ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Casiny Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
4日間このカジノからお金を引き出そうとしています。何があったのでしょうか? pay4funとpixの2種類の方法で入金しましたが、出金時にskrillとecopayzのオプションがあります。サポートに何度か連絡しましたが、助けてもらえませんでした。解決すると言っても何もしてくれず、このジョークは4日間続いています。今日、pay4fun経由で出金方法を追加するために再度連絡しましたが、支払い方法を削除または追加することはできないと言われました。私の質問はどうですか?
I've been trying to withdraw money from this casino for four days now. what there was? I deposited using two types of methods, pay4fun and pix, but when I withdraw, there are skrill and ecopayz options. I contacted support several times and they didn't help. They say they will solve it and nothing, this joke has been going on for four days. Today I contacted them again for them to add the withdrawal method via pay4fun and they said they cannot remove or add payment methods. How is my question?
一方、カジノ側は出金の手助けをしてくれるはずですが、出金と入金の両方に同じ支払い方法が用意されていないこともよくあります。スクリーンショットの 1 つで、入金に使用したのと同じ方法で出金するように指示されていることにさらに驚きました。別の方法で出金できると思いますか?
Hi, I wouldn't say 4 days is that long and I'd like to know how you're doing now and you still haven't managed to withdraw the money.
On the other hand, the casino should be able to help you withdraw, but sometimes it's common that they doesn't have the same payment methods for both withdrawing and depositing. I'm even more surprised that in one of the screenshots they told you to withdraw using the same method you used to deposit. Do you think you will be able to withdraw using a different method ?
Let me know how the situation is at the moment.
Hi, stay the same. I contacted support several times and the response is always the same. I can't withdraw in a different way than the one I used to deposit even though one of the analysts asked me to withdraw in a different way. For me the strange thing is that to withdraw there is skrill for example, but not to deposit. The other day it appeared when I entered the casino that they had added payment methods to my account, but nothing changed. Below are some screenshots of the case update.
しかし、あるエージェントが利用可能な出金方法で出金することを勧めているのに、別のエージェントが入金した方法でしか出金できないと言うのも奇妙に思えます。検証できれば他の方法を使用しても問題はないと思いますし、カジノ側もそれを考え出すだろうと思っていましたが、私が見る限りではそうではないようです。したがって、さらに問題があり、何も解決しない場合は、 このリンクで苦情を申し立てることをお勧めします。
That's a pity, because if they offered you an alternative and you could choose another way, I can see that it wouldn't be such a problem for you.
But it also seems strange to me that one agent will recommend you to withdraw by any available withdrawal method and the other will tell you that you can only withdraw by the one you deposited with. I don't think it would be a problem to use any other method if you can verify it and I thought the casino would come up with it, but from what I can see, they don't. So if you have further problems and nothing is resolved, then I recommend filing a complaint on this link.
Hopefully this will change and when something moves forward you can update me.
So I’ve accidentally signed up and typed my email wrong (I can’t even remember what email I put in but it was missing a letter) and deposited using Mifinity without verifying my email first.. I did fill in my profile section and set deposit limits
I got logged out after making deposit then realised I couldn’t login with my email because I signed up wrong email
i have now signed with the correct email (verified my email) and have contacted support to transfer funds to this account
is this going to be a big issue or I should be able to get my funds into the correct account?
Managed to use live chat on my laptop (mobile website I can’t open live chat), they resolved my issue. Pretty happy how easy that was to resolve
Hi great, I'm glad you managed to solve it. I had some doubts when I read the first post because I would first like to see confirmation that it's ok and I wouldn't set up another account without it. But I see that the casino handled it nicely with you and everything is fine.
Feel free to let me know what kind of experience you will have when you play here, I will be glad to.
Good luck.☘️
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com