ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、BetWhale Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
皆さんに最新情報をお知らせします 🙂....
I've been depositing here a lot recently... really like the games and website.
I've never been able to withdraw due to not achieving coupon playthrough requirements.
I made it through playthrough and I am trying to withdraw $1900
I have sent them the required verification documents, so I will have to wait and see what happens...
I will keep everyone updated 🙂....
Hello, congratulations on your win and I hope everything goes smoothly.
I also see that you are going through verification, so if anything comes up, you can certainly share it with us. Hopefully this will go well and you will see your money as soon as possible.
I'll be here if anything happens. 🙂
We're glad to hear that and are always ready to help.😉
一度に 500 ドルを引き出すことができましたが、これには 3 日かかりました (週末は含みません)。
Hey everyone, hope you are well...
Betwhale does payout...
They do pay in increments.
I won $1700,
And was able to withdraw $500 at a time; which takes 3 days (not including weekends)..
But at least they do payout 😁
I appreciate that, even if it did take a couple weeks...
Good luck everyone ☺
では、出金状況に関する情報が得られたので、引き続きここでプレイしますか? 😀
Well, that makes me happy and glad you got paid. Of course in some cases it's not the nicest not to get the full amount, but as long as it's only for three days it would be fine for me too.
So will you continue to play here now that you have some information about how the withdrawals are going? 😀
何か新しい経験があれば、ぜひ共有してください。 🙂
I think that's quite reasonable. I would have a similar thing and stay where I feel good and there are no significant problems.
If you have any new experiences, feel free to share them. 🙂
My honest advice is do not deposit money into this so-called casino. For a ridiculous amount of 150 euros, first they need 7 days for 3 documents for basic verification and then for the payment I get an email that the money will be paid within 72 hours. 150 euros people today 7 days have passed, every time I contact them and every day the same story. My advice is do not deposit money here. I do not know if I can complain here directly or?
Moj iskren savet ne deponujte novac u ovaj nazovi kazino. Na smesnu cifru id 150 eur prvo 7 dana im treba za 3 dokumenta osnovna verifikacija a onda za isplatu dobijem mail da ce novac da bude isplacen u roku 72h. 150 eur ljudi danas je prosao 7 dan, svaki dab ih kontaktiram i svaki dan ista prica. Moj savet ne ubacujte novac ovde. Ne znam da li mogu ovde da se zalim direktno ili?
尊敬します。betwhale カジノについて苦情があります。17.03 に、72 時間以内にお金が支払われるというメールを受け取りました。7 日以上が経過しましたが、毎日同じ嘘が続いています。アカウントは確認されており、問題の金額はとんでもない 150 ユーロです。
Respect, I have a complaint about betwhale casino. On 17.03 I received an email that my money would be paid out within 72 hours. More than 7 days have passed, every day the same lies. The account has been verified and the amount in question is a ridiculous 150 euros.
Postovanje, imam prituzbu ba betwhale casino. 17.03 sam dobila mail da ce mi novac biti isplacen u roku 72h. Proslo je vise od 7 dana, svaki dan iste lazi. Racun je verifikovan a u pitanju je smesnih 150 eur.
こんにちは。ここで苦情を申し立てることもできますが、しばらく待つことをお勧めします。あなたがおっしゃった両方のプロセスに対して、カジノには 14 日間の猶予が与えられます。
認証に関しては、約 7 日間必要だとおっしゃっていますが、7 日間待っているということは、まだ認証されていないということでしょうか。認証なしではお金を引き出すことはできませんし、ほとんどの場合、週末はカウントされません。なぜなら、その時期にはカジノがそのようなことをしなくなるからです。
ですから、まず書類を確認し、問題がなければ撤回してください。この状況がかなり長く続いていて、14 日が近づいている場合は、私に知らせ、苦情を申し立ててください。
Hi, you can also file a complaint here but I'd hold off for a while. We give casinos 14 days for both processes you mention.
As far as verification is concerned, you said you need about 7 days, should that be now that you say you are waiting for 7 days, so you are still not verified? You can't withdraw the money without that and most of the time weekends doesn't count because that's when the casino doesn't always do such things anymore.
So try to look at the documents first and when they are in order, then withdraw. If the whole thing has been going on for quite a while and you are approaching 14 days, let me know and file a complaint.
Hello. I just want to let you know that the money was paid last night, thank you anyway. But 150 euros to wait 10 days is definitely a show. Verification took 7 days, three documents.
Pozdrav. Zelim da samo javim da su isplaceni novci sinoc, hvala u svakom slucaju. Ali 150 eur da cekam 10 dana je sou svakako. Verifikacija je trajala 7 dana, tri dokumenta.
お金が手に入ったようでよかったです。もちろん、確認はもっと早くできるかもしれませんが、週末に確認しないと 2 日短くなります。カジノ側も、すべてが順調に進んでいるか確認するために、このプロセスを真剣に受け止めようとしています。確認してからお金を受け取るまで、それほど時間はかかりませんでしたので、それほど悪くないと思います。この時点から、確認を待つ必要がないので、もっと良いかもしれません。
I'm glad you have your money. Of course the verification could be faster, but if you don't do it on a weekend it's two days less. The casinos are also trying to take this process seriously to make sure everything is in order. It didn't take long from the time you verified to get your money, so I guess it's not so bad. From this point on, it might be better since you wouldn't wait for verification.
Anyway, do you think you'll play here again?
Trust me, never again. It's logical that they left an impression of insecurity, in addition to 100 other casinos and betting shops where you can get money and 10k within 24 hours, why would any normal person even get nervous here and think about whether and when they will get 150 euros.
Verujte nikad vise. Pa logicno je da su ostavili utisak nesigurnosti, pored 100 drugih kazina i kladionica gde novac i 10k dobijete u roku 24h zasto bi iko normalan uopste se nervirao ovde i razmisljao hoce li i kada dobiti 150 eur.
I accept the reasoning so it's okay. I just wanted to say that it was probably due to verification because you can't withdraw money without it as a successful one. But I can see what your attitude is, so good luck in casinos like you described.😉
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com