ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Bof Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
しかし、最近新しい家に引っ越したので、Bof Casino プロフィールの住所を更新する必要があります。残念ながら、自分で更新することはできないようで、サポートが必要です。
問題は、サポートに連絡する方法が見つからないことです。Web サイトのライブ チャットは機能せず、メール アドレスも見つけることができませんでした。
サポート チームに連絡する方法について何かアドバイスはありますか?
I'm trying to withdraw my winnings, but the platform is requesting a document that includes my address, which is understandable.
However, I recently moved to a new house, so the address on my Bof Casino profile needs to be updated. Unfortunately, it seems I can't update it myself and need support to do this.
The issue is that I can't find a way to contact support. The live chat on the website doesn't work, and I haven't been able to locate an email address either.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reach their support team?
しかし、最近新しい家に引っ越したので、Bof Casino プロフィールの住所を更新する必要があります。残念ながら、自分で更新することはできないようで、サポートが必要です。
問題は、サポートに連絡する方法が見つからないことです。Web サイトのライブ チャットは機能せず、メール アドレスも見つけることができませんでした。
サポート チームに連絡する方法について何かアドバイスはありますか?
I'm trying to withdraw my winnings, but the platform is requesting a document that includes my address, which is understandable.
However, I recently moved to a new house, so the address on my Bof Casino profile needs to be updated. Unfortunately, it seems I can't update it myself and need support to do this.
The issue is that I can't find a way to contact support. The live chat on the website doesn't work, and I haven't been able to locate an email address either.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reach their support team?
どうしてうまくいかないのでしょうか? ところで、もう一度試してみましたか?
Hey. I actually did some research and found out that only through live chat you can contact this casino, as they told me there. But then I found this: help@bofcasino.com Try that, and hopefully it'll work.
How come it is not working for you? Have you tried it again by the way, perhaps?
Let us know, please, if you were able to fix it; if not, our complaint team will try to intervene.
最初は、gamstop カジノ以外でこのゲームを本当に楽しんでいました。数回の小額入金の後、200 ポンドを引き出すことができました。その金額は、KYC が成功したその日のうちに私のアカウントに届きました。
私は月々の制限を 150 ポンドに設定しましたが、1 か月が経過する前にこの制限に達しました。この制限を取り消すことができたので、制限を再度設定することができました。そこで、別の 150 ポンドの制限を設定したところ、同じ日に再び 150 ポンドまでプレイできるようになりました。ギャンブルをしてさらにお金を失ったので、とても残念です。2025 年 2 月 26 日現在、カジノから 1 週間自己排除することができました。ログインできないので、これでうまくいきます。
At first i was really enjoying this not on gamstop casino. I managed to withdraw £200 after a few small deposits, which reached my account the same day as the KYC was successful.
I set up a monthly limit of £150, which i reached well before a month had passed. I was able to cancel this limit, which then allowed my to re-set the limit again. So i set up another £150 limit, which i was then allowed to play up to £150 again the same day. This was very disappointing as i have now gambled and lost more money. I have as of 26th February 2025, managed to self exclude myself for a week from the casino, which works as i cannot login.
They need to sort out the responsible gambling tools on the website so more people dont do what i managed to do.
あなたのケースではどのような制限が関係していたのか教えていただけますか? 制限の目的はキャンセルできないようにすることです。
Could I ask what kind of limit was involved in your case? You shouldn't be able to cancel it because that's the whole point of the limit.
Also, regarding the cool of period, were you able to get into the casino or not? Was there a problem with this responsible gambling tool as well?
If by any chance the deposit limit doesn't work, just say so, that's something that definitely shouldn't be possible.
If this is the case and you lose money, you can contact us. Of course, the best thing to do would be to contact the casino and ask why this is even possible, as this is the way the deposit limit point is lost.
I did consider raising this concern with you guys. I'm locked out of my account atm. I'll have a chat with them next time I'm able to get in.
Well, if something is wrong, you can contact us. But I like that you are trying to resolve things like this, even though it is not the easiest thing to do.🙂
問題の性質によりますが、最初に限度額と口座閉鎖について言及し、入金限度額が期待通りに機能しないことに疑問を抱き、限度額を 1 か月に設定していつでもキャンセルできるとおっしゃった場合、それが限度額の目的ではありません。もちろん、問題の内容によって異なるため、苦情を申し立てる必要があります。返金を 100% 支援できるとは言えませんが、問題に気付いたら、最初から解決するのがよいでしょう。もちろん、解決できない場合は、理想的には、そのようなことが機能する場所に行くことです。
It would depend on the nature of the problem, but when you mentioned the limit and closing the account at the beginning and you were skeptical that the deposit limit doesn't work the way it should and that you set it for a month and you can cancel it at any time, that's not the point of the limit. Of course you would have to file a complaint because it depends on the problem you have. We can't say 100% that we would help you get a refund, but if you catch a problem it would be good to solve it right at the beginning and of course if it doesn't work then ideally go to a place where such things work.
i do accept its my problem as it is an addiction after all. But having that saftey net was great for me as i can just forget about gambling, as its a relife knowing i dont have that option.
I understand, and it's really hard to fight addiction.
I'd like you to manage to stay out of casinos for as long as possible but if you don't, I hope you have as few bad experiences as possible. If anything arises that you feel is unfair, you can let us know and we will try to see if it can be resolved.
I'm not surprised, I'd certainly aspire to something similar. If you can't close the account, let me know. 🙂
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