが、最後の取引スピンで残高が約 88 ユーロになったとき、残高は元の金額である 15 ユーロに直接戻りました。残りのお金はすぐに消えてしまいました。
I have deposited 30 euros and played away 30 euros, on the bonus side a 50% bonus was waiting for deposited money, so 15 euros, they had a 50 times turnover requirement. I started playing with bonus money and have come up to about 100 euros, managed to trade 50 times and when the balance was about 88 euros in the last turnover spin the balance went back directly to the original amount - 15 Euro! The rest of the money disappeared instantly!
Jag har satt in 30 euro och spelade bort 30 euro, på bonus sida väntade 50% bonus på insatta pengar, alltså 15 euro, dom hade 50 gånger omsättningskrav. Jag började spela med bonus pengar och har kommit upp till ca 100 euro, lyckades omsätta 50 gånger och när saldo var ca 88 euro i sista omsättnings spin saldo backade direkt till ursprungliga belopp - 15 Euro! Resten av pengar försvann direkt!
うーん、この場合、私には奇妙に思えます。サポートに、何が起こったのか、どのようにそれが可能だったのかを伝えましたか? おそらく、彼らは何らかの形で説明できるはずです。
Hmm, so in this case it seems strange to me. Did you tell the support and what could have happened and how is it possible? They should probably be able to explain it somehow.
If not then I would probably think about opening a complaint because such a situation is not normal.
Let me know.
No, it's not necessary, I think they have such rules, you get a bonus with turnover and if you manage to convert the bonus, other money disappears and the original bonus remains!
I have closed my account and will no longer play at this casino!
Nej, behövs inte, jag tror att dom har såna regler, man får bonus med omsättning och om man lyckas omsätta bonus, andra pengar försvinner och ursprungliga bonus blir kvar!
Jag har stängt konto och kommer inte längre att spela på detta casino!
Yes, that would be quite possible. As for the bonuses, I would always read everything about them to know exactly if they are worth playing with because I often feel that it is the bonuses that make the gameplay harder.
I'm not surprised you closed your account, but on the other hand, wherever you play, always be careful and read the Terms.
Sometimes it takes more than a few days to verify documents, so I would not be that worried just now. Feel free to browse this thread to find out more about what the others have experienced and keep us posted!
彼らが言うように、betunlim のサポートと彼らのポリシーによれば、書類の確認には各書類につき最大 14 日かかります。🤔🤔🤔
As they say betunlim support and according to their policy that documents verification takes up to 14 days for each document.🤔🤔🤔
このカジノについて苦情を申し立てようとしているのですが、うまくいきません。2025 年 1 月 17 日に引き出しリクエストを出しましたが、書類のせいで拒否されました... 今のところ順調です。確認には 14 営業日かかるとのことです。
2025 年 1 月 28 日に、新しい書類を要求するメールが届きました。わかりました。その日のうちにメールで送信しました。
彼らはこう答えた。「Pix メソッドの結果には一時的な技術的制限があります。状況はすぐに安定し、Pix メソッドが利用できるようになります。」
3日間アカウントにログインしていますが、出金用のPIXメソッドがまだ表示されません。おかしいですね!!!! 出金はいつ保留されるのでしょうか?
詳細: 入金は PIX で行われ、2025 年 1 月 17 日に PIX 出金オプションが利用可能になりました。
I'm trying to open a complaint about this casino and I'm not succeeding. I made a withdrawal request on 17/01/2025 and they rejected it because of my documents.... so far so good. They say they have 14 working days to do the verification.
On 28/01/2025 they sent me an e-mail requesting new documents. Okay, I sent them by email the same day.
Finally, on February 17, 2025, my documents were analyzed and released so that I could make the withdrawal request.
I was surprised to find that I could only withdraw in cryptocurrencies !!!!. I emailed support about this.
They replied: "There are temporary technical limitations in the results of the Pix method. The situation will stabilize soon and the Pix method will be available."
I've been logging into my account for 3 days now and the PIX method still doesn't appear for withdrawal. It's absurd !!!! When are they going to hold my withdrawal?
Detail: the deposit was made in PIX and on 17/01/2025 the PIX withdrawal option was available.
Estou tentando abrir uma reclamação deste casino e não estou conseguindo. Fiz um pedido de saque dia 17/01/2025 e rejeitaram por causa dos meus documentos.... até aí tudo bem. Eles informam que tem o prazo de 14 dias úteis para fazer a verificação.
Dia 28/01/2025 me mandaram e-mail solicitando novos documentos. Ok, enviei por e-mail , no mesmo dia .
Finalmente , dia 17/02/2025 meus documentos foram analisados e já foi liberado para que eu pudesse fazer o pedido de saque.
Qual não foi a minha surpresa que só tinha a opção de saque em criptomoedas !!!! Mandei e-mail para o suporte sobre essa questão.
Eles me responderam : "Existem limitações técnicas temporárias nos resultados do método Pix. A situação estabilizar-se-á em breve e o método Pix estará disponível."
Já são 3 dias que fico entrando na conta e ainda não aparece o método PIX para saque. Um absurdo !!!! Vão segurar meu saque até quando ???
Detalhe : o depósito foi feito no PIX e no dia 17/01/2025 estava disponível a opção de saque por PIX.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com