ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、BETWINNER Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
エラー betwinner がオペレータの支払い処理エラーにより拒否されました
error betwinner denied by operator payment processing error
あなたの苦情を拝見しました。私たちのチームは、介入する前にカジノに支払い処理のための 14 日間の猶予を与えると説明しました。この期間が過ぎる前に問題が解決され、私たちのチームからの介入が必要なくなることを願っています。🤞
Perhaps the casino has explained the error to you? Was it fixed by now?🤔
I have seen your complaint where our team has explained to you that we give casinos 14 days to process the payment before we intervene. I hope it'll be fixed before this time period passes, and there won't be any intervention from our team needed.🤞
Is this your first withdrawal attempt at this casino, or have you had any successful ones before?
このカジノで起きていることは信じられない。プレイヤーのお金をこれほど無視するプラットフォームは見たことがない。何のもっともな理由もなく、残高が 2 か月以上差し押さえられた人を私は知っている。サポートからの返答はどうなっているのか? いつも同じ返事だ。「確認中です。返答をお待ちください。」
これは孤立したケースではありません。Trustpilot や Reclame Aqui などのプラットフォームでカジノの評判を調べるだけで、同様の苦情が殺到していることがわかります。何百人ものユーザーが、説明のつかない残高保留、果てしない検証プロセス、そしてただ対応しているだけのように見えるサポート チームについて報告しています。
What is happening to this casino is unbelievable. I've never seen a platform act with such disregard for players' money. I know people who have had their balances withheld for more than two months, without any plausible justification. And what's the response from support? Always the same line: "We're checking, please wait for a reply."
But let's face it: what kind of verification takes more than two months? Any serious company would resolve this in a few days, a few weeks at most. If they can't process documents and release balances within a reasonable amount of time, it's blatant incompetence. If they are doing this on purpose, then the situation is even worse: a scheme to hold on to customers' money as long as possible, profiting from the trapped balance and making withdrawals difficult.
This is not an isolated case. You only have to look at the casino's reputation on platforms such as Trustpilot and Reclame Aqui to see a flood of similar complaints. There are hundreds of users reporting unexplained balance holds, interminable verification processes and a support team that seems to be there just to play catch-up.
What can we conclude? This casino is clearly harming its customers, either through bad faith or extreme incompetence. What's worse, they continue to operate with impunity, scamming new players every day.
É inacreditável o que está acontecendo com esse cassino. Nunca vi uma plataforma agir com tanto descaso em relação ao dinheiro dos jogadores. Conheço pessoas que estão há mais de dois meses com seus saldos retidos, sem qualquer justificativa plausível. E qual é a resposta do suporte? Sempre a mesma ladainha: "Estamos verificando, aguarde a resposta."
Mas vamos ser realistas: que tipo de verificação demora mais de dois meses? Qualquer empresa séria resolveria isso em poucos dias, no máximo algumas semanas. Se não conseguem processar documentos e liberar saldos dentro de um prazo razoável, a incompetência é gritante. Se estão fazendo isso de propósito, então a situação é ainda pior: um esquema para segurar dinheiro dos clientes o máximo possível, lucrando com o saldo preso e dificultando os saques.
Isso não é um caso isolado. Basta olhar a reputação do cassino em plataformas como Trustpilot e Reclame Aqui para ver uma enxurrada de reclamações parecidas. São centenas de usuários relatando retenção de saldo sem explicação, processos de verificação intermináveis e um suporte que parece existir apenas para enrolar.
O que podemos concluir? Esse cassino está claramente prejudicando seus clientes, seja por má-fé ou incompetência extrema. E o pior: continuam operando impunemente, enganando novos jogadores todos os dias.
What you describe is quite a sad phenomenon. As for the verification you are talking about, I agree that it definitely shouldn't take that long and if it does, players can try to file a complaint with us and we would try to help.
However, what is probably my most important question at the moment is whether you have come across something like this at this casino. Because I didn't catch that from your post.
How is it then?
私もこのプロセスに含まれています。私のアカウントは 1 月 28 日から確認中です。私はすでに苦情を申し立てており、Casino Guru がそれを分析しています。Trustpilot にも苦情を申し立てましたが、返答はありましたが、いつも一般的な回答でした。
I'm included in this process. My account has been in verification since January 28th. I've already filed a complaint, which is being analyzed by Casino Guru. I also filed a complaint with Trustpilot, where they responded, but always with generic answers.
Estou incluído nesse processo. Minha conta está em verificação desde 28/01. Já fiz uma reclamação, que está em análise pelo Cassino Guru. Também registrei uma reclamação no Trustpilot, onde responderam, mas sempre com respostas genéricas.
So you did well and let's see what our team can figure out. I hope it will have a fair ending and everything will turn out well.
If you have an update, I'll be here.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com