このカジノについて苦情を申し立てようとしているのですが、うまくいきません。2025 年 1 月 17 日に引き出しリクエストを出しましたが、書類のせいで拒否されました... 今のところ順調です。確認には 14 営業日かかるとのことです。
2025 年 1 月 28 日に、新しい書類を要求するメールが届きました。わかりました。その日のうちにメールで送信しました。
彼らはこう答えた。「Pix メソッドの結果には一時的な技術的制限があります。状況はすぐに安定し、Pix メソッドが利用できるようになります。」
3日間アカウントにログインしていますが、出金用のPIXメソッドがまだ表示されません。おかしいですね!!!! 出金はいつ保留されるのでしょうか?
詳細: 入金は PIX で行われ、2025 年 1 月 17 日に PIX 出金オプションが利用可能になりました。
I'm trying to open a complaint about this casino and I'm not succeeding. I made a withdrawal request on 17/01/2025 and they rejected it because of my documents.... so far so good. They say they have 14 working days to do the verification.
On 28/01/2025 they sent me an e-mail requesting new documents. Okay, I sent them by email the same day.
Finally, on February 17, 2025, my documents were analyzed and released so that I could make the withdrawal request.
I was surprised to find that I could only withdraw in cryptocurrencies !!!!. I emailed support about this.
They replied: "There are temporary technical limitations in the results of the Pix method. The situation will stabilize soon and the Pix method will be available."
I've been logging into my account for 3 days now and the PIX method still doesn't appear for withdrawal. It's absurd !!!! When are they going to hold my withdrawal?
Detail: the deposit was made in PIX and on 17/01/2025 the PIX withdrawal option was available.
Estou tentando abrir uma reclamação deste casino e não estou conseguindo. Fiz um pedido de saque dia 17/01/2025 e rejeitaram por causa dos meus documentos.... até aí tudo bem. Eles informam que tem o prazo de 14 dias úteis para fazer a verificação.
Dia 28/01/2025 me mandaram e-mail solicitando novos documentos. Ok, enviei por e-mail , no mesmo dia .
Finalmente , dia 17/02/2025 meus documentos foram analisados e já foi liberado para que eu pudesse fazer o pedido de saque.
Qual não foi a minha surpresa que só tinha a opção de saque em criptomoedas !!!! Mandei e-mail para o suporte sobre essa questão.
Eles me responderam : "Existem limitações técnicas temporárias nos resultados do método Pix. A situação estabilizar-se-á em breve e o método Pix estará disponível."
Já são 3 dias que fico entrando na conta e ainda não aparece o método PIX para saque. Um absurdo !!!! Vão segurar meu saque até quando ???
Detalhe : o depósito foi feito no PIX e no dia 17/01/2025 estava disponível a opção de saque por PIX.
I'm sorry that there is some issue with the payment method you would like to use, but it maybe is not even the casinos fault, you know.
Aren't you able to use crypto, so you wouldn't need to wait any longer, perhaps?🤔
So, let's see how it will go then. We'll wait for another update from your side.
I can't withdraw/use cryptocurrencies. That's why I even deposited via PIX.
Why wouldn't it be the casino's fault?
Não consigo retirar/usar criptomoedas. Motivo pelo qual, inclusive, fiz deposito via PIX.
Porque não seria culpa do casino ?
Well, if the payment provider is not cooperating with this casino right now, or if there have been some technical issues, etc. Please know that I'm just guessing here. Right?
書類の確認にはそれぞれ最大 14 日かかります。想像できますか?
それは本当にひどいです!! 引き出しにどれくらい時間がかかるかは神のみぞ知る。通常、カジノの KYC はサポートを通じて即日行われます。
For each document verification they need up to 14 days. Can you imagine?
That's really bad!! And God knows how long g for withdraw. Usually casino KYC same day and through support.
利用規約を確認したところ、KYC には 14 日間かかると記載されていました。
本当に奇妙です。私の経験では、これまでプレイしたどのカジノでも、認証には常に最大 1 時間かかりました。
I just checked their terms and conditions, and it actually says 14 days for KYC.
It's really strange. Based on my experience, verification has always taken a maximum of one hour at every casino I've played at.
Jeg sjekket nettopp deres vilkår og betingelser, og det står faktisk 14 dager for KYC.
Det er virkelig merkelig. Basert på min erfaring har verifiseringen alltid tatt maks én time på hvert kasino jeg har spilt på.
各文書に 14 日間?とても悪い冗談のようです... この非常に恐ろしい期限の理由は何だと思いますか? 詳細は教えてもらいましたか?
I was hoping to see you back yet under much happier circumstances...
So, asking how you have been is probably not the best start.
14 days for each document? Sounds like a very bad joke... What seems to be the reason for this quite horrific deadline? Did they give details to you?
「BETUNLIM は、賭け手に対し、身元を証明する書類や提供されたその他のデータ (パスポートの詳細、居住地住所など) の提出を任意で要求する権利を有し、また、すべての詳細が確認されるまで支払いをキャンセルする権利を有します。各書類の確認には、受領日から最大 14 営業日かかる場合があります。」
I found it!
"BETUNLIM is entitled to request at their discretion any documents from the bettor substantiating their identity or other data they have provided (for example, passport details, residential address), as well as to cancel any payments until all such details have been verified. Verification of each document may take up to 14 working days from the date of its receipt."
Never seen such thing before...
ちなみに、私の残高が 0 ドルだったとき、Skrill 方式では最大 3000 ドルの引き出しが可能で、この方法で入金していましたが、残高にお金が $$$$ 入ってくると、同じ方法で突然最大 100 ドルの引き出しが可能になりました。
No details, just their policy.
By the way when my balance was 0$ the skrill method was 3000$ max withdraw which the method i used to deposit, but when the balance has money $$$$ suddenly the max withdraw 100$ with same method.
I wonder how these types of casino got high rate!!!
正直に言うと、セーフティ インデックスを調整するには、プレイヤーが苦情を訴える必要があるので、それだけです。条件を作成することも 1 つですが、実際のところは、これらがプレイヤーにどのように適用されるかです。
I just found the rules. So, I presume no real reason is necessary from their side.
Honestly, we need players to push complaints in order to adjust Safety Index, so that's it. One thing is to compose terms, but the real thing is how these are applied to players.
Technically speaking, when your balance is zero, the withdrawable limit is higher that when you actually posses active balance. Hmmmm, I imagine casino support has a great explanation for that.
I just sent a message to support about the withdrawal only having the option in cryptocurrencies.
I asked them to sort it out... after all, I haven't been able to withdraw for 5 days now. Support reply :
Thank you for contacting BETUNLIM!
Temporarily unavailable, please use other methods.
If you have any questions, you can always contact us at .
Best regards. Team BETUNLIM!
How can I withdraw by other methods if there's only Cryptocurrency ????
Mandei mensagem a pouco para o suporte sobre o saque ter somente a opção em criptomoedas.
Pedi para resolverem isso... afinal já são 5 dias que não consigo sacar . Resposta do suporte :
Obrigado por ter contactado a BETUNLIM!
Temporariamente indisponível, utilize outros métodos.
Se tiver alguma dúvida, pode sempre contactar-nos em support@betunlim.com.
Com os melhores cumprimentos. Equipa BETUNLIM!
Como vou sacar por outros métodos se só tem o de Criptomoeda ????
I just sent a message to support about the withdrawal only having the option in cryptocurrencies.
I asked them to sort it out... after all, I haven't been able to withdraw for 5 days now. Support reply :
Thank you for contacting BETUNLIM!
Temporarily unavailable, please use other methods.
If you have any questions, you can always contact us at .
Best regards. Team BETUNLIM!
How can I withdraw by other methods if there's only Cryptocurrency ????
Mandei mensagem a pouco para o suporte sobre o saque ter somente a opção em criptomoedas.
Pedi para resolverem isso... afinal já são 5 dias que não consigo sacar . Resposta do suporte :
Obrigado por ter contactado a BETUNLIM!
Temporariamente indisponível, utilize outros métodos.
Se tiver alguma dúvida, pode sempre contactar-nos em support@betunlim.com.
Com os melhores cumprimentos. Equipa BETUNLIM!
Como vou sacar por outros métodos se só tem o de Criptomoeda ????
In my opinion, there is no way to find out whether other options are or are not available. So, I suggest taking the money right away using cryptocurrency and being done with it. If the casino says there is no other way, I have no idea how to investigate that.
I'd say it does not make sense. If you don't mind, crypto is considered the quickest way, so if the casino suggests a crypto transfer, they are, in my opinion, closing the way of stalling further. That would be a very interesting situation and I hope it's not the case.
For example, you can try using available e-wallets for withdrawals, as they are also almost instant.
For eksempel kan du prøve å bruke tilgjengelige e-lommebøker for uttaket, da de også er nesten umiddelbare.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com