ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、CBet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hello and congratulations.
May I know how long did it take in total, please?
I'm sure the others would like to know.
これもライブゲームを提供しているのがわかりますので、試してみたことがありますか? 🙂
Thank you.
I can see this one provides live games as well, so I wonder have you tried any of those? 🙂
Anyway, have a nice Sunday.
ライブゲームは他のカジノが提供するものと同じです。結局、アカウントは悪いグラフィックではなく、すべてですが、引き出しに関する限り、私たちは悪い状態にあります。そのため、私は決してそれをお勧めしません。 Mystakeでもう1つのかなり大規模な撤退が進行中です。たとえ私が非ammsカジノでこのような数字を獲得したことがなくても、助けを求めて再びあなたに連絡する必要がないことを望んでいるので、過去を見ると少し悲劇的です。万が一に備えて再送いたします。幸せな日曜日とあなたがしてくれてありがとう
The live games are the same as other casinos provide, in the end the accounts are not bad graphics and everything but as far as withdrawals are concerned we are in bad shape I would never recommend it for that reason. I now have another fairly large withdrawal in progress on Mystake. I hope not to have to contact you again for help hahahah even if I have never won a figure like this at a non-amms casino so I see it a bit tragic looking at the past. We resend anyway in case. Happy Sunday and thank you for what you do
I giochi dal vivo sono uguali a quelli che forniscono gli altri casinò, alla fine dri conti non è male come grafica e tutto ma per quanto riguarda i prelievi siamo messi male non lo consiglierei mai per questo motivo. Adesso ho un altro prelievo in corso abbastanza consistente su Mystake. Spero di non dovervi nuovamente contattare per un aiuto hahahah anche se una cifra così non l'ho mai vinta ad un casino non amms quindi la vedo un po tragica vedendo il passato. Ci risentiamo comunque nel caso. Buona domenica e grazie per quello che fate
挨拶。おそらくほとんどのプレイヤーと同じように、私が興味を持っていることは 1 つだけです。あなたのサイトと他のサイトの両方で非常に多くの苦情と苦情があるカジノに、どのように、そしてなぜそのような高い評価を与えるのですか.このような明らかに泥棒で詐欺的なカジノに、本当に正直で良いカジノと同じ評価を与える方法がわかりません。私はあなたのサイトを一種のガイドとして毎日実際に使用しています。つまり、どのカジノが正しくて良いか、どのカジノを避けるべきかを示しています。私はあなたのサイトとあなたの経験と知識に頼り続けたいと思っていますが、あなたがそのようなカジノにそのような評価を与えるならば、私はあなたのサイトの使用も避けなければならなくなるのではないかと心配しています.私は読んで、カジノを評価するためのあなたの基準が何であるかを知っていますが、あなたと私、そして他のプレイヤーは、このカジノの場合、これが正しくないことを知っていると思います.これは、約 2 か月前にコメントを書いた最初のカジノです。友人に同様の状況が発生したため、今これを書いています。彼がコメントや苦情を書きたくないのは申し訳ないので、私は彼に代わってこれを書いていますが、明らかな泥棒を非常に評価することは、他のカジノや他のプレイヤーにとって本当に公平ではないと思います良い。コメントで恐縮ですが、このカジノの真実は私が自分の目で見て納得したからです。
Greeting. I'm only interested in one thing, like probably most of the players. How and why do you give such a high rating to a casino that has so many complaints and complaints both on your site and on other sites. I don't understand how you can give such an obviously thieving and fraudulent casino the same rating as some really honest and good casinos. I really use your site every day as a kind of guide, i.e. an indicator of which casinos are correct and good and which ones I should avoid. I want to continue to rely on your site and your experience and knowledge, but if you give such ratings to such casinos, I am afraid that I will have to start avoiding using your site as well. I have read and I know what your criteria are for evaluating casinos, but I think that you and I and other players know that this is not correct in the case of this casino. This is the first casino I wrote a comment about two months ago, and I'm only writing this now because a similar situation happened to my friend, only that in his case it was about much more money. I'm sorry that he doesn't want to write a comment and complain, so I'm writing this on his behalf, but I think it's really not fair to other casinos as well as to other players that you rate obvious thieves as very good. I apologize for the comment, but this is the truth about this casino because I was convinced of it and saw it with my own eyes.
Pozdrav. Zanima me samo jedna stvar kao vjerovatno i vecinu igraca. Kako i zbog cega dajete tako veliku ocjenu kazinu koji ima toliko puno zalbi i prigovora i na vasoj kao i na drugim stranicama. Ne shvacam kako mozete takvom ocigledno lopovskom i prevarantskom kasinu dati istu ocjenu kao i nekim stvarno postenim i dobrim kasinima. Stvarno svakodnevno koristim vasu stranicu kao svojevrsni putokaz tj.pokazatelj koja su kazina ispravna i dobra a koja je bolje da izbjegavam. Zelim se i dalje oslanjati na vasu stranicu i vase iskustvo i znanje ali ukoliko budete takvim kasinima davali takve ocjene bojim se da cu morati poceti izbjegavati koristenje i vase stranice. Procitao sam i znam koji su vasi kriteriji za ocjenjivanje kasina,ali mislim da i vi i ja a i drugi igraci znaju da to nije tocno u slucaju ovoga kasina. Ovo je prvi kasino za koji sam napisao primjedbu i to prije dva mjeseca,a ovo sada pisem samo iz razloga sto se slicna situacija kao i meni desila mome prijatelju,samo sto se u njegovom slucaju radi o puno vise novaca. Zao mi je sto on ne zeli napisati komentar i zaliti se,pa ovo pisem u njegovo ime,ali mislim da stvarno nije posteno prema drugim kazinima kao i prema drugim igracima da ocigledne lopove ocjenjujete sa vrlo dobar. Ja se ispricavam na komentaru ali to u vezi ovog casina je istina jer sam se u to uvjerio i na svoje oci vidio.
カジノがそのような評価を得た理由を知るには、名前が示すように「 評判の説明」というタブにアクセスしてください。ウェブサイトにリストされているすべてのカジノについて、評判が説明されています。
また、苦情セクションを参照して、これまでに提出された苦情の数、解決済みおよび未解決の苦情の数を確認することもできます。未解決の苦情は、カジノのブラック ポイントを意味します。先に進んで、自分で確認してください。私たちはカジノを異なる方法でレビューしており、レビュープロセスのみに依存していることにご注意ください - こちらで確認できます
to learn why the casino earned such a rating, simply visit the tab called "reputation explained" as the name suggests, the reputation is explained there - for every single casino listed on the website.
You can also go through the complaint section to learn how many complaints have been submitted so far, how many are resolved, and unresolved. An unresolved complaint means a black point for the casino, go ahead and see for yourself. Kindly note that we review casinos differently and only rely on our reviewing process - which can be checked here
Seems like you've aready done so, hence you knw that we only consider information we were able to evaluate.
No need to apologize 🙂.
Feel free to submit your own complaints against every casino that treated you unfairly and we will investigate.
Hi, it's always hard to guess what happened there. I suppose your account haven't been verified yet? Have you contacted their customer support regarding it?
文脈を理解するのを手伝ってくれてありがとう。 🙏
Hello there.
Could you provide more details, please? Like:
How long have you been waiting for a resolution?
Is this issue related to sports betting or casino bet?
What exactly did the casino tell you the last time you were in touch?
Thank you for helping me understand the context. 🙏
解決策を一週間も待っていません。問題はスポーツベットにあり、チームがゴールを決める試合ですが、CBETのページでは、ゴールを決めたチームではなく、相手チームのゴールとなります。たとえば、チーム2がゴールを決め、 in cbet チーム 1 がゴールを決めたことが判明しました。カジノはいつもと同じ答えで、この事件はまだ分析中ですが、それ以上の情報は私に提供してくれません。彼らが私に提供してくれるまで、私はきっと長い間待つことになるでしょう。解決策。
I've been waiting for a solution for less than a week. The problem was in a sports bet, it is in a match where a team scores a goal, but on the cbet page they score the goal for the opposing team and not for the one who scored, for example, team 2 scores a goal and in cbet It turns out that team 1 scored a goal. The casino has been telling me the same answer as always, that the case is still being analyzed but they don't give me any more information than that, and I'm sure I'll be waiting a long time for them to give me a solution.
残念ながら、Casino Guru ではスポーツ賭博を扱っていないため、ヘルプが見つかるこれらのサイトにアクセスすることをお勧めします。
ご希望の場合は、結果をお知らせください。 😊
Thanks for updating your issue and I’m sorry to hear that you have this kind of problem.
Unfortunately, since we are not dealing with sports betting at Casino Guru, I can suggest you to visit these sites where you can find help.
If you will do so, you can let us know about result. 😊
I ask for help in case someone can help me see what is done in these cases, since it is really hard for me to believe that it is a fraud.
Pido ayuda por si alguien puede ayudarme a ver que se hace en estos casos , ya que realmente me cuesta creen que sea un fraude.
こんにちは、このような状況でごめんなさい。ボーナスで遊んだか聞いてもいいですか?あなたのアカウントは完全に認証されていると書いてありますが、私の理解が正しければ、引き出しは成功しました。さらに、スクリーンショットに記載されているカジノのセキュリティ システムでどのような異常が発見されましたか?
とにかく、この場合、誰もあなたに何も説明しないのは奇妙に思うので、あなたに苦情を申し立てることをお勧めします。ここをクリックして開きます。続行方法についてヘルプが必要な場合は、リンクも記載しています: https://casino.guru/complaint-resolution-instructions
Hi, I'm sorry you're going through this situation. May I ask if you played with the bonus ? I see that you write that your account is fully verified and if I understand correctly, you have had successful withdrawals. In addition, what anomaly was discovered by the casino security system mentioned in the screenshot ?
Anyway, in this case I would suggest you to file a complaint, because I find it strange that nobody has explained anything to you. Click here to open one and I've also included a link if you need help on how to proceed: https://casino.guru/complaint-resolution-instructions
Our team will look at your situation and try to help you as much as they can.
Keep us updated as your situation progresses.
教えていただいたリンクにメッセージを入れました。アップされていると思いました。請求 ID 75682 を取得しましたが、見つかりません。何か間違ったことをしたのかわかりません。
1) 出金したブロックの前日であっても、ボーナスを一切使用しませんでした。
2) 初日から、彼らは私にドルを手に入れるために問題を与えました。私はほとんどのブックメーカーでプレイしましたが、残高がプラスよりもはるかにマイナスの方が多かったので、ブロックの理由がわかりません。彼らが言うには、負ければ賭け金が上がるという禁止されている方法でプレイしているそうですが、意味がわかりません。私の賞金はライブスポーツとライブカジノで得ました。スロットも含めて何でもプレイしました。
cbet サポートエリアに新しいメールを送信しましたが応答がありません。どこでも 4,000 米ドルを超える詐欺です。
Hello Jaro, thank you for your answer.
It's unfortunate that this kind of thing happens.
I put the message in the link that you tell me, I thought it was up, I got the claim ID 75682 but I can't find it, I don't know if I did something wrong.
Answering your queries:
1) I didn't use any bonus, even the day before the block I had made a withdrawal.
2) From day one they gave me problems to get the $. I have played and in most bookmakers and my balance is much more negative than positive, that is why I do not understand the reason for the blocking. What they say is that according to them I play a method that raises the bet as I lose, which is prohibited, but I don't understand what they mean. My winnings were in live sports and live casino. I played everything, even slots.
I have sent new emails to the cbet support area and they do not answer, everywhere it is a fraud of more than U$ 4,000.
Little hope is that you can help me, since I have seen that they have been able to solve several cases.
Please tell me if my case is open or I did something wrong in the process, where I even attached emails that were sent to me and everything.
Thank you so much,
Hola Jaro, gracias por tu respuesta.
Es lamentable que pase este tipo de cosas.
Puse el mensaje en el link que me dices , pensé que estaba arriba, me llegó el ID 75682 de reclamo pero no lo encuentro, no se si hice algo mal.
Respondiendo a tus consultas:
1) no usé ningún bono, incluso el día anterior al bloqueo había hecho una retirada.
2) Desde el día uno me pusieron problemas para sacar la $. Yo he jugado y en la mayoría de las casas de apuestas y mi saldo el mucho más negativo que positivo, es por eso que no entiendo el motivo del bloqueo. Lo que dicen es que según ellos juego un método que subo la apuesta a medida que pierdo, cosa que está prohibida, pero no entiendo a que se refieren. Mis ganancias fueron en deportes en vivo y en casino en vivo. Jugué de todo, incluso tragamonedas.
He enviado nuevos correos al área de soporte cbet y no contestan, por todos lados es un fraude de más de U$ 4.000.
Minucia esperanza es que me puedan ayudas ustedes, ya que he visto que han podido resolver varios casos.
Por favor cuéntenme si mi caso está abierto o hice algo mal en el proceso, donde incluso adjunto correos que me enviaron y todo.
Muchas gracias,
ただし、この特定のケースでは、当社はオンライン カジノに特化していることを指摘したいと思います。そのため、スポーツ賭博にも問題がある場合は、添付のリンクのいずれかで苦情を提出してみることをお勧めします。
あなたの状況ができるだけ早く解決されることを願っており、あなたの幸運を祈っています。 🤞
Hi, according to my information you have done everything right and you have submitted the complaint correctly. However, in the process of resolving, our team overlooked important information that you provided and therefore I ask you to open a new complaint with us once again.
Our team will look into the issue and try to resolve your situation.
However, in this particular case, I would like to point out that we specialize in online casinos, so if you have a problem with sports betting too, I would recommend that you also try to file a complaint here on one of the attached links:
I think your emails will be useful and our team will need them when they get to your complaint. Could you let us know if you file a complaint with us again please ? If anything is unclear or you have failed to see the complaint feel free to write and we will look on it. Also, I'd like to ask you if you still haven't managed to get a response from the casino ?
I hope your situation will be resolved as soon as possible and wish you the best of luck. 🤞
こんにちは。CBET カジノでプレイを始めるためにお金を入金したいのですが、方法が見つかりません。アルゼンチン出身です。
Hi, good, I want to deposit money to start playing in the cbet casino but I can't find the way, I'm from Argentina
Hola buenas quiero ingresar dinero para empezar a jugar en el casino cbet pero no encuentro la manera, soy de argentina
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com