ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Bm.bet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
このカジノの 5 Lions Megaways で最大勝利を収めました。現在の残高は 5,500 ユーロです。
6.13 最低引出額は、1取引あたり40 EUR / 40 USD / 60 AUD / 60 CAD / 40 CHF / 60 NZD / 200 PLNです。最大引出額は、1日あたり500 EUR / 500 USD / 750 AUD / 750 CAD / 2500 PLN / 500 CHF / 750 NZD、1週間あたり1 500 EUR / 1 500 USD / 2 250 AUD / 2 250 CAD / 7 500 PLN / 1 500 CHF / 2 250 NZD、1ヶ月あたり5 000 EUR / 5 000 USD / 7 500 AUD / 7 500 CAD / 25 000 PLN / 5 000 CHF / 7 500 NZDです。
これに関して苦情を申し立てる必要があると思いますか? すでにチャットで尋ねたところ、出金が完全に処理されるまで 6 週間待たせてくれるとのことでした。また、他の出金リクエストが 1 つでもアクティブな間は、出金をリクエストできません。したがって、出金リクエストごとに 3 日間待たせることにして、週末にこれらのリクエストを処理しない場合、5,500 ユーロの残高を引き出すのに 9 ~ 10 週間待たなければなりません。
Casinoguru には、出金限度額は月あたり 30,000 ユーロ、週あたり 10,000 ユーロ、1 日あたり 5,000 ユーロと記載されています。これはまったく正しくありません。
顧客が賞金を引き出すのに 1 か月、あるいは 2 か月も待たせるのはまったく公平ではないと思うので、この件について本当に助けていただければ幸いです。
i hit a Max win on 5 lions megaways on this casino. My current balance is 5.500 Euro.
This is directly from their Terms and conditions:
6.13 The minimum withdrawal amount is 40 EUR / 40 USD / 60 AUD / 60 CAD / 40 CHF / 60 NZD / 200 PLN per transaction. Maximum withdrawal amount is 500 EUR / 500 USD / 750 AUD / 750 CAD / 2500 PLN / 500 CHF / 750 NZD a day; 1 500 EUR / 1 500 USD / 2 250 AUD / 2 250 CAD / 7 500 PLN / 1 500 CHF / 2 250 NZD per week; 5 000 EUR / 5 000 USD / 7 500 AUD / 7 500 CAD / 25 000 PLN / 5 000 CHF / 7 500 NZD per month.
Do you guys think it is necessary to open a complaint regarding this ? I already asked in chat and they are willing to let me wait 6 Weeks for my withdrawal to be completely processed. And i cant request withdrawals while ONE other withdrawal request is still active. So if they decide to let me wait 3 days per Withdrawal request and if they dont process these requests on the weekend - i would have to wait 9-10 Weeks for a balance of 5.500 Euro to be withdrawn.
On Casinoguru it says - withdrawal limits per month 30.000 Euro - per week - 10.000 Euro - per day 5.000 Euro. this is by far not correct.
I really would appreciate help in this case since i dont find it fair at all to let your customer wait 1 month or even 2 month to withdraw their winnings.
出金に進むと、最大出金額がわかります。出金上限額がこれほど低いカジノは、おそらく方針を変えないでしょう。500 ユーロが 1 週間以内に処理され、次の出金に備えてアカウントへの送金が完了することを祈るしかありません。参加する前に必ずカジノを調べ、疑わしい場合は避けてください。ただし、これは大きな勝利なので、賞金を獲得したら楽しんでください。獲得には時間がかかりますが、いくらか失うリスクを負って、待ち焦がれる誘惑に負けないようにしてください。
When you go to withdrawals it will tell you what the maximum withdrawal is and casinos that have such a low withdrawal ceiling won't change their policy I doubt. What you have to hope is that the €500 is processed in a week and the transfer to your account done ready for the next one. Always check out a casino before you join if in doubt avoid. However it's a big win so when you get your winnings enjoy it. It's just going to take time to get it and try not to be tempted to get impatient waiting for it with the risk of losing some.
申し訳ありませんが、nigeljc59 さんの言う通りだと思います。カジノ側が事前の通知なしに限度額を引き下げる可能性もあるので、残念ながら、レビューが最近更新されたにもかかわらず、私たちはそれを知りませんでした。
Hi and congratulations to you.
I'm sorry to say that, but nigeljc59 is correct, I'd say. It could happen that the casino has lowered the limits without prior notice, so sadly, we have not found out despite the review having been updated quite recently.
I'll let the Data Team know about this.
Usually, we try to advise players to check the limits before depositing. The limits reflect the casino's ability or willingness to pay out higher winnings. Thus, this is an important aspect worth checking on in advance. I'm sorry it did not work out well for you. However, ask them whether there is a chance to alter the limits, but I would not give it much hope. The complaint also does not feel like a solution, as long as the casino pays out per the rules. 🤔
彼らからこのメールが届きました ... 私の出金は承認されるはずだったが、「エラー」によって拒否されたとのことです。大規模な詐欺のようですね 😀。どうなるか見てみましょう。明日までにこの「エラー」が解決されなければ、私のお金がカジノから引き出されることはないでしょう。また、私の問題に関してフォーラムのスレッドでカジノの担当者が応答していないのもおかしいと思います。CasinoGuru がこのスレッドを BM.Bet の上位の人物にエスカレートして、状況を知らせる方法はあるでしょうか?
I got this mail from them ... They are saying that my withdrawal should have been accepted, but an "error" prevented it. Sounds like a massive scam 😀. Let's see what happens. If they don't resolve this "error" by tomorrow, I doubt my money will make it out of the casino. I also find it funny that no casino representative is responding in the forum thread regarding my problem. Is there a way for CasinoGuru to escalate this thread to someone higher up at BM.Bet and make them aware of the situation?
they are scam i couldnt get money on banknonto not true them idiotes
彼らからこのメールが届きました ... 私の出金は承認されるはずだったが、「エラー」によって拒否されたとのことです。大規模な詐欺のようですね 😀。どうなるか見てみましょう。明日までにこの「エラー」が解決されなければ、私のお金がカジノから引き出されることはないでしょう。また、私の問題に関してフォーラムのスレッドでカジノの担当者が応答していないのもおかしいと思います。CasinoGuru がこのスレッドを BM.Bet の上位の人物にエスカレートして、状況を知らせる方法はあるでしょうか?
I got this mail from them ... They are saying that my withdrawal should have been accepted, but an "error" prevented it. Sounds like a massive scam 😀. Let's see what happens. If they don't resolve this "error" by tomorrow, I doubt my money will make it out of the casino. I also find it funny that no casino representative is responding in the forum thread regarding my problem. Is there a way for CasinoGuru to escalate this thread to someone higher up at BM.Bet and make them aware of the situation?
この手順は、カジノがあなたに支払うべき金額を支払わず、お金を受け取るのに問題がある場合に備えて行われます。カジノには、必要なすべてのことを整理してあなたに送金するまで 14 日間の猶予が与えられます。これが行われない場合、カジノに連絡を試みます。ですから、辛抱強く待って、引き出しについて問い合わせ、キャンセルされた場合や何か必要なことがある場合はどうなるかを問い合わせてください。
This step comes in case the casino doesn't pay you what it's supposed to and you have problems getting your money. We give casinos 14 days to sort out everything they need to and send it to you. If this does not happen then we try to contact the casino. So try to be patient and enquire about the withdrawal and what happens if it has been cancelled or if something needs to be done.
That's probably the most sensible thing to do.
これらすべては、それ自体とても奇妙です。私はすでに引き出しをリクエストしましたが、そこでは E ウォレットの詳細を入力する必要がありました。そして今、それをもう一度行う必要がありますか? それにもかかわらず、この「資金引き出しボタン」も機能していません。クリックしても何も起こりません。どこにもつながりません。私は何時間もかけて何度もそれを伝えました。彼らの返答はいつも、
なぜ「詳細」を手動で入力できないのでしょうか? 実際に引き出すには、なぜ残高履歴でボタンをもう一度押す必要があるのでしょうか? すでに入力した詳細を入力する必要があります。このすべてはまったく意味がありません。
I understand that. But they contacted me 30 Hours ago and told me that my withdrawal was ready to be processed but then an "error" occured.
I found that on itself quite alarming, but accepted it. Since then they are stalling and stalling. Apparently there is no error anymore but they are demanding completely nonsense tasks from me. Its very hard to explain because everything they ask for is so insanely random.
Regarding the "X" Button, (what they are asking for as shown in the screenshot) - it never existed. When i told this to them, they wrote the other mail.
All of that is very strange on its own. I already requested a withdrawal where i had to enter the details of my E-Wallet. And now i have to do it again ? Nonetheless, this "Withdrawal funds Button" is not working either. Whenever i click on it, nothing happens. It leads nowhere. I told them that several times, over hours. Their response was always,
"We have forwarded your request to our department for further review. Our team will look into it and get back to you as soon as possible.
If you need any help or have any questions, just give us a shout. We're here for you and happy to assist!"
Why is it not possible for them to enter the "Details" manually ? Why do i need to press a button again in my Balance History to withdraw for real ? And enter details which i already entered. All of this makes no sense at all.
In my opinion they are stalling massively so they dont get exposed to quick so they can steal as much money as possible. I could be wrong and this will be resolved tomorrow, but their responses had been to avoiding and always stalling.
And the funny thing is that none of their employees feels the need to respond here at all.
また、この件に関して公平に最新情報を提供する必要があります。BM.Bet は本日、私の銀行口座の詳細を尋ね、出金は確実に処理されるとメールで通知しました。したがって、お金は月曜日まで、遅くとも火曜日までには銀行口座に振り込まれると思います。ただし、これは 11 回の出金のうちの最初の 1 回に過ぎないことに留意してください。残りの出金がどうなるかは、今後の状況を見守る必要があります。最新情報を提供するのが公平だと思っただけです。
I also have to be fair in providing updates regarding the case. BM.Bet asked for my bank details today and informed me via email that my withdrawal will definitely be processed. So, I assume the money will be in my bank account by Monday, or at the latest, by Tuesday. However, it's important to note that this is only the first of 11 withdrawals, so we'll see how the others go. I just thought it would be fair to give an update.
残念ながら、このカジノは完全な詐欺であることが確認されました。2024 年 8 月 5 日の私の出金リクエストは、「技術的エラー」のためキャンセルされました。送金は処理されるとメールで保証されました。出金処理に必要なすべての情報を提供しました。
添付のスクリーンショットでわかるように、現在、私の出金リクエストは「メンテナンス作業」のためキャンセルされたと通知されています。これは、私がすでに 2,000 ユーロを騙し取られた別のカジノ、Scatterhall を強く思い出させます。彼らはまったく同じことを主張し、支払いを延期し続け、最終的に支払いが行われませんでした。
論理的な観点から言えば、たとえ送金が何らかの理由でキャンセルされたとしても、それはまったく意味をなさないことですが、なぜ手動で処理できないのでしょうか。今、私はいわゆる「キュー」の先頭に戻り、引き出しが処理中であると告げられるまでさらに 4 ~ 5 日待たなければなりませんが、また詐欺に遭うだけです。
この時点で、カジノグルーにも責任があります。このカジノは完全な詐欺であることが明らかになりつつあるからです。Trustpilot だけでも、私とまったく同じ問題を報告した人が 3 人います。つまり、少なくとも 4 つの同じケースが判明しています。私は、少なくとも係争中のケースが解決するまで警告を発し、カジノが人々を騙して金を盗む時間を与えないように求めています。それはあまり要求しすぎではないと思います。
It is now unfortunately confirmed that this casino is a complete scam. My withdrawal request from August 5th, 2024, was canceled due to a "technical error." I was assured via email that the transfer would be processed. I provided all the necessary information required to process my withdrawal.
Now, as you can see in the attached screenshot, I am being informed that my withdrawal request was canceled due to "maintenance work." This strongly reminds me of another casino where I was already scammed out of €2,000: Scatterhall. They claimed exactly the same thing and kept delaying the payout until, in the end, no payout was made.
Just from a logical standpoint: Even if the transfer was somehow canceled, which makes no sense at all, why are they unable to process it manually? Now, I am back at the beginning of the so-called "queue" and have to wait another 4-5 days to be told that my withdrawal is being processed, only to be scammed again.
From this point on, the responsibility also lies with CasinoGuru, as it is becoming obvious that this casino is a complete scam. On Trustpilot alone, three other people have reported the exact same problem as I have. So at least four identical cases are known. I am asking at the very least for a warning to be issued until the pending cases are resolved, and to not give the casino more time to scam people and steal money. I don't think that's too much to ask.
I see you haven't moved much, but you have an open complaint and if this continues, our team will try to contact the casino and help you. It's not a pleasant situation and I certainly understand that and I'd like to see it resolved. So if they have maintenance work, is it in the area of withdrawals or the whole casino ? Have you tried asking if it would help to enter some other payment method and withdraw using that ? I find it all strange but I believe it will be up and running soon and you will gradually get your money.
Although it's probably not what you want to hear, but you'll have to be patient even though I know you've had enough.
Hopefully it will work out.
brother, I won't be negative, but it will be difficult for you to get money, they are all the same bookmakers on the Internet, fraudsters, bet in the state bookmaker where you live, the best is safe traffic, payment, payment without problems, what is done over the Internet, I am surprised that the authorities do something, or are they all tied up be careful that you wait for 20 days and you still don't know if you will get a game of nerves. It's about these fraudulent talismans who are idiots.
状況の最新情報: 500 ユーロの最初の出金リクエストが承認され、私の Jeton アカウントに送金されました。これは希望の光と言えると思います。次の 10 回の送金も問題なく完了し、これ以上心配しなくて済むことを心から願っています。
Update on the situation: The first withdrawal request of 500 euros was accepted and transferred to my Jeton account. I think this could be seen as a glimmer of hope. I sincerely hope that the next 10 transfers will also go through, so I don’t have to worry any further.
A good start I would say. I also hope that everything will go smoothly from now on and you will get all the money as you should. I'll be here if anything gets complicated or for your positive update. 😉
Hello, did you manage to withdraw all the money? I've been waiting since the 13th for my first withdrawal to be processed and it's now the 19th. Please tell me, I'm very worried.
Salut ai reușit să scoți toți bani ? Eu aștept de pe 13 sa mi se procedeze prima retragere și suntem acum pe 19 te rog sa îmi zici sunt foarte ingrijorat
あなたの苦情を拝見しましたが、私たちのチームが介入できるようになるまでには 14 日間待つ必要があるとのことです。
また、念のため確認しておきますが、 Bm.Bet カジノのスレッドに書き込んだということは、どのカジノでこのような経験をしたのですか? 🤷♀️
Maybe try next time to use the "reply" button if you want to ask your question to some particular user. That way he/she can get notified about your message. 😉
I saw your complaint and that our team needs to wait 14 days before they can intervene.
You wrote there that you have been verified twice at this casino, so may I ask how come? Because you said that this is your first withdrawal, that is why I wonder actually. 🤔
And also, just to be clear. At which casino do you experience this because you wrote here to the Bm.Bet Casino thread? 🤷♀️
So my account was verified the first time with a screenshot and after I withdrew I was asked for a screenshot with my ID and on the back to be seen on another device so my casino account would be visible, stupid, they still haven't approved my withdrawal
Așadar mi sa verificat contul prima data total cu scrinshot și după când am retras mi sa cerut scrin cu buletinul și în spate sa se vadă pe alt dispozitiv contul meu de casino sa fie vizibil o prostie încă nu miau aprobat retragerea
To tell you the truth, this kind of verification process is nothing unusual, though.
Were you able to send it?
Please confirm the name of the casino where you experienced this, as you wrote to a different casino thread and your complaint was filed for another casino.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com