こんにちは、おはようございます。彼らは私のメールに返信しておらず、お金が私の astropay アカウントに届いていないため、今すぐ苦情を申し立てる必要があると思いますか?
Hello, good morning, because they have not responded to my email and the money has not reached my astropay account, do you think it is necessary to file the complaint now?
Hola buen dia, pues no han respondido mi correo y el dinero no ha llegado a mi cuenta de astropay, ¿Creen que sea preciso levantar la queja ahora?
It's somewhat surprising but I think the casino has closed, it won't even let me enter my account, I feel like I was scammed
Es algo sorpresivo pero creo que el casino a cerrado, no me deja ingresar ni a mi cuenta, siento que fui estafado
状況が順調に進んでいることを願っていました。申し訳ありませんが、そうではありません。 🙂
お気軽に苦情を送信してください。ただし、カジノがアカウントを確認して引き出しを支払うのに丸 14 日間かかることに注意してください。
I was hoping the situation is developing quite well. Sorry to see it is not. 🙂
Feel free to submit the complaint, just note that we allow casino 14 full days to check the account and pay out the withdrawal.
Too long for my taste 🙁.
Are you in touch with the casino? Anyway, I'd say it's worth a complaint. Do you agree?
I already raised my complaint, I hope they approve it and I can send something to the casino. Why don't they even let me into the account anymore?
Ya levante mi queja, espero que la aprueben y pueda enviar algo al casino. Por que ya ni me dejan entrar a la cuenta
推測するのではなく、苦情を更新していただきたいのですが、 このリンクをクリックしてください。
「あなたのアカウントが完全に認証されたのはいつからですか?賞金をリアルマネーで貯めましたか、それともボーナスを使用しましたか?あなたのアカウントはいつ閉鎖されましたか?最後にカジノと話をしたのはいつですか?また、それは何についてでしたか? ?」
I'd love to tell you why your account is blocked, but it would just be a guess.
Instead of guessing, I'd like you to update your complaint, just click this link, please.
"Could you please advise since when is your account fully verified? Did you accumulate your winnings with real money or did you use a bonus? Since when is your account closed? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?"
Those are important questions. Thank you for keeping up with the complaint.
I had a good experience at CasinoAvion but I'm not sure if the casino is even working anymore. My account is simply blocked and I can't access it. I tried to contact customer service via email but without success. No one answers me to emails. If anyone knows what is going on with this casino, I would ask them to share it with me.
Ja sam imao dobro iskustvo na CasinoAvion ali više nisam siguran da li kazino uopšte radi.Moj račun je jednistavno blokiran i ne mogu da pristupim istom.Pokušavao sam preko email-a za korisničku podršku da stupim u kontakt ali bez uspeha.Niko mi ne odgovara na email-ove.Ako neko zna šta se dešava sa ovim kazinom,zamolio bih ga da to podeli samnom.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com