ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Betvictor Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
多くのプラットフォームでたくさんのレビューを読みましたが、このサイトではプラグマティック プレイ プロバイダーに関して何か危険なことが起こっていると言われています...
This is now beyond a joke!!!
I have read alot of reviews on many platforms and people are saying that this site has something dodgy going on with pragmatic play providers...
I was hoping not to agree but omg they are right.
My estimations about this site has rapidly gone downhill...
Clearly they cannot be trusted!!!!
Tut tut tut
I don't think it's the casino but Pragmatic the provider. I don't know how often you have been playing but initially you get a win with pragmatic then it all goes downhill. Don't ask me how they do it it's just clever software to fleece you out of your money. My suggestion is to play on demo and you will see how CORRUPT they are.
それでは、プラグマティック ゲームは偽物だと思いますか、それとも正確な問題は何ですか?
また、Pragmatic はカジノがデフォルトの RTP を調整できるプロバイダーの 1 つであると考えています。そのため、ゲームの RTP がデフォルト値と比較して低い可能性はありませんか?
So do you think the Pragmatic games are fake or what is the exact issue?
I also believe that Pragmatic is one of the providers that allows casinos to adjust the default RTP so isn't it possible that the games have lower RTP compared to the default values?
まあ、Pragmatic サイトで購入したボーナスのデモでは、そのリターンは冗談です!!したがって、カジノが必要のない調整を行うことはないと思います。最初は 100 ドルから始めて 15 回プレイし、毎回 1 ドルスピンをプレイしました。次回プレイするために 40 ドルを取り戻せたら幸運でした。非常に多くのデッドスピンがありました。 2 回目は 20 ドルが戻ってきたら幸運でしたが、その次はお金がなくなりました。私が適切なゲームをプレイしたときは、400 スピンのスキャッターボーナスはなく、スキャッターが 3 つ落ちた回数は精神的苦痛に相当しました。お金を手放してデモでプレイすることを考えている人には、まずパターンと、それらがどのように破損しているかを確認することをお勧めします。 RTP は本来あるべきものではなく、RNG は高度なソフトウェアによって制御されています。はい、勝つことはできますが、一般的には、お金がなくなるまで負けます。
Well on demo on the bonus buys on the Pragmatic site the returns on them are a joke!! So I don't think the casinos adjust them they don't need to. I played 15x starting with $100 first playing $1spins each time I was lucky if I got $40 back to play next time so many dead spins. The second you were lucky if you got $20 back and the next time you were out of money. When I played the proper game 400 spins no scatter bonus and the amount of times 3 scatters came down amounts to mental torture. I suggest again anyone considering parting with their money to play on demo first to see the patterns and how imop CORRUPT they are. The RTP isn't what it should be and the RNG is controlled by sophisticated software. Yes you can win but generally it's lose lose lose until your out of money.
I think in this case, if you've been aware of it for a long time, it's best not to play in that casino, what do you think ? You should stay with the ones where you don't have this problem.
I can see that something makes you come back to this casino, though. How is that?🤔
I can't believe it betvictor after 2 years decide in the middle of a winning streak that they're pulling safe gambling practices on me. While I have 70 dollars 80% of the way thru wagering. So they just kept my money or gave 30% of what I had in winnings. They didn't do this while I lost for the 6 weeks no they wait till I'm over 120 on a 10$ investment. They stole from me. Don't play here if they'll screw me after I've given them thousands of dollars they'll rip off anyone
What you try to describe here really doesn't sound right, and I really understand your frustration.
But could you please describe it in more details? What exactly happened there while you were playing, please?
I hope that we will be able to help you out.🙏
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