私は利用規約に従ってプレイし、勝ち上限が 1 ユーロの入金ボーナスを 1 ユーロのベットでリアルマネーに変換しました。
このカジノから得られるのは「技術的な問題」があるというコメントだけで、これらの「技術的な問題」がいつ終わるのかは誰も教えてくれませんし、教えてくれません。参考までに、西側諸国では誰もが数秒で銀行支払いを行うことができ、入金と出金はオンライン カジノの 3 つの主要な機能のうちの 2 つです。
This casino is bad.
They do not pay my withdrawal of 1.300€.
I played according to the T&Cs and converted a deposit bonus which has bo win cap to real money with 1€ bets.
Account verification is done according to the casino support.
I contacted the casino support friendly, several times, and also warned them that I will write this complaint if they do not process the payment, but they did not at all seem to be interested in clarifying the situation privately and fairly.
All I get from this casino is the comment that they have „technical problems", and no one can or will ever tell me when these „technical problems" will be over. Just as an information, everybody in the western world can do bank payments in seconds, and depositing + withdrawing are 2 of the 3 main funtions of an online casino.
My summary so far, unfortunately, can only be that a players money is GONE FOREVER after the deposit and that this casino does not pay winnings at all.
I would like to warn everybody (and hopefully it is many people) reading this NEVER PLAY THERE.
おそらく、厳密に言えば、ドイツは業界で最も規制が厳しい国の 1 つであり、この事実により決済プロバイダーは複雑な問題に悩まされているということも考慮する必要があるかもしれません。
How about giving the casino a few more days? I mean, if they really are experiencing technical issues, what other explanation do you seek?
Do you have any objective reason to assume this explanation is false?
Maybe you should also consider that technically, Germany is one of the most regulated countries in the industry, and payment providers suffer complications due to this fact.
I'm saying to stay calm and give it some time. Casino support seems responsive, and that's good.
Anyway, may I know how many working days have passed since your withdrawal was confirmed, please?
ここから少し離れて、カジノには入金、プレイ、出金という 3 つの主要な機能があると考えることもできるかもしれません。
後者が機能しない場合(私の場合は 8 日間機能しませんでした)、通常はカジノが不正行為を行っており、軽薄な理由で賞金を支払っていないことが原因です。ほとんどのプレイヤーと同様に、私もこれについて多くの経験を積んできました。
また、ドイツでの送金には 1 日以上かかることはなく、近い将来には数秒しかかからないことにも留意してください。確かに単純な譲渡には規制は問題ではないので、あなたの議論は全く根拠がありません。
Hello Radka,
I can tell - you seem to be on the side of this casino and trying to protect it.
Maybe you could step back from this a bit and consider that casinos have three main functions: deposit, play and withdraw.
If the latter doesn't work - in my case it hasn't worked for 8 days - then it usually has to do with the casino acting fraudulently and not paying out winnings for flimsy reasons. Like most players, I have had a lot of experience with this.
Please also keep in mind that transfers in Germany do not take longer than a day and will only take seconds in the near future. Regulation is certainly not a problem for a simple transfer and your argument is therefore completely unfounded
The casino's support is not helpful and, in my opinion, provides support for the casino rather than for the players. Other than flimsy excuses, I haven't received any help here for days.
I turn to this platform because I need help and not because I have too little understanding for the (oh-so-poor) casinos that are in default.
Maybe you can focus on what you're promoting - transparency for and support of players - rather than just expressing your understanding of the casino.
Best regards!
Hallo Radka,
ich merke schon - Sie scheinen auf der Seite ses Casinos zu stehen und versuchen, es zu schützen.
Vielleicht könnten Sie davon ein bisschen Abstand nehmen und bedenken, dass Casinos drei hauptsächliche Funktionen haben: Einzahlen, Spielen und Auszahlen.
Wenn letzteres nicht funktioniert - in meinem Fall seit 8 Tagen nicht funktioniert - dann hat das meistens damit zu tun, dass das Casino betrügerisch agiert und Gewinne unter fadenscheinigen Gründen nicht auszahlt. Wie die meisten Spieler habe ich damit reichhaltig Erfahrungen gemacht.
Bitte bedenken Sie zudem, dass auch in Deutschland Überweisungen nicht länger als einen Tag dauern und in naher Zukunft nur noch Sekunden dauern dürfen. Die Regulierung ist für eine simple Überweisung also sicher kein Problem und Ihr Argument ist somit vollkommen unbegründet
Der Support des Casinos ist nicht hilfsbereit und macht aus meiner Sicht eher Support für das Casino anstatt für die Spieler. Ausser fadenscheinige Ausreden erhalte ich hier seit Tagen keine Hilfe.
Ich wende mich an diese Plattform, weil ich Hilfe brauche und nicht, weil ich zu wenig Verständnis für die (achso armen)Casinos habe, die in Zahlungsverzug stehen.
Vielleicht können Sie das, womit Sie werben - Transparenz für und Unterstützung der Spieler - in den Fokus nehmen, anstatt nur Ihr Verständnis für das Casino zu äußern.
Viele Grüsse!
訴状の中であなたが言われたことは、つまり、このプロセス全体を整理するためにカジノに 14 日間の猶予を与えているということだったと思います。その間、カジノは必要なことをすべて行い、お金を支払うことができるはずです。そうでない場合は、状況の解決に努めます。
I think that in the complaint you were told the thing, namely that we are giving the casinos 14 days to sort this whole process out. In that time, the casino should be able to do whatever is necessary and pay the money. If not, we will try to resolve your situation.
However, since the casino has told you that it has some technical problems, it may take some time, so you need to be a bit patient. Also, this casino is quite new so we don't know what to expect yet and so we shouldn't be negative right away.
If you have something new definitely let us know but for now we will have to wait. I hope everything will be resolved fairly.
Same problems i have with them. My withdrawal is pending now 10days and always same answer on chat that they have tehnical issues.
ただし、公平を期すために、出金を処理するためにカジノには 14 日間の猶予期間が与えられているため、私たちのチームが介入するまでにはまだ数日あります。あなたのアカウントはすでにカジノで認証されていますか?カジノは依然として技術的な問題が発生していることだけを伝えているのでしょうか?
Hello, I see you're not the only one who has problems with the withdrawal. I noticed that you have already managed to open a complaint, so our team will be available to try to help you.
To be fair though, we give casinos 14 days to sort out the withdrawal, so there are still a couple of days before our team intervenes. Your account is already verified with the casino ? Is the casino still telling you only that it's having technical difficulties?
My account is fully verified. Support always answers that have tehnical issues with withdrawals. I have crypto withdrawal pending, i thought maybe they have issues with crypto withdrawals. So i propose that i can change my withdrawal to skrill. Answer from chat was the same: we have tehnical issues with withdrawals.
Yes of course, so basically still exactly the same. Anyway, if the casino says so, it's probably best to wait and hope that they will be able to resolve it.
If not, and you don't get your money and it's still the same old story, our team will try to contact the casino and see what can be done.
For now though, we will have to be patient.
私の引き出し口座はまだ銀行に届いていません。12時間待っています。まだ届いていません。販売者に引き出し口座に送金するように伝えてください。私の注文ID F-1803937703355977495 私のお金 INR 37375 手数料 1625
My withdrawal account has not yet arrived in the bank. I have been waiting for 12 hours. It has not arrived yet. Please tell the merchant to send my withdrawal to the account. My order id F-1803937703355977495 MY MONEY INR 37375 FEE 1625
まず最初に、あなたのアカウントがこのカジノで完全に確認されているかどうかお聞きしてもよろしいでしょうか? あなたのカジノアカウントには出金に関する情報がありますか?
May I first ask you if your account is fully verified at this casino? Do you have any information about your withdrawal in your casino account?
bookofbet からの苦情を拝見しました。どうやってライブチャットにたどり着いたのですか? ライブチャットは利用できません。認証にどのくらい時間がかかりましたか? よろしくお願いいたします
Hello MaxbetHunter,
I just saw your complaint from bookofbet. How did you get to the live chat? They are never available. How long did your verification take? Best regards
Hallo MaxbetHunter,
ich habe gerade deine Beschwerde von bookofbet gesehen. Wie bist du in den Live-Chat gekommen? Die sind nie verfügbar. Wie lange hat deine Verifizierung gedauert? Liebe Grüße
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com