正直に言うと、これは私が当社のシステムで観察した詳細とも一致しています。予測される安全性指数は 10 点満点中 1.9 点なので、この Web サイトは避けるべきです。苦情を提出してみてはいかがでしょうか。プレーヤーの利益のために、完全なレビューが公開されるまで、少なくとも苦情の形でカジノを暴露すべきだと思います...
Bad signal? I think you are far too kind. This is very concerning!
To be honest, it also matches the specifics I observe in our system. With a predicted Safety Index of 1.9 out of 10, this website is one to stay away from! How about submitting the compliant? For the benefit of the players, I believe the casino should be exposed at least in the form of a complaint until the full review is published...
10 点満点中 1.9 点というのは確かに低すぎます。遅延やキャッシュアウト回避に関する他の事実はありますか? 他にどのような基準を確認しましたか?
ご存知のとおり、私は苦情があまり役に立たないという点で悲観的です (ちなみに、事実は私の疑念を証明するだけです)。しかし、他のギャンブラーが今後 2 ~ 3 日以内に支払いを行わない場合は注意が必要だと主張します。
1.9 out of 10 that's too low, sure. Do you have other facts of delays or avoiding cashout? What other criterias did you review?
You know, I'm pessimistic in that compliants help much (BTW the facts only prove my doubts), however I will claim it just other gamblers to be aware, if they don't pay next 2-3 days.
10 点満点中 1.9 点というのは確かに低すぎます。遅延やキャッシュアウト回避に関する他の事実はありますか? 他にどのような基準を確認しましたか?
ご存知のとおり、私は苦情があまり役に立たないという点で悲観的です (ちなみに、事実は私の疑念を証明するだけです)。しかし、他のギャンブラーが今後 2 ~ 3 日以内に支払いを行わない場合は注意が必要だと主張します。
1.9 out of 10 that's too low, sure. Do you have other facts of delays or avoiding cashout? What other criterias did you review?
You know, I'm pessimistic in that compliants help much (BTW the facts only prove my doubts), however I will claim it just other gamblers to be aware, if they don't pay next 2-3 days.
しかし、具体的な値については、これらの Electricwins のレビューが出るまで待たなければならないと思います。
詳細なプロセスガイドに興味があるかもしれません。もしそうなら、 ここにリンクがあります👈
Indeed many other aspects are included in the review!
Feel free to browse the tab called "Safety Index explained" for any other casino, for instance. The major features are the same.
Yet for the concrete values, I fear we have to wait until the review for these Electricwins comes up.
Perhaps you would be interested in the detailed process guide; if so, here is the link to it 👈
The methods behind the review are so complex, so I truly love to avoid simplifications. 😀
Such reading may raise additional questions, so feel free to ask away!
Omg so how much time it have to wait for my withdrawal 3 months lol
I've already forwarded it to our team to add. I firmly believe that soon this casino will be on our site.😉
最近、Facebook で https://wageredcasino.com/ の広告を見つけました。
最後の行の情報によると、開始年が 2018 年であるという点が興味深いと思いました。しかし、あなたのような Web サイトにこのカジノに関する情報がまったくないのは奇妙に思えます。
I recently came across an ad on Facebook for https://wageredcasino.com/.
Out of curiosity, I checked the website and noticed that its license is from the Comoros Islands, as indicated in this screenshot:
I found it interesting that, according to the information in the last line, the starting year is 2018. However, it seems odd that there’s no information about this casino on websites like yours.
Could your team take a look at this casino and possibly publish a review about it?
最近、Facebook で https://wageredcasino.com/ の広告を見つけました。
最後の行の情報によると、開始年が 2018 年であるという点が興味深いと思いました。しかし、あなたのような Web サイトにこのカジノに関する情報がまったくないのは奇妙に思えます。
I recently came across an ad on Facebook for https://wageredcasino.com/.
Out of curiosity, I checked the website and noticed that its license is from the Comoros Islands, as indicated in this screenshot:
I found it interesting that, according to the information in the last line, the starting year is 2018. However, it seems odd that there’s no information about this casino on websites like yours.
Could your team take a look at this casino and possibly publish a review about it?
カジノについての追加情報はまだあまり見つかっていませんが、コモロ諸島のライセンスは非常に珍しいことに気付きました。また、カジノは 2018 年に開始したと主張しているのに、あなたのサイトのような評判の良いサイトで知名度やレビューが不足していることも奇妙に思いました。
Hi, thank you for forwarding the casino for review! I appreciate it.
I haven’t found much additional information about the casino yet, but I did notice that the license from the Comoros Islands is quite uncommon. It also struck me as odd that the casino claims to have started in 2018, yet it lacks visibility or reviews on reputable sites like yours.
I’ll keep digging, and if I find anything noteworthy, I’ll share it here. Looking forward to hearing what your team discovers!
カジノについての追加情報はまだあまり見つかっていませんが、コモロ諸島のライセンスは非常に珍しいことに気付きました。また、カジノは 2018 年に開始したと主張しているのに、あなたのサイトのような評判の良いサイトで知名度やレビューが不足していることも奇妙に思いました。
Hi, thank you for forwarding the casino for review! I appreciate it.
I haven’t found much additional information about the casino yet, but I did notice that the license from the Comoros Islands is quite uncommon. It also struck me as odd that the casino claims to have started in 2018, yet it lacks visibility or reviews on reputable sites like yours.
I’ll keep digging, and if I find anything noteworthy, I’ll share it here. Looking forward to hearing what your team discovers!
Thank you for all the information and your interest.
Our team will surely prepare the full review of this casino as soon as possible, even though it could take a bit longer as we have a very high amount of new casinos coming in.
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